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Veridian Weapons Mod
Download v3.7.4 (353.2 KB)


This mod is a re-upload of an older mod I had created in an attempt to make it easier to update. It currently adds 105 items. (38 yoyos, 15 ammo types, and more).

Partial Changelog:
+Added Veridian gear.
+Added Wither Skeleton and drops.
Balance changes to Manganese bars and gear.
Sharkron colour scheme changed.

+Added Sharkfin Blade.
+Added Glass Bullet.
+Added Devil's Pendant and associated buff.
Crafting balances to Bee, Crimson, Demon, Jungle, and Shadowflame ammo.

+Added Shark armor.
+Added Ocular Bow.
*Many balance tweaks.

+Added 3 ammo types.

... i wasnt caught up

Caught up with the backlog.


+Added four arrows.

+Added Sharkon Assault Rifle.
+Added Sharkron enemy.
+Added Sharkron Fin.

3.5.1 - 3.6
+Added 1 string.
+Added Manganese armour and tools.
+Added 1 gun, Peacemaker.
*Many inconsistencies fixed. e.g. certain items having higher rarity or sell value than intended.

+Added 17 strings.
+Added 1 yoyo.
*Many loot changes and fixes.
*Multiple sprite edits.
*Many crafting changes.
*Removed hardmode ore strings temporarily.
*Fixed a crash issue.

+Added 4 arrows, 3 bullets.
*Reworked Crimson Arrows.
*Completed a long list of fixes in the backlogs.

+Added two strings.
*Pollinator now compatible with Hive Pack.
*A couple string effect trigger chances reduced.
*Strings now only apply to yoyo attacks instead of all melee.

+Added The Horseman's Throw.
+Added 6 strings.
*Several Earthbound Yoyo fixes.
*Mech yoyo balance changes.

+Added 2 yoyos.
*Trawler damage decreased from 13 to 12.
*Jungle, Shadow, Crimson strings - recipes edited.
*Crimson, Shadow, Jungle, Honey strings - effects edited.
*Enchanted Yoyo now craftable with any wood yoyo.
*Minour edits and additions.

+Added Enchanted Yoyo
*Sanguine, Cactus Yoyo, Heart of the Sea, Heatwave - damage edited.
*Sanguine can now steal life.
*Heart of the Sea crafting recipe edited.
*Crimson Arrows can now steal life, are craftable by 25 instead of 15.
*Earthbound Yoyo can now spawn electrospheres.

+Added 9 yoyos.
*Fixed damage values of 7 yoyos.
*Cactus and Boreal yoyo crafting recipes tweaked.

Since Journey's End comes out tommorrow at the time of writing this, I'm balancing for Journey's End pre-emptively but didn't want to mess with the existing balance, hence why I haven't updated in a while.

+Added yellow dev set.
*Various sprite edits.
*Tweaked damage values of 5 yoyos.
*Fixed various minour errors such as the occasional missing letter.

+Added Crimson Arrows.

+Added strings.
*Sanguine effect properly implemented.
*Pollinator bee damage increased from 9 to 18. No effect from Hive Pack.
*Moulder tweaked.
*Heatwave, Shadowflame, Stickler, and Pollinator effect chances increased.

*Sanguine damage increased from 39 to 40.
*Moulder damage increased from 36 to 37.

+Added 2 dev sets.
*Overhauls to crafting recipes, sprites, and drop rates.

*Added Dark Shard to Sanguine and Moulder recipes.
*Minour sprite edits of three yoyos.
*Sanguine damage increased from 38 to 39.
*Moulder damage increased from 33 to 36.

+Added 2 yoyos.
*The Weaver drop chance tripled.

+Added 7 yoyos.
*Stickler now properly drops from King Slime.
*Shadowflame Yoyo now mutually excludes itself from other Goblin Summoner drops.

*Riptide damage reduced from 53 to 51.
*Shadowflame Yoyo damage increased from 38 to 46.
*Snow Ball damage increased from 11 to 12.

*Official release.


zach/yhellow - testing, dev set items, ideas (Riptide, Cactus yoyo, Shadowflame yoyo)
andog/rake - dev set colour, Earthbound yoyo
mario/Smile - dev set colour
DonMacaroni - dev set items
RogaBear - Weaver, Emblem yoyos

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8 Edit | Delete
Easy Tinkerer's Workshop
Download v1.0 (8.6 KB)


Easy Tinkerer's Workshop is a mod where the name speaks for itself... it makes the Tinkerer's Workshop Craftable so you don't need to wait until the rng lords decide to give you a goblin army.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Zenith Yoyo
Download v0.1 (12.7 KB)


The Zeniyo, this is mostly a meme item based around the fact everyone is making Zenith items, if this can get popular i might consider making an actual serious version.

