Details of Utility Slots
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Utility Slots
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Last Updated
2 years ago
!!! WARNING !!!
Unequip your wings/boots/balloons from the dedicated slots before updating or disabling this mod, or before installing WingSlot with it!
This mod adds dedicated utility slots for accessories that are all must-haves, so you can focus your remaining slots on your character build.
Obviously this will have an impact on balance, so I'm working on adding a config option to disable the reforge modifiers on the utility accessories to not give too many stats.
* Changed to determining item type from Identifiers, preventing mod accessories from fitting into the slots (both incorrectly, or correctly)
* Added a function to Call for interop mods to add their items to the check for these slots
* Added a config to disable prefixes (reforge modifiers) on UtilitySlot items
* Implemented compatibility with WingSlot, the original mod, so having both installed works as intended.
* Known Bug: Visual desync occurs when using _any_ of these items in multiplayer. The game functions fine, but players will appear to rubber band.
This mod was built on top of the Wing Slot mod by abluescarab. Below is their full description of the mod, kept for posterity and credit:
This mod adds a dedicated wing slot to the inventory. Now includes a config file! Access it from the in-game Mod Configuration.
* Left-click a set of wings or a dye, then place it in the slot.
* Right-click to equip wings.
* Shift-right-click to equip wings in the vanity slot.
* Right-click vanity wings to swap with equipped wings.
* Left-click the eye icon on the equip slot to toggle visibility.
[Known Issues]
* Yoraiz0r's Spell eye glow doesn't work
* Wings and character movement while flying will not display correctly in multiplayer
* Custom location will sometimes move off screen when resizing window (use mod config to reset if needed)
* Blockaroz for the fantastic mod icon!
* jopojelly for code that draws a slot to the left of the dyes; for fixing various other bugs
* Boffin for TerraUI
* Zsashas for bug report (custom dye incompatibility)
* VVV101 for released updated version
* vizthex for suggesting slot location option
* jofairden for suggesting mod compatibility right-click overrides
* direwolf420 for fixing the mod for 0.11.5 and adding getequipslotitem & other mod.Call()s
* Lastprismer for the Chinese translation
v1.8.4 2022-01-28
* Fix: Items will drop correctly on death
v1.8.3 2022-01-17
* Allows resetting the custom panel location if it goes offscreen
* Fix: Slots display on the correct equipment page
v1.8.2 2022-01-14 (HOTFIX)
* Fix: Items in custom slots should not disappear on joining multiplayer
v1.8.1 2022-01-13 (HOTFIX)
* Added Chinese translation (thanks Lastprismer!)
* Fix: Eye icon has correct visibility after reloading game
* Fix: Loot bags/boxes should no longer be allowed in the slots
v1.8.0 2022-01-12
* Added custom location option
* Added moveable panel
* Added translation files (make a pull request if you want to translate the mod!)
* Fix: Wings and dye will be dropped if character dies in Mediumcore or Hardcore
v1.7.3 2019-11-10 (HOTFIX)
* Fix: mod.Call() keywords should work (again)
* Fix: Cancelling mod loading won't crash the game
v1.7.2 2019-11-10 (HOTFIX)
* Fix: mod.Call() keywords work
v1.7.1 2019-11-10
* Fixed version number
v1.7.0 2019-11-10
* Fix mod for 0.11.5
* Implemented tModLoader ModConfig
* Add getEquipSlotItem and similar mod.Calls
v1.6.3 2019-08-17
* Build for tModLoader v0.11.4
v1.6.2 2018-09-16
* Fix: Changed equip override to right-click override and corrected functionality
v1.6.1 2018-09-16
* Fix: Wing modifiers are applied correctly
* Fix: Dyes work with visibility off
v1.6.0 2018-09-15
* Added mod compatibility slot overrides
v1.5.2 2018-06-25 (HOTFIX)
* Fix: Mod is visible in tModLoader again
v1.5.1 2018-06-23 (HOTFIX)
* Fix: Can remove items from slots again
v1.5.0 2018-06-22
Thank you, jopojelly, for making this release possible!
* Added multiplayer functionality
* Fix: Applies correct dust to wings
* Fix: Removed WingSlotPlayer.Initialize() lag
* Fix: Can no longer place multiple dyes in dye slots
* Fix: Can only place wings in wing slots
v1.4.1 2018-05-09
* Fix: Corrected release date in description
v1.4.0 2018-05-09
* Setting to allow equipping wings in normal accessory slot
* Setting to change slots' location
v1.3.2 2018-01-09
* Fix: slots move correctly based on window size
v1.3.1 2018-01-07
* Removed boffin from authors
v1.3.0 2018-01-07
* Moved slots back to main equipment page
* Fix: dyes should apply correctly
v1.2.10 2017-11-06
* Compil
tModLoader Version
Localizer Package
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Mod Side