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Loot Weapons
Download v0.2.7.3 (13.5 MB)


this mod is loosely based on tinkers construct from minecraft it may be based on tinkers but no vanilla items are used in the recipes this mod is useing loot as the way to go NPC's drop them

this mod has laughly oversimplified textures
(you have been warned)

if you plan on playing multiplayer check the config file for the top setting


just a heads up this mod is not 100% finished
some things are missing some textures are missing
but it can still be used just fine

- missing things
texture for shotgun and sniper missing in some lvls
most of armor textures they are a pain
(only texture item still works fine)


heres a short list of things it adds

- broken boxes
boxes drop in broken form need to fix befor use
this can be done at a big loot box placed but cost alot
its better to buy Empty Fixer Station from loot npc 2 add broken part box to it and use that better version cost less

- weapons / tools
some are made from 2 parts others 3
parts lvl from 1-10 (11 expert)
you craft the items using 1 per type part of that weapon and a workbench of the highest lvl piece

example: hilt+blade+length = 1 sword
any lvl pieces can go with any other lvl pieces

- Trees
these gives blocks for house build
blocks can be grinded down in extractinator

- Mimics
they spawn common from start game
they drop what they look like based on the config settings (default 50%)

- collection stands
most dont do anything only the weapon/tool ones do if you can get all of em
collect all lvl1 stands add em together use guide to see what u need then talk to the npc again with it and it will have a ball

- Loot Cards
this can be turned off at the end of config settings
they are collection items can be used for scrap essence or just selling (vanilla coins)

want to ask me something do it here
discord dinidini#7777

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Download v0.2.3.1 (77.2 KB)


ModDom is a pretty simple mod not fully complete yet

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Download v0.1 (3.8 KB)


Porah is a pretty cool mod, it does...this. Modify this file with a description of your mod.

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.1 Edit | Delete
Simple Wormhole Magic Mirror
Download v0.1 (7.7 KB)


This mod adds a magic mirror that (should, I have not tested yet because of lack of multiplayer testing...) doubles as a wormhole potion.
I apologize if there are any bugs and/or does not work at all. This is my first mod. -DireChicken200

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.7 Edit | Delete
Crossbows Mod
Download v0.1 (15.2 KB)


This mod adds 7 crossbows to spice up the game
-Shroomite Crossbow
-Chlorophyte Crossbow
-Hallowed Crossbow
-Hellfire Crossbow
-Cryo Crossbow
-Shadow CrossBow
Sorry for accidently unpublishing the mod. Was checking the downloads and accidently unpublished it. so to make up for it i added a new crossbow: Shadow CrossBow

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Accessory Badges
Download v0.2 (3.9 KB)


Green Bean is a pretty cool mod, it does...this. Modify this file with a description of your mod.

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.4 Edit | Delete
Download v0.1.0.1 (19.7 KB)



A mod for modders to help generate diff files of the content that changed between mod versions. Client only. Report any bugs on the github homepage.

Simply having the mod enabled will take a snapshot of all currently loaded mods (except this one) and create a list of all relevant content added, exported as a file (My Games/Terraria/ModLoader/ModContentDiffer on Windows). If the version of a mod increases, it creates a diff file ("changelog") with the highest previous version.

If you want to generate diff files retroactively, get an older version of the mod you want to compare against, and load that. Whenever you load a newer version, it will generate a diff (not all previous versions separately; if you wish to, remove the version files inbetween temporarily).

Keep the mod enabled at all times for a consistent result.

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.3 Edit | Delete
Download v0.1.1.2 (99.4 KB)



Enemies, resources, and other interesting objects can be marked using a bindable hotkey, creating a "point of interest" (referred to as "ping").
The locations of marked creatures and objects are visible in the world and on the world map, making it a useful tool for alerting teammates to the location of enemies or loot.

Pinging NPCs has the benefit of stopping them from despawning if no players are in range.

