Details of Will Frost kill Terraria?

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Will Frost kill Terraria?
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4 years ago
Will Frost kill Terraria? That's the real question... I'm sure the potato plants would like to know.
Latest changes: Fixed integration with other mods... items from my mod which require other mods should now function regardless of other mod changes!
Also updated for latest version of tmodloader
The core idea of this mod is to add useful and convenient items at various stages of the game, without ruining the balance of terraria as a game.
This mod adds a number of small convenience items, such as:
- Reusable potions which can be crafted with mechanical boss drops and regular potions.
- Combined reusable potions, culminating in 1 potion which gives you many buffs.
- Combined buffs, since there is a limit to buffs.
- A few small weapons for early game.
- Some accessories which combine those rarely used into relevant ones.
- Added recipes for a few vanilla items.
- Tokens, crafted from event item drops, and which can be used to craft other ones.
- Tokens, crafted from boss drops, to clear all the duplicate drops
- Unlimited quivers and pouches for the different ammo types in the game
- Magnets which suck up items, which work in vanity accessory slots
- Reusable boss summoning items
- Lootboxes (to use up all those tokens you craft)
The mod also adds some extra content if you're using Calamity mod!
Plans for the future:
- A Wiki, so that it's easier to understand the mod!
- Various armor sets and weapons for different stages of the game.
- Special cosmetic items... WIP.
- More tokens for events, and more uses for existing tokens.
- Combined banner crystals, which give you banner buffs
- More integration with other mods
- More Calamity crossover items
- Some Thorium mod crossover items
- Finish setting up a discord server for mod discussion. (
tModLoader Version
Localizer Package
Localizer Package
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