Details of Zipsters Mod

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Zipsters Mod
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Last Updated
3 years ago
|----------ZIPSTERS MOD!----------|

Zipster's Mod is is a mod themed around creating real world weapons and putting together a selection of items that I think
would be a cool addition to the game, it's not super serious. I add most of the items in the mod to fill small gaps I feel
have been left in the original game, so I have tried to balance the items as best as possible.

Here is a link to my Forums Page:

~-~This Mod Includes~-~

-Some Historic British Firearms
-Unreal Tournament 1999 GOTY Edition inspired weapons
-Fallout: New Vegas Inspired Weapons, items and enemies
-Fallout Weapons and Items
-Cool Hats (Pretty Epic Right?)
-A small selection of other items like tools and accesories!

~-~New To This Mod~-~

-Fallout: New Vegas Inspired Items!
-Death claw inspired "Dead Claw" Monsters will spawn in the underground desert!
-A selection of inspred weapons will drop from "Dead Claws"
-The EM-2 Rifle! The perfect rifle to fill the gap between the Megashark and Vortex Beater.
-The Desert Ranger Armour
-Many sprite updates.

~-~Coming Soon To This Mod~-~

-New NPC's
-New Enemies
-A New Invaision Event
-New Decorations
-A standalone Fallout inspred mod.
-An update on the mods forums page (I know, it really needs to be done)

~-~The Mods Current State~-~

This mod is a working progress, so not everything will be perfect and work 100% correctly as I am always working on it.
New features are always being tweaked and added, so thank you for downloading my mod it means the world to me! =)
Recently I have added more advanced items and fixed some bugs involving the positioning of the new projectiles form
magic weapons and the spawn rates of some of the enimies I have added to the game.

It has been worked on from the 8th Of October 2017 - Present!

~-~A Note From The Developer~-~

Hi! I'm known as The_Mighty_Zippy/The_Zipster online and this is my first and only Terraria mod (Hopefully not for long!). I have loved this game
and played for many years, and have always dreamed of adding my own items to the game. I was so happy when I found Tmod Loader
as it allowed my to do that. I am only young and I am not brilliant at coding with C#, so thank you for downloading and
trying my little Terraria mod!

-Created by The_Mighty_Zippy
tModLoader Version
Localizer Package
Localizer Package
Mod Side
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