Details of Sam's Extended Arsenal

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Sam's Extended Arsenal
Pepstream Sam
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Last Updated
2 years ago
Sam's extended arse"nal
is a mod focused into bring more variety and wacky weapons, up to this version it only contains guns but i promise you
it's worth it obviously ain't somethin serious,
this is just a funny mod with funny wepons


i made some mistakes so here is the funny large release number
buffed bolt charged rifle

buffed void handgun now requires handmade handgun

sharktastrophe now its hold from the handle

buffed magnetiryzer

thas 'll

buffed moasmg (supposed to be the ultimate gun)

nerfed sharktasrophe (to op for you and me!11!1!1!!!!!1!1!1!)

if you don't wanna see some conten of the mod you can skip this

in total has 60 weapons
1 sword
hilariously light sword murasama ripp-of sword
53 guns
Bamboozler shotgun high speed gun

mumg a pre boss gun that shoots grenade with right click

cactigun a gun that shoots needles

m.o.a.smgs the mother of all smgs jack!

gausstaker a hardmode upgrade of the undertaker

pulsket again a hardmode upgrade of the musket

hand made hand gun a wooden that you can make just at the begining of the game

mr bombastic a absolute mess of explosions

vortex blaster a shotgun version of the vorte beter

vortex chain gun vortex chain buster and vortexstrasza and family just uppgrade of the vortex beater

the assaulter an assault rifle of halo looking gun that is an upgrade of the megashark

sharktastrophe a buffed version of the sdmg and an upgrade of the megashark upgrade

blue fleet a whale rockt launshr

D.H.L.H.G Direct Heat Laser Hard Gun a gun that shoot laser!!1

and much more guns

ammo 3 , 2 functional
blaminite a homing pre hard mode bosses bullet that explodes its very rare in quantity

electro shell shoots an electric projectile that chases your enemies
slowly like a rocket but it's a bit wanky so it may just orbit around them
and sets them in electrified

and beerrow don't try it it doesn't work
bows 5
colibrow a bow that shoots fenix but pre hardmode

ray bow a bow that shoots lasers

moonbow a bow that shoots moon light its like fallen stars but instantaneous

great alloy smalbow a bow that shoots rocket (its pre harmode)

this mod was made by the fair use laws and that things idk i just used open code mods to base of this
im very grateful with the bois in the tmod discord they were very kind to help me if you have any question you vcan ask in there in any discussion channel
i will be there

this mod is intended to be a small project or a little mod content and porting this will be a pain in the ass
also intended to be through progression in calamity and maybe thorium but mostly the second but idk it also may be useful in soa or split or spirit or..

thx for downloading if you did it obviously if you didnt well thas ok also fck you
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