tModLoader Mod List
Display Name | Version | Size | Author | Last Updated | tModLoader Version | Downloads | Hot | |
Stanley's Random Items
Download v1.1.1 (60 KB) |
Stanley the Saint |
This is my first mod, and it's mainly for me and my friends. It contains some random items I made, and stuff for minigames we do, like the health increase stuff for player bosses.
Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8 | Edit | Delete |
RRC(Relith Random Content)
Download v0.3 (57 KB) |
Relith82 |
List of Items & changes
-Bird Stands(summon birds minion)(blue -> cardinal -> bird -> gold bird) -Bird Cage(increase max minions) -Magical Leaf(Shoots 2 leafs) -Added a recipe to craft Blowpipe early game -Added a cool acessory when you kill WoF(Wall Of Flesh) -Added a light pet that's actually worth it To-Do: -Add movement accessory Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8 | Edit | Delete |
Asphalt Platforms
Download v1.0 (29 KB) |
Zale |
This mod adds asphalt platforms, crafted with an asphalt block at a Blend-O-Matic. These increase your run speed in the same way regular asphalt blocks do, and can be passed through like any platform.
Open Source on GitHub: Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8 | Edit | Delete |
Lumberjack NPC
Download v0.3.5 (33.3 KB) |
N1cknamed |
Adds a simple new town NPC that sells most types of wood. He will move in after EoC is defeated. When the world enters Hardmode he will begin selling pearlwood. He also sells a bunch of other wood related items. This NPC will also sell you after all 3 mech bosses have been defeated, to reduce the grind for shroomite armor. It is still recommended to set up a farm as buying enough mushrooms to craft all shroomite gear will cost nearly 12 platinum. The mod is balanced and designed after vanilla terraria, and is meant to seemlessly fit in. This is my first mod, so bugs might occur. If you happen to come across any, please report them to me on the forum post. Version history - v0.3.5: Update to tModLoader v0.11.8 - v0.3.4: Minor fixes - v0.3.3: Support added for Census mod by Jopojelly - v0.3.2: New browser icon and fixed pricing issue - v0.3.1: Balancing adjustments and fixed some small spelling errors in his quotes. - v0.3.0: Now sells living wood related items and glowing mushrooms. Also fixed a few spriting issues with the gore and added a bunch of new quotes, including more interactivity with other NPCs. - v0.2.0: Now sells pine tree blocks and cacti. Also added new quotes. - v0.1.2: Added browser icon and fixed a few small spriting issues. - v0.1.1: Added mod description in browser. - v0.1.0: Release"> Description Adds a simple new town NPC that sells most types of wood. He will move in after EoC is defeated. When the world enters Hardmode he will begin selling pearlwood. He also sells a bunch of other wood related items. This NPC will also sell you after all 3 mech bosses have been defeated, to reduce the grind for shroomite armor. It is still recommended to set up a farm as buying enough mushrooms to craft all shroomite gear will cost nearly 12 platinum. The mod is balanced and designed after vanilla terraria, and is meant to seemlessly fit in. This is my first mod, so bugs might occur. If you happen to come across any, please report them to me on the forum post. Version history - v0.3.5: Update to tModLoader v0.11.8 - v0.3.4: Minor fixes - v0.3.3: Support added for Census mod by Jopojelly - v0.3.2: New browser icon and fixed pricing issue - v0.3.1: Balancing adjustments and fixed some small spelling errors in his quotes. - v0.3.0: Now sells living wood related items and glowing mushrooms. Also fixed a few spriting issues with the gore and added a bunch of new quotes, including more interactivity with other NPCs. - v0.2.0: Now sells pine tree blocks and cacti. Also added new quotes. - v0.1.2: Added browser icon and fixed a few small spriting issues. - v0.1.1: Added mod description in browser. - v0.1.0: Release Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8 | Edit | Delete |
Ophioid: A Boss fight mod
Download v2.13 (5.4 MB) |
Kranot & IDGCaptainRussia |
Ophoiod is a mod focused on a boss and a multi-phase rematch later on that cuts down on soul griding in hardmode after the mecha bosses.
