Details of Wing Slot
Display Name
Wing Slot
94.6 KB
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Last Updated
3 years ago
!!! WARNING !!!
Unequip your wings from the dedicated slot before updating or disabling this mod!
This mod adds a dedicated wing slot to the inventory. Now includes a config file! Access it from the in-game Mod Configuration.
* Left-click a set of wings or a dye, then place it in the slot.
* Right-click to equip wings.
* Shift-right-click to equip wings in the vanity slot.
* Right-click vanity wings to swap with equipped wings.
* Left-click the eye icon on the equip slot to toggle visibility.
[Known Issues]
* Yoraiz0r's Spell eye glow doesn't work
* Wings and character movement while flying will not display correctly in multiplayer
* Custom location will sometimes move off screen when resizing window (use mod config to reset if needed)
* Blockaroz for the fantastic mod icon!
* jopojelly for code that draws a slot to the left of the dyes; for fixing various other bugs
* Boffin for TerraUI
* Zsashas for bug report (custom dye incompatibility)
* VVV101 for released updated version
* vizthex for suggesting slot location option
* jofairden for suggesting mod compatibility right-click overrides
* direwolf420 for fixing the mod for 0.11.5 and adding getequipslotitem & other mod.Call()s
* Lastprismer for the Chinese translation
v1.8.4 2022-01-28
* Fix: Items will drop correctly on death
v1.8.3 2022-01-17
* Allows resetting the custom panel location if it goes offscreen
* Fix: Slots display on the correct equipment page
v1.8.2 2022-01-14 (HOTFIX)
* Fix: Items in custom slots should not disappear on joining multiplayer
v1.8.1 2022-01-13 (HOTFIX)
* Added Chinese translation (thanks Lastprismer!)
* Fix: Eye icon has correct visibility after reloading game
* Fix: Loot bags/boxes should no longer be allowed in the slots
v1.8.0 2022-01-12
* Added custom location option
* Added moveable panel
* Added translation files (make a pull request if you want to translate the mod!)
* Fix: Wings and dye will be dropped if character dies in Mediumcore or Hardcore
v1.7.3 2019-11-10 (HOTFIX)
* Fix: mod.Call() keywords should work (again)
* Fix: Cancelling mod loading won't crash the game
v1.7.2 2019-11-10 (HOTFIX)
* Fix: mod.Call() keywords work
v1.7.1 2019-11-10
* Fixed version number
v1.7.0 2019-11-10
* Fix mod for 0.11.5
* Implemented tModLoader ModConfig
* Add getEquipSlotItem and similar mod.Calls
v1.6.3 2019-08-17
* Build for tModLoader v0.11.4
v1.6.2 2018-09-16
* Fix: Changed equip override to right-click override and corrected functionality
v1.6.1 2018-09-16
* Fix: Wing modifiers are applied correctly
* Fix: Dyes work with visibility off
v1.6.0 2018-09-15
* Added mod compatibility slot overrides
v1.5.2 2018-06-25 (HOTFIX)
* Fix: Mod is visible in tModLoader again
v1.5.1 2018-06-23 (HOTFIX)
* Fix: Can remove items from slots again
v1.5.0 2018-06-22
Thank you, jopojelly, for making this release possible!
* Added multiplayer functionality
* Fix: Applies correct dust to wings
* Fix: Removed WingSlotPlayer.Initialize() lag
* Fix: Can no longer place multiple dyes in dye slots
* Fix: Can only place wings in wing slots
v1.4.1 2018-05-09
* Fix: Corrected release date in description
v1.4.0 2018-05-09
* Setting to allow equipping wings in normal accessory slot
* Setting to change slots' location
v1.3.2 2018-01-09
* Fix: slots move correctly based on window size
v1.3.1 2018-01-07
* Removed boffin from authors
v1.3.0 2018-01-07
* Moved slots back to main equipment page
* Fix: dyes should apply correctly
v1.2.10 2017-11-06
* Compiled for tModLoader v0.10.1
v1.2.9 2017-07-12
* Shows hover text on wing slots
v1.2.8 2017-07-09
* Updated credits
v1.2.7 2017-07-09
* Removed unneeded references
v1.2.6 2017-07-09
* Compiled for tModLoader v0.10.0.2
* Added support for custom dyes
v1.2.5 2017-03-28
* Fix: slots work with autopause on
v1.2.4 2017-01-02 (HOTFIX)
* Fix: wing slot moved back to second equip page
v1.2.3 2017-01-01
* Moved wing slots to equip page one under accessories
* Fix: wing slots have correct opacity
v1.2.2 2016-12-28
* Fix: mouse draws above item slots
* Fix: dyes no longer affect other equips
v1.2.1 2016-12-28 (HOTFIX)
* Fix: game crash when using minecart
v1.2.0 2016-12-27
* Added dye slot.
* Updated to latest TerraUI
v1.1.5 2016-12-26
* Right-clicking vanity wings will switch positions with equipped wings
* Fix: animated wings draw correctly
* Updated to latest TerraUI
v1.1.4 2016-12-23
* Fix: compiled for tModLoader v0.9.0.3
* Fix: rewritten for new IO system
* Fix: shift+click not working if equipment page is hidden
* Updated to latest TerraUI
v1.1.3 2016-10-01
* Fix: compiled for Terraria
* Fix: slots moved to left of PVP icon
v1.1.2 2016-08-14
* Fix: wings are no long duplicated when left-clicking slot
* Fix: vanity wi
tModLoader Version
Localizer Package
Localizer Package
Mod Side