Details of Thanos Infinity Gauntlet Mod

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Thanos Infinity Gauntlet Mod
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Last Updated
5 years ago
Thanos Infinity Gauntlet Mod is a mod I will be creating and adding to over time.
This is my first mod, and I will make sure to see it through to when it is complete. It will be complete when I'm satisfied with my work!
I'm making this by myself, so it may take some time. I do not intend to work with specific individuals consistently throughout the creation of the mod.

I have made the mod website be a post on the Terraria Community Forum. You can leave feedback and read all info regarding the mod there.


Info- Check the forum post! (Updated 10/29/19)


(Updated 8/31/19)
- Added Empty Gauntlet
- Added Infinity Gauntlet
- Added Each stone with a unique ability
- Added Orb, Tesseract, Aether, Prized Possession, Mystic Eye, and Scepter

(Updated 9/11/19)
- Sprites are now slightly better, but still unfinished
- Some accessories have been balanced
- Beginning to work on more specific abilities with the stones

(Updated 10/6/19)
- Some new sprites
- The Mind Stone currently doesn't work
- The Power Stone now has a use
- The Mystic Eye doesn't currently work, neither does the Time Stone
- The Space Stone cannot be used yet
- The Tesseract is being fixed
- Many items don't show their sprites upon use - this is on purpose
- The Infinity Gauntlet no longer is used as a melee weapon, it is an accessory. This is the first part in a major change for the mod.

(Updated 10/29/19)
- Sprites have entered Version 4. Changes still to be made.
- Every stone (except the Time Stone) now has a proper function!
- All accessories (except the Gauntlet) are working!
- Some items have a weird use sound or none, I'm still figuring out sounds.
- I made the Tesseract obtainable. Find out from where by checking out the mod's forum post!
- The next update will include the Time Stone functioning, temporary ways to obtain all items, and newer sprites. After that comes the Gauntlet.


Plans- (Updated 10/6/19)
-Make better sprites for all items
-Fully flesh out abilities of each item
-Make debuffs
-May add some items from heroes (Concepts: Iron Man Armor, Thor's Hammer, Cap's Shield, Hawkeye's Bow, Spidey's Web Shooters, Supreme Intelligence item?)
-I have 2 ideas for bosses or waves, if I can figure out how to make them I will make sure to (Avengers wave event)
-Idea for a pet, structures, and rare loot from chests
-Gauntlet wont be just a standard weapon, it will have a unique use


I would like to state that this idea is not at all new, or my own.
I will be taking inspiration from other similar mods, and may incorporate some of their mechanics into this one. I will be sure to credit each one here.
I am obviously not affiliated with Marvel, Disney, or any associated companies. I'm making this for fun.


Inspired by addon for Garry's Mod, "Infinity Gauntlet SWEP and Model" by Xyz_
Inspired by the Ancients Awakened Mod for Terraria.
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