The perfect mod for multiplayer!

Quick Guide:
* Press and release the hotkey to create a ping
* Hold the hotkey for a second to also notify everyone through the in-game chat
* Ping the same object again to remove the ping

Things you can ping:
* Yourself (Rendezvous location)
* Tiles (Blocks, ore veins, furniture, etc.)
* NPCs (Enemies, critters, etc.)
* Dropped items

Duration, limit and cooldown of pings are configurable in the config.

- Fixed a server error when a player dies in multiplayer

- Added Desert Fossil, Silt and Slush to the ore category
- Improved tile names

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.3 Edit | Delete
Consistent Reforging
Download v0.1.2 (44 KB)


This mod improves reforging by making it less random without being too cheaty

1. Adds an "Undo" button so that you can go back to the prefix you accidently skipped while spamming reforge
2. Prevents duplicate rolls of prefixes if they have been rolled before (by default the last 8, configurable)

* Undoing costs no money
* "Undo" button is only visible in the vanilla reforge menu. If other mods (such as "AutoReforge") replace it, it will not exist
* (In that case, Feature #2 will still work when reforging)
* The config contains multiple customizations you can do

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
Better Autosave
Download v1.1.0.1 (16.7 KB)


Better Autosave - Customize the autosave interval in both single and/or multiplayer!

This mod can be installed on both servers and clients independently, comes with two configs:
* Server + Singleplayer
* Multiplayer Client
They let you customize the autosave interval (Default 10 minutes in singleplayer for world+player, and 5 minutes for player on the client) and also specify one for the server's world! (Vanilla only autosaves once an ingame day)

Read the homepage for more info.

* Only in singleplayer: Requires the "Autosave" setting in the game settings to be turned on
* The serversided world saving once an ingame day will still happen regardless
* Minimum interval is 30 seconds for stability reasons

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8 Edit | Delete
Chat Source
Download v1.0.3.2 (17.2 KB)


For those who need to know which mod writes stuff to the chat!

Shows the source of messages in the chat. Clientside, toggleable via config

"Your world has been blessed with Cobalt!"
Player got 10 tier 1 Reversivity coins and now has 70 in total."

"Your world has been blessed with Cobalt!"
"[AlchemistNPC] Player got 10 tier 1 Reversivity coins and now has 70 in total."

- Some stuff like ore spawn announcements in multiplayer will show no mod associated because those messages are serversided
- "[Terraria]" prefix for vanilla messages is by default disabled
- Toggle "Display Name" and "Internal Name" of a mod via config

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
Download v1.0.0.1 (3.8 KB)


BrighterLight - Customize the brightness of the light that emits from everything.
Anything beyond the implemented limits and it would break the game completely, so settle with that.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.5 Edit | Delete
Terraria Sound Suite
Download v0.1.3.1 (97.9 KB)


Do you want to use a weapon but can't stand the sound it makes? All the grunting sounds zombies make annoy you? Want to make your boots sound like squeaky ducks? Well, here is the solution!

This clientside mod comes with an extensive config (found under "Mod Configuration" ingame and on the cog icon in the mod list) that allows you to play, adjust, change and remove sounds in the game.

It also allows you to "see" sounds, which comes in handy for people with hearing impairment, called "Deaf Mode".
To use this mod to its fullest capabilities, use the "Inspect Mode".

An explanation of the config and the sounds, aswell as a changelog, can be found on the homepage.

