Details of Vape RPG Alpha

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Vape RPG Alpha
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Last Updated
4 years ago
This mod is going to be an action RPG mod. It's in a very early alpha stage, so some features might not function as intended, bugs are common, use the mod at your own risk.
ATTENTION: Don't use it in conjunction with Vape Loot as this mod has it integrated.

Current features:
A simple RPG-like level system, XP can be gained from mob kills (the XP gain is determined by a function of the mob's HP, Defense, Damage)
On every level-up you get 5 stat points and 1 skill point. These can be spent on the Character Panel (default hotkey: C, set it in the options if it's not set).
Base stats: Strength (+Melee Damage, Crit), Magic Power (+Magic Damage, Crit), Dexterity (+Ranged Damage, Crit), Agility (+Melee Speed), Vitality (+HP), Intellect (+Mana).
Chaos mobs: When a hostile NPC spawns (if it's not a boss) it has a 10% chance of transforming to a Chaos mob. Killing these grants Chaos Experience.
Chaos rank: If you gain enough experience, you'll rank up and get 1 Chaos Point. These can be spent for minor bonuses ad the character panel.
Skills: They're all passive skills and I don't really intend to introduce active skills to the mod (they doesn't fit Terraria, imo). They are also on the character panel.
Despite the stats/skills there is no "class-restriction". You can make any kinds of hybrid builds.
Vape Loot's item qualities are implemented but they give base stat bonuses (like Strength, Dexterity) instead of basic Terraria bonuses.

I repeat, the mod is highly volatile in Multiplayer. Don't expect tech support if you encounter any bugs with it. However, if you have time for testing MP, go ahead. You may report bugs here and when I have time, I'll try to fix it.

Many things are tweakable via the config files. Please refer to the mod's thread for documentation.

WARNING: This mod is heavily in development and is in only a testing phase. Expect updates/changes very often.

ATTENTION: Multiplayer is not complete. No support will be given for any bugs you may encounter in MP, but you may report them on the mod's thread.
You CAN use other UI mods such as Unleveled. All you have to do is to disable this mod's UI in its config file:
(My Games/Terraria/ModLoader/ModConfig/VapeRPG.json) <- set EnableUI to false, then RELOAD/RESTART.
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