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.4 Edit | Delete
Calamity Polish Translation
Download v1.3.6 (2.2 MB)


Polskie tłumaczenie Calamity Moda

Na wstępie chciałbym podziękować:
Fabsolowi za pozwolenie na wykonanie tłumaczenia,
Skyshadowowi, twórcy hiszpańskiego tłumaczenia za pomoc z rozpoczęciem prac,
Uncle Danny'emu, administratorowi serwera Calamity Mod na discordzie za pomoc i możliwość pośredniego kontaktu z Fabsolem,
Wszystkim osobom które wyraziły chęć pomocy w tłumaczeniu Calamity, a na ten moment są to:
Alvaro De Blanco

a także całej polskiej społeczności Terrarii za używanie mojego tłumaczenia i czekanie tyle czasu.

Po ponad roku przerwy wróciłem do tworzenia tłumaczenia. Z góry przepraszam wszystkich zainteresowanych graniem w Calamity Moda po polsku którzy musieli tyle czasu czekać, aż pokonam swoje lenistwo.

Podjąłem decyzje, by zączać pisanie moda od początku, więc zajmie to trochę czasu, jednak dzisiaj przychodzę do was z modem, oferującym szczątkowe tłumaczenie Calamity Moda.
(W obecnym momencie tłumaczymy tylko rzeczy, których na 90% nie będzie obejmować następna wielka aktualizacja Calamity, by ominąć konieczność przepisywania ponad połowy linijek tekstu, przez zmiany w statystykach itp.)

Tłumaczenie obejmować będzie całego moda, od NPC i bossów, przez itemy, aż po buffy i debuffy.
Jeśli znalazłeś błąd lub chcesz pomóc w tłumaczeniu napisz do mnie na Discordzie: Kamelowy#2307

Miłej gry!

Dowiesz się poniżej!


- Poprawa wielu tłumaczeń
- Poprawki literówek
- Kilkanaście nowych tłumaczeń
- Poprawki tooltipów

- Ponad 70 Tooltipów
- Eutroficzne Meble
- Kosmilitowe Meble
- Botaniczne Meble
- Poprawa kilku tłumaczeń

- Masa nowych przedmiotów
- Poprawki starszych tłumaczeń (Dzięki HybridDeath!)

- Ponad 100 przedmiotów

v. 1.3.1
- Aktualizacja opisu tłumaczenia

v. 1.3.0
- Pełna optymalizacja kodu tłumaczenia
- Linijki kodu: 1441 => 581
- Waga kodu: 116 KB => 38 KB

v. 1.2.6
- Meble

v. 1.2.5
- Ściany
- Buffy/Debuffy (33%)

v. 1.2.4
- Bloki

v. 1.2.3
- Lekkie poprawki

v. 1.2.2
- Lekkie poprawki

v. 1.2.1
- Lekkie poprawki

v. 1.2
- Wszystkie barwniki
- Wszystkie farby do włosów
- Wszystkie rudy
- Wszystkie materiały (sztabki, drewno etc.)

v. 1.1
- Większość NPC/Bossów Pre-Hardmode
- Wszystkie akcesoria zaczynające się na literę "A"




Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
DNI's Odds and Ends
Download v1.7.1.1 (204.2 KB)


Adds ridiculously unique(?) mid-endgame content with ridiculous recipes.

Currently has:
7 Items
11 Weapons
7 Accessories


- Fixed mod icon

- Migrated to tModLoader v0.11.6.2
- Fixed several major bugs
- Nerfed Blood Dagger (now only scales health restored)

- Migrated to tModLoader v0.11.5
- Fixed recipe errors
- Added the following
-- Weapons
--- Resounding Blades
-- Accessories
--- Arrow Homing Assistant

- Added Hourglasses (Empty, Crimson, Corrupted)
- Fixed Blood Dagger bug where it caps health & healing to base max health only

- Fixed missing Flame Mana Potion recipe

v1.5 - Another Final Fantasy reference, yes
- Added Phoenix Down
- Added Purified Ichor Potion
- Added Flame Mana Potion

v1.4 - Yes it's a Final Fantasy VIII reference
- Added Revolver Gunblade

- Removed debug text when triggering blue Wild Card

- Fixed crash upon death
- Fixed missing recipe for Dark Sphere
- Added Wild Cards

