Details of Twitch Chat Code Redesign Update

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Twitch Chat Code Redesign Update
Download 660.6 KB Sync now ( Origin, Mirror 1, Mirror 7, Mirror 8, Mirror 9, Mirror 10)
Last Updated
5 years ago
This mod print text from stream in game chat

Please, report ANY issues with mod in discord.
Things never get fixed if i don't know about it!

Now config can be changed using in game config menu, but config file still used to load mod!

OAToken -> Your "password" what allow you enter the chat. Never paste here your own password
Use only token what you get from
It should starts with oauth: and 30 symbols.

IgnoreCommands Does mod should ignore commands (messages starting from ! for example)
Also enables ignoring bot messages and your own messages (in case selfbotting).
Enable it after you enshure what you see meessages from twitch.

EnableFun Experimental implementation of Twitch Plays Terraria.
Still lack of content, but if you want create a content pack use template from github or decompile example module mod or dm me in discord KindRed-Sand#2340

After changin anything in config save all changes and type
/t reload to apply changes and force mod to reconnect

All emoticons what your game was loaded stores on your disc at

Also each emote loaded from twitch chat can be reused using \[e:EmoteAlias] tag

You can also send messages in chat using
/t m Your Text Here

0.3.2 Update:
Major code redesign
Created external modules. Note: WorldEvent and VoteEvent can be loaded from ANY world so if you are mod creator you also can add event based on your mod!
Possible fix for crashing when saving world
Now town NPC renaming can be disabled in config

0.2.4 Update:

Changed emoticons delivery system, changed storage folder to
Config file will be moved automatically at new place
Added Twitch Plays Terraria experimental module what can be enabled using
EnableFun = True
Potential fix for crashing at mod initialization state (mod fails to move config file)
Added a wrapper around NetSend untill tML 0.11.4 in case what clients without mod stucks in endles Mod Sync.
Potential fix for msg spamming twice if Host & Play
Fixed emoticons won't loading from server since SSL error. Switched back to HTTP requests.
Changed way how TwitchBoss works, so it again enabled in servers
Fall back to WebClient since tML 0.11 breaks System.Net.Http assembly
Now emoticons should load, but way slower. I hope it get fixed in future

0.1.0 Update:

Added async emoticon downloading in runtime
.1 Potential fix for multi loading emotes newer got loaded
Also added /te fs for clearing failsafe cache (if client get exception while loading emote, it add this emote to failsafe list and prevent trying to load any emote from this list)
/te c clear texture cache. Update:

Added flag IgnoreCommands what allow ignore bot spams
.1 Changed home page to tcf instead discord

0.0.2 Update:

Added ShowAllIrc flag for debugging. Just print all unhandled messages from server in chat.
Minor perfomance enchancesment

Report any bugs for me in discord KindRed-Sand#2340

tModLoader Version
Localizer Package
Localizer Package
Mod Side
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