Details of Zeph's Improved Tooltips

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Zeph's Improved Tooltips
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Last Updated
3 years ago
This mod modifies and improves the tooltips in the game.
This is a singleplayer/client-side only mod and can be used when playing on any server.
Servers with this mod installed will send it to any clients without the mod.

Enchanted Boomerang
13 melee damage
4% critical strike chance
Very Fast speed
Very strong knockback

Enchanted Boomerang
13 melee damage
4% critical strike chance
4 attacks per second (Very Fast)
56 damage per second (4 from crits)
8 knockback (Very strong)
Reforges for 1 gold 66 silver 66 copper
Sells for 1 gold

- Damage per second
- Accurate crit chance calculations for DPS
- Accurate damage calculations for DPS
- Attack speed, taking in to account weapon speed buffs, auto swing, and delays
- Attack speed also factors in how melee projectile weapons work
- Ranged weapons use their current ammo for damage calculations
- Ranged weapons display their current ammo
- Knockback value displayed
- Reforge price shown on all valid items
- Sell price shown on all valid items
- The mod that an item came from is displayed
- Configure various settings and colours

- Zephilinox

v0.17.0 2022/01/19
- Added various configuration settings and colours
- Added option to highlight some key tooltip numbers
- Added ability to show the mod that an item is from, and an option to disable it
- Added option to enable/disable the tooltip line displaying the currently selected ammo for this weapon
- Added option to change when the reforge information is displayed
- Added option to change when the sell price information is displayed
- Changed the text for the reforge and sell price, to match NPC shop text
v0.16.0 2019/07/27
- Fixed Reforge tooltip showing for Vanity items
- Fixed Reforge tooltip showing for Armour
- Now checks to see if some pre-defined tooltips have been changed by a mod to prevent some crashes
v0.15 2019/07/05
- Added reforge price once the goblin tinkerer is rescued
v0.14 2019/07/05
- Fixed bug introduced in v0.11 for melee projectile weapon attack speed
- Added ranged weapon ammo calculations
- Added current ammo being used in ranged weapon tooltip
- Fixed DPS for pickaxes/hammers/axes
v0.13 2019/07/05
- Fixed bug in DPS relating to player weapon damage buffs
v0.12 2019/07/05
- Added sell price, matching vanilla store
- Fixed debug spam to chat, sorry about that
v0.11 2019/07/4
- Fixed incorrect attack speed with wooden sword/light's bane
- Reworded knockback
- Reworded speed
- Knockback rounds to the first decimal place
v0.10.1 Icon - 2019/07/4
- Forced an update so the icon can be uploaded
v0.10 Initial Release - 2019/07/4
- Damage per second
- Accurate crit chance calculations for DPS
- Accurate damage calculations for DPS
- Attack speed, taking in to account melee speed, auto swing, and weapon attack delays
- Attack speed also factors in how melee projectile weapons work
- Raw knockback value displayed next to knockback strength
tModLoader Version
Localizer Package
Localizer Package
Mod Side
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