- Migrated to tModLoader v0.11.4
- Fixed mod crash related to Horologist's Tome
- Code overhaul, items should now work regardless of item/projectile hit with their proper types (melee/ranged/magic)
- Added Dark Sphere
- Added Goddess' Tear

- Fixed tooltip display and leveling bug for Luminite Band of Grit / Blood Dagger
- Fixed tooltip display for Dragoon Ring
- Fixed spear range for Spear Gun (it was too short)

- Fixed crash due to unbound keys in config
- Updated a few accessory sprites (thanks to Logodum!)

- Added Spear Gun
- Added Dragoon Ring

- Initial release

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Quality of Life
Download v3.2 (40.8 KB)


Quality of Life is a mod that adds basic recipes or other helpful things from Calamity and other mods into the game! I hope you enjoy my mod!


Update 2.1:
-Added Gatherer NPC
-Fixed Invalid Recipes
-Icon Added

Update 3.0:
-Added Penny Beggar NPC

Update 3.1:
-Updated Penny Beggar NPC
-Added Epic and Legendary Trades
-Fixed Penny Beggar trading glitch on multiplayer

Update 3.2:
-Updated Penny Beggar NPC
-Buffed trade chances
-Added Thief Charm
-Added Thief Charm Tier 2


1. Wormhole Potion
(15 Silver coins; 1 Potion)
(1 Gold coin; 8 Potions)

2. Hermes Boots
(10 Silk, 2 Swiftness Potions)

3. Lava Charm
(3 Lava buckets, 25 Obsidian, 5 Iron/Lead bars)

4. Truffle worm
(15 Glowing mushrooms, 1 Worm)

5. Ectoplasm
(20 Bones, 3 Souls of night)
Mythril Anvil

6. Magic Mirror
(10 Iron/Lead Bar, 5 Glass. 10 Recall Potions)

7. Aglet
(5 Iron/Lead Bars)

8. Anklet of the Wind
(5 Jungle Spores, 15 Gel, 1 Aglet)

9. Band of Starpower
(5 Glowing Mushrooms, 15 Gel, 1 Mana Crystal)

10. Armor Polish
(40 Bones, 15 Gel, 25 Pixie Dust)
Mythril Anvil

11. Vitamins
(15 Pixie Dust, 15 Mushrooms, 1 Bottle)
Mythril Anvil

12. Bezoar
(15 Pixie Dust, 15 Jungle Spores)
Mythril Anvil

13. Adhesive Bandage
(15 Pixie Dust, 45 Gel, 40 Bones)
Mythril Anvil

14. Fast Clock
(25 Pixie Dust, 1 Stopwatch, 15 Crystal Shards)
Mythril Anvil

15. Trifold Map
(15 Pixie Dust, 1 Treasure Map, 1 Light Shard)
Mythril Anvil

16. Megaphone
(15 Pixie Dust, 5 Iron/Lead Bars, Dark Shard)
Mythril Anvil

17. Nazar
(15 Pixie Dust, 5 Lens, 15 Bones)
Mythril Anvil

18. Blindfold
(15 Silk)
Mythril Anvil


Thief Charm
2x chance of rare, epic and legendary trades. Price Per trade is 1/2 of original cost.

Thief Charm Tier 2
3x chance of rare, epic and legendary trades. Price Per trade is 1/3 of original cost.


Sells bars and other useful items.


-Gus the Penny beggar
Trades Silver coins for random items.
The more you trade the higher chance you have for something rare, but it becomes more expensive.
Stock resets after 30 trades, reseting the price per trade but also reseting chance at higher tier trades.
Rare, Epic and Legendary trades.

Rare trade: Any item that isnt a weapon, accessory, armor or expert.
Chance: (times traded / 150)

Epic trade: Any item that isnt a weapon or expert.
Chance: (times traded / 350)

Legendary trade: Any item that isnt expert.
Chance: (times traded / 500)



This mod will be updated soon! Items NPC and other are coming soon!

