Details of The Tale of Ascension

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The Tale of Ascension
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Last Updated
4 years ago
The Tale of Ascension is an RPG mod with uniquie mechanics.
Players don't get much stronger with just levels; they become stronger with class-specific bonus and global bonus.
Each class also have different active skill which is available from the beginning.

Classes :
Welkin : They have angelic appearance but they are vicious hunters. Their feathers are fast, deadly and will chace you till you can't run anymore. Active skill : Summon attack and healing feathers to aid you. Cooldown : 15 seconds
Afflicter : They appear to be from hell. They radiate hellfire so much that even being close to one can burn you. Active skill : Your chance attacks have 100% chance to proc for 10 seconds. Cooldown : 1 minute
Mechromancer : They fight with their hand-made drones. You can't beg for mercy to robots that blindly shoots the target. Active skill : Summon missile drones that shoots homing missiles. Cooldown : 1 minute
Bladator : They are masters of swords. The swords are sharp and just looking at it will make any creature tremble in fear. Active skill : Control a guardian. Cooldown : None
Night's Bane : They use light to blind their enemies. Don't get fooled by the light; It's bright enough to melt any metal. Active skill : Your shield has 100% chance to reflect any hostile projectiles for 5 seconds. Cooldown : 1 minute
Voider : They hide in shadows and come out to attack when it's favorable. One might be behind you. Or more than one. Active skill : You have 100% chance to dodge incoming attacks for 5 seconds. Cooldown : 1 minute

For more detailed info, please visit the linked forum post.
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