Details of Terraria Ultra Hardcore
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Terraria Ultra Hardcore
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Last Updated
7 years ago
This is Terraria Ultra Hardcore! (Work in Progress)
This isn't about having more items, more weapons, or more bosses - this is about having more game modes!! The concept is simple - there is no way to restore health except through healing items, but even those are nerfed!
!!! v0.2 UPDATE !!!
- This update of Ultra HardCore saves you from having to disable this mod when you don't want to play UHC! A player or world can now each be in 'UHC Mode' - if the player OR the world is in UHC Mode, then your experience will be Ultra HardCore.
- To make a world in UHC Mode, select the option after world generation. To make a player in UHC Mode, type /playeruhc right after you enter a new world. But be warned - you can't turn it off!
- A temporary command has been added to make existing worlds UHC. Typing /worlduhc will permanently make your world UHC. This command will be removed in the next update.
- Type /uhcstatus to see your fate. Or, I suppose, 'be reminded of' your fate.
- If you're confused about where to type these commands, pressing 'Enter' is probably a good start :-)
- Added "Boss-fight Mode" support for Pumpkin Moon, Frost Moon, Old One's Army, and Solar Eclipse Events. Because, you know, the others are a piece of cake.
- Players can no longer heal with the Nurse due to the curse of UHC.
- Players no longer start with 200Hp in UHC Mode.
- This is a relatively big update, so if there are any bugs, please inform me on this mod's dedicated thread. I will fix the bug as soon as possible. Thanks, and enjoy UHC!
- Acts like a selectable game mode similar to Expert Mode
- No natural regeneration
- All healing potions nerfed
- Hearts do not restore health
- Nurse does not heal
- Life Crystals only increase your max life by an average of 10
- Respawn with full health
- Modifications made to make some bosses and events actually possible!
- Commands /all or /self to see death counts, plus comman
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