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.3 Edit | Delete
Healing Heart Crystal
Download v1.0.5 (4 KB)


[EDIT] Hi Terrarians, the name has changed to "Healing Heart Crystal" for more logic
This mod allows you to fully heal yourself with a life crystal (You must have max life, otherwise you'll increase your max life)

Thank you for the 1K download guys :)

GUYS we hit 11 K Downloads, THANK YOU SO MUCH ! :D

Patch Note
- 1.0.5 Tooltip line added + minor improvements
- 1.0.3 Changed name

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.4 Edit | Delete
Buffed damage over time debuffs
Download v0.3.0.2 (6.7 KB)


Increases damage of damaging debuffs, according to max health of the target.
Buffed debuffs: On Fire, Frostburn, Cursed Inferno, Poisoned, Venom, Shadow Flame, Life Drain
Most debuffs from Calamity, Spirit and Tremor are supported.

Formula of damage is

(max_life / 70) ^ (0.4 + 0.3 * 1000 / (max_life + 1000)) * 10 * (0.1 * base_damage) ^ 0.05 * log12(base_damage + 1)

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1 Edit | Delete
Download v1.4.8.2 (31.9 KB)


GodWingsMod add the best wings.
NEW!!! Celestial run speed ON
Bonus: If you dash with the solar armor the celestial speed is at its maximum.
NEW!!! Increase damage and max breath.
NEW!!! Celestial texture!!!
NEW!!! Icon update.
NEW!!! Celestial bag.
NEW!!! Celestial Soul immune to lava.
Fixed 2 issues.
NEW!!! Improved handling of the celestial soul.
NEW!!! Celestial Eye.
NEW!!! Celestial Soul sprite update.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Edit | Delete
Gerd Souls
Download v1.8.3.12 (10.6 MB)

Mr.Gerd26, N3RF, Nalyd .…

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.6 Edit | Delete
Lan's Auto Join Team
Download v0.2 (20.8 KB)


Automatically joins the red team whenever you play terraria, perfect for lazy people!

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.5 Edit | Delete
Download v1.1 (7 KB)


This mod was created for Terraria, and is designed to remove all those annoying graves on a Terraria map.

The inspiration for this mod came from when i tried to use TEdit to edit my main map, and because of me and my friends constantly dying throughout the time we've been on it, the sign count was above 1000 and therefore the map would corrupt every time and TEdit would display an error.

So i made this mod to fix that, by removing all graves, and now i can happily edit my world, a friend told me to publish this, so i shall, hopefully you find it useful. Its working state has been tested, and works without error, if you have any problems please open up an issue on my github 'Valkaaire', or email me at, thank you, have a nice day.

Change Log:

Fixed mod not outputting status and 'finished' message.

How to use?

After it has been installed and initalised, simply type /RAG in the chat to begin the removal of graves on your map.
This has ONLY been tested on single player, so i'd advise doing it on that before launching a server, but you can experiment.

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.0.1 Edit | Delete
Failbox's Terraria Content
Download v0.1 (10.8 KB)

The Failbox

Yes, it's another one of these.

-A whole lotta items
-2 bosses
-some ores too
-And a very secret biome.
-And another very secret biome. But there's only two.

-The When
-The Jaw
-Skeletron EVEREST
-The Triplets
-The Obliterator
-The Lich
-More Items

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Download v0.2 (3.8 KB)


New Emblem
Emblem name - Devils Emblem

Crafted with
Souls of Sight
Souls of Fright
Souls of Might
Gold Broadsword
Gold Bow
Ruby Staff

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Chen's Gradius Mod
Download v1.2.11 (23.4 MB)


My Gradius Mod is really just a fun mod in implementing Gradius features into Terraria (along with other SHMUP games). More updates will come after tModLoader 1.4 is stable. Stay tuned.

Current features:
1. Options/Multiples
2. Force
3. Freeze Options
4. Rotate Options
5. Needle Force
6. Option Seed
7. Charge Multiple
8. Aim Options
9. Search Options
10. Recurve Options
11. Spread Options
12. Turret Options

For more information about these features, visit the homepage.

New Enemies:
1. Moai
2. Garun
3. Zalk
4. Grazia
5. Big Core Custom
6. Sagna
7. Ducker
8. Dagoom
9. Rush

These enemies will only spawn in Hard mode. They also have their own banners, including boss enemies.
All enemies in this mod will scale accordingly when Plantera is defeated and when Moon Lord is defeated.
All enemies in this mod also display a behavior of retaliation as common in the Gradius series if the world is in Expert mode.
Bacterion stats can be configured though mod config.
For more information about these enemies and the behaviors, visit the homepage.