Supports Boss Checklist and Yet Another Boss Healthbar Requires IdgLibrary (search on the mod browser or go here Source code available on github Current Content: -2 summoning items for both evil biomes and 1 for the rematch fight -2(2nd boss has 3 phases) Bosses (With trophy and mask and a pet item!) Version History : V2.11 Ophiodpede drops his items at the body segment closest to who he was targeting V2.10 Proper Boss-checklist support! V2.09 Fly minions now fly off when the boss is not longer alive Ophiodpede (rematch) becames invulnerable at 5% HP, and his body segments are now properly buffed V2.07 This isn't really an update to the mod, but rather an update to information about the mod. The mod's homepage has been moved to my github as the Terraria forums staff will not give me control over the mod's thread without Kranot's approval (who practically doesn't exist at this point so you see the problem here), so I am unable to update any of out of date info on the mod's homepage. So now the homepage links to a wiki page on my github, where you can find UPDATED info on the mod as well as other things you may want to know about, the forum page is still a valid place to leave feedback for me as I still read there, but this update is really just a PSA. V2.06 So remember when I said there wouldn't be a treasure bag? Well as it turns out Kranot DID make one and I forgot to add it, so here you go! It only drops from the rematch however Did a sort of hard-counter to make the music play properly Discovered a bug, it's rare and how to cause it: by having no NPCs in your world. Something that's bound to not happen anyways, but if there are no NPCs, the boss with spawn with only 1 segment. So if you have this problem, this is why. V2.04 Added unfinished music tracks for the rematch, read below why they are unfinished and for an annoucement. The Fly phase was aparently missing its custom health bar support from YABHB, fixed. V2.03 The Worm phase has received a slightly stronger velocity cap when charging at the player. Furthermore, when airborne, if Ophoiopede is too far away from the player, his X velocity will slow down and he will become less likely to despawn V2.01 Updated to the new TMODLoader V2.0 -Alrighty here it is! The big update that finally adds the part 2 of the fight! -just be warning while you can fight it after golem, it's tougher than you may be prepared for... -I'll be rolling out minor updates with feedback and bug fixes as I discover them, thank you for waiting... WAY too long for this! -Fixed the Infested Compost not working in a Crimson World V1.94 -Fixed messed up body sprites, the WIP version of the boss has been buffed... V1.93 -Is now linked with GitHub! Link is on the 2nd post in the homepage. V1.07 -Fixed Projectiles not appearing for clients in network games V1.05 -Mod release -Disclaimer So some time ago Kranot and I stopped talking and I recently cut contact with him all together, So there won't be any more sprites being made (by him atleast), and that means no more content outside of what was planned. I don't think he even knows I finished 'his' mod, as he likes to view it. I have been working on a content mod I am very passionate about called SGAmod and am looking for spriters Check it out, if you like Ophioid-Mod, you'll like SGAmod <3 Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8 | Edit | Delete |
Download v3.0.0 (34.5 KB) |
Heracrotix |
This mod adds a vareity of new claw-weapons into the game.
Please visit thie homepage discord for more details. Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8 | Edit | Delete |
Download v0.2.2 (4.2 MB) |
ian |
This mod was created by Ian Alton Noble jr.
version = 0.2.2 nothing buzz version = 0.2.1 morwe geometry clas stuffs bujzz version = 0.1.9 bUZZlightyer dicdexed fixed 634 pm 1/17/2021 version = 0.1.8 bUZZlightyer updates version 0,1,6; new boss, eye of the sea version 0,1,5; bug fixes some new items version 0,1,4; bug fixes version 0,1,3; bug fixes Grass Crab Can now spawn Grass Shard items added version 0,1,2; Grass Crab added Ekie Creatures can now spawn afer deafeting ekie Grass Praying Wand added Grass Gun added Grass Triangle added version 0,1,1; bug fixes Glowing Mushroom Square added Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8 | Edit | Delete |
Wrap World
Download v1.2 (23.8 KB) |
bn0367 |
Wrap world is a simple mod that lets you teleport from one ocean to the other.
Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8 | Edit | Delete |
Enhanced Biomes
Download v0.0.3.4 (8.4 MB) |
Isopod00 |
Welcome to the Enhanced Biomes mod! In this mod I will be adding lots of content to make exploring new biomes more fun and exciting!
