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Unhappy Mode
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7 years ago
Happy Days's Mod:Magic by Adt_10

-This Mod adds new weapons, cool items and bosses

-Tier 1 Weapons

Copper Staff(20 Copper Bar, 1 Ametyst Staff) - Shoots an Ametyst Staff projectile, but faster

Tin Staff(20 Tin Bar, 1 Topaz Staff) - Shoots a Topaz Staff projectile, but faster

Snowflake Shuriken(1 Ice Block) - New modded shuriken

Greatsword of Kah(40 Marble/Granite Block) - Shoots a magnet sphere projectile

-Tier 2 Weapons

Silver Staff(20 Silver Bar, 1 Sapphire Staff) - Shoots a Sapphire Staff projectile, but faster

Sunshine Star(1 Fallen Star) - Shoots 4 star shurikens at once

-Tier 3 Weapons

Gold Staff(20 Gold Bar, 1 Ruby Staff) - Shoots a Ruby Staff projectile, but faster

Platinum Staff(20 Platinum Bar, 1 Diamond Staff) - Shoots a Diamond Staff projectile, but faster

Poison Kunai(1 Stynger) - Shoots a poison kunai

-Tier 4 Weapon

Kluex Staff(20 Hellstone Bar, 1 Amber Staff) - Shoots an Amber Staff projectile, but faster

Meteorite Kunai(1 Meteorite Bar) - Shoots a meteorite kunai

Acid Gun(1 Slime Gun, 1 Illegal Gun Parts, 15 Hydrochloric acid) - It's like the Aqua Scepter, but that's a ranged weapon

Blade of Elements(1 Meteor Slasher, 1 Shark Shooter, 1 Ice Blade, 1 Mandible Blade) - Shoots a bouncing elemental ball

Meteor Slasher(20 Meteorite Bar) - Shoots superhigh velocity meteors

Shark Shooter(10 Coral, 1 Palm Wood Sword, 5 Shark Fin, 10 Star Fish) - Shoots rapidly sharks

-Tier 5 Weapons

Cobalt Staff(20 Cobalt Bar, 1 Poison Staff) - Shoots a Water Bolt projectile

Palladium Staff(30 Palladium Bar, 1 Flamelash) - Shoots a Flamelash projectile

Cursed Kunai(1 Cursed Flame) - Shoots a cursed kunai

Crystal Kunai(1 Crystal Shard) - Shoots a crystal kunai

Ichor Kunai(1 Ichor) - Shoots an Ichor kunai

-Tier 6 Weapons

Adamantite Staff(30 Adamantite Bar, 1 Bladetongue) - Shoots a Bladetongue pr
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