Added Music with music box:
1. The Position Light (Gradius ReBirth version, originally from Nemesis 3)
2. Departure For Space (Gradius III From Myth to Legend version)
3. Tabidachi (Gradius II Gofer no Yabou Version)
4. Intermezzo (Gradius V)
5. Starfield (Salamander Arcade version)
6. Sensation (Salamander 2)
7. Aircraft Carrier (Gradius Slot version)

New Weapons:
1. Uncanny Core Remote Rod
2. Zelos Influence
3. DES Advanced Cannon
4. Bacterian Frigate

Boss Checklist integration so that Big Core Custom will appear properly.
Hero's Mod integration so that not anybody can edit the mod configuration file.

Cross Mod Content API is available already! Check the homepage for more info.

Contact us if you have any suggestions and bug reports.

For changelogs, please visit the homepage. Complete information can be found in the mod's wiki. The link to the wiki is in the homepage as well.

There are plenty of ways in the homepage that you can help us with!

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
Burn Disabler
Download v0.1.0.10 (5.5 KB)


This mod disable items destroyed in Lava.
This is not affect Guide Voodoo Doll.
-Supporting Mods-
-Ancients Awakened (Goblin Doll)
-Fargo's Souls Mod (Abominationn Voodoo Doll)
-Sins Mod (Angler Voodoo Doll)
If you made item such as Guide Voodoo Doll for your mod, I can support with it.
v0.1.0.10: Supported Fargo's Souls Mod.
v0.1.0.9: Republished(tML v0.11.5)
v0.1.0.7 - Minor change on code
v0.1.0.6: Supported other mods again.
v0.1.0.5: Bug fixed
v0.1.0.4: Supported other mods.
v0.1.0.3: Compressed all png file.
v0.0.0.2: Added icon
v0.0.0.1: Published
==========================================="> ===========================================
This mod disable items destroyed in Lava.
This is not affect Guide Voodoo Doll.
-Supporting Mods-
-Ancients Awakened (Goblin Doll)
-Fargo's Souls Mod (Abominationn Voodoo Doll)
-Sins Mod (Angler Voodoo Doll)
If you made item such as Guide Voodoo Doll for your mod, I can support with it.
v0.1.0.10: Supported Fargo's Souls Mod.
v0.1.0.9: Republished(tML v0.11.5)
v0.1.0.7 - Minor change on code
v0.1.0.6: Supported other mods again.
v0.1.0.5: Bug fixed
v0.1.0.4: Supported other mods.
v0.1.0.3: Compressed all png file.
v0.0.0.2: Added icon
v0.0.0.1: Published

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
More Equipment
Download v0.6.1 (12.4 KB)


This Mod intends to add a bunch of new equipment spread out through the game

Adds - 12 Brand new accessories to play around with as of right now!

IMPORTANT NOTE - This mod was only started about 1 week ago and I will continue to update it frequently

Patch notes -
- Made Lifeforce shield 3 heart crystals to make intead of 2
- Made Heart plated bone give 3 defence instead of 5
- Made life plated bone give 5 defence instead of 9
- Made luminite Plated bone give 7 defence instead of 10
- Made bubble ball take 6 shark fins to make instead of 2
- Made Speedy demon give 10% increased movement speed instead of 15%
- Made Speedy devil give 20% increased movement speed instead of 25%

Join our discord server by clicking the link bellow 0_0

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Download v0.5.7 (66.1 KB)


My first mod, originally intended to be a test.

Adds a custom Last Prism variant that summons 5 orbiting prisms that rougly converge around the cursor in a helix pattern. Each prism fires off a purple Last Prism beam, as well as random vanilla laser projectiles with increased damage and speed. Hold the cursor on the player for a pentagram pinwheel that spans the whole screen!

As strong a weapon it is for early and mid game with its base damage of 1, by far the weapon's biggest strength is its ability to shred every enemy imaginable, all the way through not only late game, but every enemy and boss in every mod. The fully charged beams gain a dark energy centre which can penetrate through anything and everything. No matter how high the foe's HP is, no matter how high the defense, regen or DR, even invulnerability frames and invincibility status does not protect an enemy from the Psychedelic Prism's destructive capability.

This mod is not designed to be particularly balanced in any respect. Its purpose is to be used for fun, or for those pesky bosses in some mods that are just too difficult to beat. It's weaker against weaker enemies, and gets stronger against stronger enemies. When fully charged, this weapon is able to wipe out any boss, including invincible ones, and does so at a satisfying, but intentionally not instant, pace. Deals knockback to all enemies including worms and bosses, weakens and destroys enemy projectiles countering with a shower of homing and star projectiles, and killing an enemy with it grants a plethora of buffs to the user.

