Details of busted blades

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busted blades
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3 years ago
This is not going to be much more than a small mod, considering it is my first.

I am just going to build this mod as I go on, so it may contain many surprises because I just add basically whatever I feel like!

As of this mod's release, it contains:

- The Combow, a powerful bow made of the corruption and crimson!

- Crazy Bullets; powerful ammunition that packs a punch!

- The Crusticle, a slow but effective weapon obtained pre-hardmode!

- The Desert Eagle, A powerful golden hand cannon that is everybodies favorite!

- A Spoopy Sword Called The Endlessdark. it contains the power of a demon!

- no1, basically just my first sword. good for just starting off.

- The Stank Blade, A totally epic sword that reeks of a powerful musk!

- The Chilling Tetrablade, A powerful frosty weapon that combines the power of moonlord and the frost moon!

- The Treyssabre, A 1up to the terrablade made for my friend trey!

--- NEW CONTENT: V 2.3.5 ---

- The Blood Snatcher, a powerful blade that can heal you on swing!

- The Realm Shatterer, the most powerful weapon implemented to date! (best if used when playing Calamity) [WIP]

- The Bean Staff, an amazing shotgun staff that harnesses the elements... and beans?

- The Crusty Killer, a new summon weapon that uses souls to delete enemies! [WIP, not yet obtainable]

--- NEW CONTENT: V 2.3.2 ---

- The Axonopus Stiletto, a mutated and much more powerful blade of grass!

- The long awaited, Lunar Armor! This full set of powerful armor takes the essence of every pillar to create. It is the most powerful armor in the vanilla game. Best if used with the Calamity mod.

- A Big-ass Pill. use drugs at your own risk.

- The Ice Blaster, A snow shotgun that is the bane of any snowball fight!

- The Pulsar, a powerful futuristic laser cannon that fire energy bolts with the density of a neutron star.

--- NEW CONTENT: V 2.3.5 ---

- The Irradiant Frost Prism, An unbelievably powerful magic crystal that devastates enemies with both poison and ice damage!

- The Toon Snow Fox, a big upgrade from the megashark that was modeled after a cartoon!

- Other stuff I think, I forgor ;0

--- NEW CONTENT: V 2.3.6 ---

- The Bee Fury, a sword for when you have to combine cosmic power with insects.

- The Sharkfin Shank, a cool stabby thing made with shark fins.

- I'm still working on the crusty killer, but I did start working on a "Jet Board" mount! (you'll see)

- Bug fixes. More are needed, I know.

# Content soon to come:

- Actually decent sprites! [I'm getting better!]

- Lunar armor, (at least the helmet!) that will make the cultists look weak! [COMPLETED!]

- maybe a boss I don't really know yet tbh.

- prob some enemies?

# Thanks for downloading!
-ZJ Spaar, content creator. sub 2 Zdogplayz or I delete your mom.

also check out Manzello's mod, Reawakening!
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