Details of TES Experience System

Display Name
TES Experience System
Yuji Sakai (Knightmarevive)
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Last Updated
4 years ago
Inspired by The Elder Scrolls game franchise I created this small but very functional RPG mod.
After being hardly playable for a long time, TES is now in an open beta, but is still work in progress.
To put a lot of work in to a concise description, this mod grants experience points (XP) for a variety of actions.
Earning XP unlocks new levels, which in turn give you unique buffs.
Keep in mind that levels are not shown in the UI when they are only at 0.

Though the mod is currently Open Source, I haven't chosen the license yet, so everything here is subject to change, as you would expect from a beta build.


Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ

Q - How do I download TES?
A - Simply search TES on the Mod Browser section; you will require TModLoader.

Q - What exactly does this mod do?
A - Amongst other things, this mod adds a level up system aligned with each class. It doesn't require any input from the user, we have done it all for you.

Q - Something isn't working...
A - Make sure you have at least 1000 XP in any class. This can be tested by opening the console via [Enter] and typing /tes_stats.

Q - This looks great, but are there any rewards after reaching 1000 XP?
A - Of course! Just make sure you have the newest version of the mod, as a previous entry had an issue with this.

Q - I have something I would like to share with the mod creator, and the creator alone.
A - Sure! Email me at or Yuji Sakai (#6540) on Discord.


Though TES is a great mod alone, we also recommend pairing it with 'Unleveled' which adds nice GUI for Health and Mana. This is not obligatory, however.


For more information, such as changelogs, visit our Discord server - TES Development. Here you can keep up to date with the latest of my mods, and download new versions early!
tModLoader Version
Localizer Package
Localizer Package
Mod References
TGFX, TMUS, worldtilesflags, LOCK
Mod Side
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