Patch notes (Latest first):

Update 0.5.7: SLIIIDE TO THE LEFT *slides and crashes* Updated the mod/inventory icon to remove all those nasty mixels. - smudgedpasta

Update 0.5.6: Fixed several issues with the target NPC despawning instead of dying, no longer breaks with attack speed modifiers.

Update 0.5.5: Deflected projectiles close to the player can no longer damage them.

Update 0.5.4: No longer hogs projectile cap when countering a large swarm of projectiles or boss minions.

Update 0.5.3: Improved reliability of percentage-based damage on bosses with custom damage formulas.

Update 0.5.2: Ported latest updates to the 1.3 version.

Update 0.5.1: Fixed small error in beam colour calculation.

Update 0.5.0: Adjusted damage formula. Now takes longer to kill weaker bosses, but is scaled by magic damage, magic crit chance, and luck. Prism orbital speed is now increased by melee speed stat. Now deals knockback to everything it hits, such as lunar pillars and enemy projectiles. Knockback now scales to inverse square of distance.

Update 0.4.6: Made it easier to hold beams on the player.

Update 0.4.5: Fixed inappropriately instakilling enemies after reloading world.

Update 0.4.4: Now able to destroy normally destroyable NPC-based projectiles such as Ancient Light once again.

Update 0.4.3: Laser barrage no longer scales with enemy defense. Now deals a bit more knockback when fully charged. Made it slightly easier to block projectiles.

Update 0.4.2: Fixed item use time, which was previously causing issues for those obtaining the item in many prior versions.

Update 0.4.1: Beam hitscan is now performed from the tip of the second intersection of the secant formed by the beam through the expanding orbital circle, preventing the beams being blocked by walls behind the player while charging up.

Update 0.4.0: Initial animation now has vanilla Last Prism's rainbow colours, fading to purple, white, then black. Can no longer penetrate walls until dark beams appear.

Update 0.3.9: Touched on startup particle effects, fixed small visual bugs, slightly improved overall computational performance.

Update 0.3.7: Improved reliability of killing enemies that are not supposed to be killable, such as training dummies. Main attack deals slightly less damage to bosses. Startup animation on first load has been optimised.

Update 0.3.6: Main beams no longer deliver instakill damage on targets with 1HP; only dark beams should.

Update 0.3.5: Attenuated some sound effects, laser barrage made weaker against bosses, dark energy beams now drain all health an enemy has gained.

Update 0.3.4: Minor bugfixes, allowed beam enemy kills to trigger player.OnHitNPCWithProj

Update 0.3.0: Optimised hit detection, improved laser targeting algorithm to incorporate linear trajectory intercepts, added new sound effects, and slightly reduced overall damage. Defeating an enemy or countering a projectile with the main beams will now produce a shower of star-themed projectiles.

Update 0.2.12: Updated damage scaling slightly again; main beams are no longer allowed to collide like regular projectiles are, and are only permitted to deal damage through the

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.6 Edit | Delete
More Figures
Download v1.1 (141.9 KB)


*For the best experience, use with Chad's Furniture Mod!*

More Figures does just what the name suggests: adds more of those sweet Collectible Boss Figures for when trophies just don't quite give your trophy hall that pizazz it truly deserves!

Featuring collectible statues for Bosses from:
-Calamity (50%)

-Spirit Mod
-Split Mod
-Vanilla Event Bosses

Check out the forum post for more info!

v 1.1
-Added collectible statues for Consolaria Bosses
v 1.0.4
-Changed loot system so that instead of being 100% on first defeat, statues have a 1/15 chance to drop in Normal mode and 1/3 in Expert mode
-Added config option to make all statues have a 100% chance to drop regardless of world difficulty
v 1.0.3
-Added config option to disable statue recipes for competitive server play (Suggested by @R-TEAM)
v 1.0
-Initial Release!
-Adds collectible statues for every major Thorium Boss

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.1 Edit | Delete
No Mana Cost Mod
Download v0.1 (3.6 KB)


No Mana Cost Mod removesmana cost for all items.
This mod should be mainly used for testing and for cheating of corse. :)

Yay new version

Check out my other mod: Spketrum Mod

What did you think you would find here?
well you found nothing.Or did you?


Ok there is nothing more.

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.2 Edit | Delete
<<-- | <- | -> | -->>