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.8 Edit | Delete
Calamity Vanilla Buff
Download v0.1 (12.6 KB)


Buffs all vanilla weapons damage by 20% when Calamity is enabled

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.3 Edit | Delete
Download v1.0.0.1 (4.8 KB)


Vinelight - Makes it so vines of all kind don't block light

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.4 Edit | Delete
Download v1.1.2.1 (75.8 KB)


Allows the player to name the summon item of any pet, so that the pet will show its name when hovered over it (similar to how NPCs show their name)

There are two ways to use this mod:
1. UI accessed via hotkey ('P')
2. Chat command ('/renamepet')

For instructions on both, visit the homepage


v1.1.2.1: Possibly fix rare bug with mouseovering a pet in multiplayer

v1.1.2: Add a config + setting for disabling the chat autofill feature

v1.1.1.2: Fix rare bug with mouseovering a pet in multiplayer

v1.1.1.1: When opening the UI and the mouse item slots in, the text field now auto-focuses

v1.1.1: Using the UI allows you to randomize the name, over 10 million possible names

v1.1: An additional way to rename a pet through a UI accessed via hotkey

v1.0.0.5: tml 0.11.7 update

v1.0.0.4: tml 0.11 update, command says the correct thing now when not holding a pet item

v1.0.0.3: Buff tip of the summoned pet now also displays its name

v1.0.0.2: Narrowed down detection of pet summoning items, if you had any previous items set to a name that weren't a pet, they will be reset upon game quit

v1.0 and Initial release and added icon

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.4 Edit | Delete
Download v1.0.3.3 (70.8 KB)


ItemMagnetPlus adds a single item called "Item Magnet" that does the obvious thing: Sucking in items around you so you don't have to run around and collect them yourself.

Item Magnet (and corresponding buff) that
* can be crafted with simple materials (Iron/Lead)
* works while in your inventory
* can be toggled on and off
* has adjustable range and item succ speed
* has increased stats after killing bosses
* customizable via config ingame to fit your playstyle

How to use:
* Left click cycles through its ranges
* Right click shows current range (you can always check the stats on the buff tooltip)
* This right click functionality changes to "turn off" when "Buff" in the config is false
* Killing bosses improves its stats
* If you want it to either be on or off, change "Scale" in the config to anything but "Increase With Bosses"

* This mod is multiplayer compatible, the config is entirely server side, but the buff flag is forced to 1
* Items that are inbetween two players with magnets will "float"
* If "Instant" is enabled and multiple players are in range of an item, it will always go to the same player (it is based on join order)
* Due to the way the "grab delay" is only set in singleplayer, items dropped by the player will instantly latch onto the player, which is normal behavior
* Items might not get sucked up and turn into a "ghost" with the Auto Trash Mod enabled
* Lost items due to this bug won't be recovered
* Report any bugs in the forum thread (please)

Progression: (default config)
Starts with:
Range = 10 (blocks in each direction)
Velocity = 8
Acceleration = 8

Ends with: (killing Moonlord)
Range = 120 (one and a half screens)
Velocity = 32
Acceleration = 32

About the config:
* Buff decides if it gives you a corresponding buff icon to show the status of the magnet
* Held decides if the magnet works only when held
* "Activate On Enter" decides if magnet should be automatically activated when entering the world
* Filter function: Presets (hearts, mana stars, coins, pickup effects), blacklist/whitelist
* Magnet stats are limited to sensible values (Range only goes up to about three screens in any direction)
* If you increase Vel or Acc too much from those recommended above, items might get "stuck" on you until you deactivate it again
* Beware of lag when increasing these values, especially range
* If the difference between velocity and acceleration is too big, items will go in circles around you or get stuck until you deactivate it
* "Instant" skips any velocity of acceleration checks and directly teleports the item to your location
* After you change the values in the config, use the magnet again to take effect

v1.0.3.3: Reduce lag with full inventory

v1.0.3.2: Update item sprite, make config only editable by the host

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
kill em
Download v0.1 (4.5 KB)


insta kill bosses

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.1 Edit | Delete
rip to all
Download v0.4 (7.6 KB)


rip to all is a pretty cool mod, it does...this. Modify this file with a description of your mod.

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11 Edit | Delete
OP Presents
Download v0.1 (18 KB)

Dirt Rod

Every enemy has a chance to drop a mildly overpowered present that scales with game progression

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
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