Ocean Biome: -1 new accessory -1 new critter -1 new armor set -4 new items -1 new boss Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8 | Edit | Delete |
Download v1.0.0.87 (100.4 KB) |
RainbowFluorescence Chur… |
火焰花魔杖 基础伤害提高17 海蓝权杖 基础伤害提高4 攻速加快 暗影链球 基础伤害提高10 蓝月链球 基础伤害提高15 熔火链球 基础伤害提高20 恶魔镰刀魔法书 恶魔镰刀带有追踪! 永夜之刃 可以连击 太极链球 基础伤害提高至300! 魔法竖琴 基础伤害提高20 诅咒火焰魔法书 攻速加快 魔耗降低 钥匙剑 基础伤害提高45 可以连击 暴击造成4倍伤害! 亵渎三叉戟 基础伤害提高至140! 寒霜法杖 攻速加快 魔耗降低 蘑菇矛 攻速加快,基础伤害提高20! 蜜蜂枪 删除穿透 握持时增加2点直接伤害 胡蜂枪 删除穿透 握持时增加10点直接伤害 霜炎花魔杖 基础伤害提高33 大地魔杖 基础伤害提高50 攻速翻倍! 石巨人之拳 基础伤害提高11 攻速加快 幽魂法杖 攻速加快 基础伤害提高28! 尖桩发射器 攻速加快 北极 攻速加快 基础伤害提高23! 圣诞树剑 可以连击 一次放出5个能爆炸的圣诞装饰! 泡泡枪 射程略微增加 波涌之刃 剑气速度加快 有概率释放多重剑气! 电浆魔爆炮 激光模式下可以转向了! 舌锋剑 直接射出脓血! 喜庆弹射器 基础伤害提高100! 飞弹法杖、烈焰火鞭、彩虹魔杖 法球滞空时伤害会不断提升! 肉前回旋镖 回旋镖速度加快 肉前八矿护甲 提供的防御大量增加 蘑菇套、鬼木套、甲虫攻击套(胸甲)、幽魂套 提供的防御大量增加 肉后钻头 挖掘范围增加 物品削弱: 蜂膝弓、代达罗斯风暴弓 攻速减慢 影炎飞刀 弹射后会伤害衰减 水刃龙卷 基础伤害减少8 叶绿弹 基础伤害减少6 其它:显示物品mod归属、详细npc鼠标信息、友方npc碰撞伤害、更详细的武器攻速和击退显示 可以对盔甲进行附魔了! ps:此上传已经过彩虹荧光棒开发人员同意。 上传者:脏渔歌"> StarlitRainbowCollection 星虹集 彩虹荧光棒、四十九落星等国产mod的前置mod,持续更新中… 内含机制: 玩家:近战以外攻速、暴击伤害、直接伤害、荆棘伤害、伤害减免、抛射物反射率、闪避率、死亡抗性、命中率 元素伤害(物理、自然、风水、奥术、火焰、冰霜、毒性、暗影、血腥、死灵、神圣、闪电、地岩、咒炎、影炎、霜炎、深渊、诡怪) 原版修改: 物品加强: 火焰花魔杖 基础伤害提高17 海蓝权杖 基础伤害提高4 攻速加快 暗影链球 基础伤害提高10 蓝月链球 基础伤害提高15 熔火链球 基础伤害提高20 恶魔镰刀魔法书 恶魔镰刀带有追踪! 永夜之刃 可以连击 太极链球 基础伤害提高至300! 魔法竖琴 基础伤害提高20 诅咒火焰魔法书 攻速加快 魔耗降低 钥匙剑 基础伤害提高45 可以连击 暴击造成4倍伤害! 亵渎三叉戟 基础伤害提高至140! 寒霜法杖 攻速加快 魔耗降低 蘑菇矛 攻速加快,基础伤害提高20! 蜜蜂枪 删除穿透 握持时增加2点直接伤害 胡蜂枪 删除穿透 握持时增加10点直接伤害 霜炎花魔杖 基础伤害提高33 大地魔杖 基础伤害提高50 攻速翻倍! 石巨人之拳 基础伤害提高11 攻速加快 幽魂法杖 攻速加快 基础伤害提高28! 尖桩发射器 攻速加快 北极 攻速加快 基础伤害提高23! 圣诞树剑 可以连击 一次放出5个能爆炸的圣诞装饰! 泡泡枪 射程略微增加 波涌之刃 剑气速度加快 有概率释放多重剑气! 电浆魔爆炮 激光模式下可以转向了! 舌锋剑 直接射出脓血! 喜庆弹射器 基础伤害提高100! 飞弹法杖、烈焰火鞭、彩虹魔杖 法球滞空时伤害会不断提升! 肉前回旋镖 回旋镖速度加快 肉前八矿护甲 提供的防御大量增加 蘑菇套、鬼木套、甲虫攻击套(胸甲)、幽魂套 提供的防御大量增加 肉后钻头 挖掘范围增加 物品削弱: 蜂膝弓、代达罗斯风暴弓 攻速减慢 影炎飞刀 弹射后会伤害衰减 水刃龙卷 基础伤害减少8 叶绿弹 基础伤害减少6 其它:显示物品mod归属、详细npc鼠标信息、友方npc碰撞伤害、更详细的武器攻速和击退显示 可以对盔甲进行附魔了! ps:此上传已经过彩虹荧光棒开发人员同意。 上传者:脏渔歌 Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.8 | Edit | Delete |
Vizzio Mod
Download v0.1.3 (635 KB) |
Extroncio7 |
( InDev )
