Details of Averagity
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Aqua Cake
1.7 MB
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Last Updated
3 years ago
Averagity is an average mod
Except it gets updated frequently...
-53 Weapons
-16 Creatures
-33 Armor/Vanity/Accessories
-2 Block
-1 Tool
-11 Misc Items
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V2.1.1 - 1/23/2022
-Added Smore
-Fixed Copper Pointy & Pointy animations
-Piss in a Jar is now a block
-Fixed Shorty Melody sprite, nerfed it, and gave it custom sounds
-Changed Shorty Melody Spawn Conditions
-Star Zombie now uses proper sounds
-Imagine now works properly as a melee weapon
-Dealers Soul spawns less
V2.1.0 - The Token Update - 1/15/2022
-Optimized Code for Vanilla NPC Drops
-Dealers Soul now has a lesser Spawn Rate
-Changed Eye Tokens Rarity To Light Red
-Fixed some Tokens working in inventory slots
-Nerfed the Moon Token from 50 life regen to 30 and Changed the rarity to Red... and fixed a small typo
-Moon Token now gives + 15 Magic Damage and sells for 9 gold & New Sprite
-The Lihzahrd Tokens tooltip now reads "A token from the rituals." and says 20% increase instead of 20 increased.
-Changed Lihzahrd Tokens rarity to Lime
-The Slimey Token Now Sucks (i totally didnt have trouble making it how i wanted to and just give up)
-Added Lunatic Token
-Deleted Short & Tall Void Creature Tokens
-Added Nightmare Token
-Added Book Of Knowledge
-Kazuya Mishima
-Added Snapdragon Token
-Added Intelligent Token
-Added Stardust Token
-Added Nebula Token
-Added Solar Token
-Added Vortex Token
-Added Celestial Token
-Deleted M
-Deleted J
-Nerfed & Fixed Generic Sword
-"A" now has rarer spawn conditions & gives more money
-No U now spawns less
-Nervous Tendencies nerf
-Increased Criminal Bar Sell Price
-Added Criminal Hat
-Changed the War Helmets tool tip
-Added Skeletal Token
V2.0.7 - 3/9/2021
-Added Heavy Tome
V2.0.6 - 3/7/2021
-Changed Enchanting Stations Recipe to include 3 Diamonds
-Added Angry Bones.2
-Added Broken Time Shard
-Dealers Soul now has a higher spawn chance, custom sounds, drops a Dealers Card and a Heavy Soul
-Added Dealers Card
V2.0.5 - 3/6/2021
-Fixed Void Creature Book's animation and melee attack
-Added Sound and Projectile to the Void Creature Book
-Void Creature Book is now slightly slower and takes 8 mana to use
-Added the Criminite Soul Breather
-Added Heavy Soul
V2.0.4 - 2/01/2021
-Changed Changed Demonite and Crimtane Enchanted Minishark to be sold for 10 gold
-Changed "After 4th"s sprite
-Added Criminal Bar
V2.0.3 - 1/31/2021
-Changed Demonite Enchanted Minishark to use Demonite Bars instead of a Star in crafting
-Changed Crimtane Enchanted Minishark to use Crimtane Bars instead of a Star in crafting
-Added Demonite Enchanted Flintlock Pistol
-Added Criminite Bar
V2.0.2 - 1/26/2021
-Fixed rarity of "Pointy"
-Added Copper Pointy
-Changed "Pointys" recipe to 10 Dirt
-Fixed the sound of "Pointy"
V2.0.1 - 11/22/2020
-Added the Star Zombie
V2.0.0 - 9/22/2020
-Fixed the Void Creatures sprite breaking
-Slightly fixed up Pointy's sprite
-Changed Dealers Soul to spawn in the Overworld during Night
-Increased Dealers Soul's health from 37 to 100
-Dealers Soul is no longer hard mode exclusive
-Added gore for BiG hAnD
-Added Ball Of Plant Matter
V1.4.6 - 8/20/2020
-Fixed J's sprite size
-Fixed U's sprite size
-Added Void Creature Book
-Fixed the Void Creature Gun not having a recipe
V1.4.5 - 8/19/2020
-Fixed the Generic Sword looking exactly like Big Gun But Its A Sword
-Fixed Imagines Sprite Size
-Fixed No Points Sprite Size
-Nerfed Pointy & No Point & Changed Their Recipes
-Added Hay Scythe
-Fixed the rarity on the Wood Gun
V1.4.4 - 8/18/2020
-Added No Point
V1.4.3 - 8/13/2020
-Added Pointy
V1.4.2 - 8/11/2020
-Added Generic Sword
V1.4.1 - 8/10/2020
-Added U
V1.4.0 - 8/9/2020
-Added Imagine
V1.3.6 - 8/7/2020
-Added No U
V1.3.5 - 8/6/2020
-Added Big Gun But Its A Sword
V1.3.4 - 8/4/2020
-Added Shorty Melody
V1.3.3 - 8/3/2020
-Added Tall Wide Stick Gun
V1.3.2 - 8/2/2020
-Added Wider Stick Gun
V1.3.1 - 8/1/2020
-Added BiG hAnD
V1.3.0 - 7/31/2020
-Added Nervous Tendencies
V1.2.6 - 7/30/2020
-Added Blurry Gun
V1.2.5 - 7/29/2020
-Added Wide Stick Gun
V1.2.4 - 7/28/2020
-Added Dealers Soul
V1.2.3 - 7/27/2020
-Added woodgun
-Added biggun
V1.2.2 - 7/23/2020
-Added J
V1.2.1 - 7/22/2020
-Added Lihzahrd Token
V1.2.0 - 7/21/2020
-Added Star Enchanted Stick Gun
V1.1.6 - 7/20/2020
-Added Moon Token
V1.1.5 - 7/19/2020
V1.1.4 - 7/18/2020
-Added Short Void Creature Token
V1.1.3 - 7/17/2020
-Added Tall Void Creature Token
V1.1.2 - 7/16/2020
-Added Short Stick Gun
V1.1.1 - 7/15/2020
tModLoader Version
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