Details of Crimsanity Weaponry (AKA Yeethaw Arsenal)

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Crimsanity Weaponry (AKA Yeethaw Arsenal)
ChemAtDark & DirgeofSwans
Download 339 KB Sync now ( Origin, Mirror 1, Mirror 7, Mirror 8, Mirror 9, Mirror 10)
Last Updated
2 years ago
Previously known as Yeethaw Arsenal, we now have a team name: Crimsanity!

Newest Update:
- Paradox Mirror rework, it is now craftable, replacing its previous obtain method

Last 3 Updates:
- Stone Pellets lose damage after bouncing off a surface or enemy
- Many, many reworks have been made to various weapons
- Damocles' Misery will no longer instantly kill you when the sword falls, instead it just hits you for a massive amount of damage, removing the buff and imparting a 5 minute cooldown in the event you survive the hit

You want more weapons?
We've got more weapons!
We even have a few miscellaneous items!

...Sorry I don't feel like making a better description right now but here's what the mod adds so far:

Slime Bow, coats wooden arrows (including a couple flaming arrow types) in bouncy gel that even bounces off of enemies!
Hyper Scope, a magic weapon that can be charged to fire more powerful shots at the cost of additional mana
Stone Pellets, rebounding heavy bullets that inflict damage and knockback based on velocity, especially powerful at very close range, has an endless pouch variant
Grapeshot, essentially a shotgun blast of stone pellets with reduced damage and does not inflict extra damage at close range, lacks an infinite variant
Valmanway, an upgradable melee weapon that slashes rapidly, cutting your foes to bits!
Flare Boomstick, a combat upgrade to the Flare Gun with better damage output, still good for utility but less useless in battle!
Pulse Reflector, a device that can reflect projectiles on demand, it looks oddly familiar...
Voodoo Heart, a strange accessory that can reduce the amount of damage the player will take, there is a hidden drawback to this however
Lowercase R, a curious gun that fires the word 'BULLET', therefore able to inflict damage rather quickly, there's something about it that's familiar...
Wooden Bullets, relatively cheap bullets that break into sharp wooden fragments
Gatling Gunpack, a unique device strapped to the back that fires bullets as you fly, perfect for jetpack joyrides! It's very expensive and impractical, but who cares when you've got a freakin' machine gun jetpack?
Terra Nova, through blood sacrifice, the gods purge all that is impure
Paradox Mirror, an accessory that turns your mana into your lifeblood
Saber's Edge, a sword that can increase enemies' vulnerability to critical hits

More to come soon!
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