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5 years ago
Attributes Adds old school dnd stats. Don't lose your character sheet!

I've added Gauntlets of Ogre Might. Increases your Strength.

The stat bonus is (3d6)/3-3. This gives a range from -3 to +3 to different bonuses.
The character sheet shows your stats, and can be stored in a chest. The dice will reroll your stats, but be carefull, because they can go lower. Fate rerolls all of them, and the others reroll individual.
The first aid kit is for healing, using the wisdom bonus. It does not cause potion countdown. If your wisdom is low, you are better off with potions.
Strength gives bonus to melee damage, and knockback. The different weapon tooltips will show the base and the bonus. Other mods will throw these numbers, so if you see damage 9 = 7 + 3, then you have a mod, or a debuff that is taking the 1 point away.
Intelligence adds to magic damage and mana regen speed.
Wisdom adds to max mana, and first aid kits.
Dexterity adds to ranged damage, and a little bit to defense.
Consitution is bonus max hp.
Charisma adds to minion damage and max number of minions.

Wild Magic! Be sure to set your keybinding for it to work. (Hit escape, go to settings, controls, and scroll to the bottom until you see mod controls and attributes:Daily. Click on <unbound> and then press what key you want it to be. I use the numberpad.) This will give you a few seconds of a random buff (using ExampleMod base). It might be a good buff, or a bad buff. Go to the discord attributes sub for more details and plans. Wild Magic is a little overpowered right now, so enjoy it till I nerf it.

Melee weapons will show the weapon damage, and below that it will show the base damage and the str bonus. It will not show anything else that would add to bonus. Intelligence now adds to magic damage, and above average Dexterity adds to defense.

If you like what I’m doing, and would like me to continue in this direction, consider donating. If you do donate, that means I’m working for you. Feel free to post a note to let me know what you’d like to see in my future work, I'll make a custom Magic Item for you, what stat needs a bonus? Homepage links to donation link:
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