( Mod en Desarrollo) Un mod para el grupo de los Vizzios. 2 NPCs 5 Espadas 2 Pets Varios Items 10 Cuadros (8 Cuadros + 2 Posters) - Por Agregar - Procesamiento de reciclaje de items (Argollas, Paraguas, Candelabros, Yunkes, Mesa de Crafteo) - Por Agregar - Procesamiento de Minerales - Desamblador (Maquina) - Motores y Circuitos - Estacion de Electronica - Polvora Extraible de Bombas y TNT (Solo en pequeñas cantidades) - Ideas de IC2 (IndustrialCraft) - Cristal Crafteable - NPC Ranger - Posible Sistema de Energía - Version 0.1.3 - Añadadida Espada Putrida Crafteable - 1 Nuevo NPC - El Ingeniero - Modificadas las recetas de algunos items. - Cambiado los costos. - Mas Items Agregados (Incrafteables por el Momento) - 1 Nuevo NPC Enemy - El Mini Zombi - Version 0.1.2 - Fixed Pets don't spawn Projectiles in Multiplayer Server - Changed "Wallpapers" and "Paintings" price - Changed Dialogs - Change NPC Name "Chica" - Fixed Autoswing "Espada Base" & "Swing Type" - Fixed 1 Frame del NPC Granjero - WIP - Version 0.1.1 - Fixed NPC no llegan. - Fixed Receta de la refinería - Version 0.1 - Version de Lanzamiento Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.8 | Edit | Delete |
Alito's Recipes
Download v0.5 (7.1 KB) |
Alito |
WARNING: This mod is in very early stages.
Alito's Recipes adds a couple of recipes for items that are otherwise unobtainable, or require tons of grinding to get. This mod currently adds recipes for: Angler's Set Fiberglass Fishing Pole Tackle Box Soul of Night Staff of Necrosteocytes (Calamity) Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.8 | Edit | Delete |
Download v0.1 (12.9 KB) |
heis |
Lit mod yes yes
Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.8 | Edit | Delete |
Infinite Baits
Download v0.0.0.1 (10.2 KB) |
Sigma Iota |
This mod adds 3 items, that are made vanilla baits permanently available.
For example, Infinite Apprentice Bait is made from 111 Apprentice Baits. This item has 15% (same as apprentice bait) bait power and it is not consumed by using. If you find some bugs or have ideas on how to make this mod better, Please send me a Direct Message on twitter. My twitter URL: Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.8 | Edit | Delete |
Crazy Pillars(神经病四柱)
Download v0.1 (38.7 KB) |
Volknet_Online |
Very crazy Pillars.
非常丧心病狂的四柱。 Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.8 | Edit | Delete |
Download v0.1 (8 KB) |
Viglot |
ViglotsMod is a pretty cool mod for pretty cool friends.
Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.8 | Edit | Delete |
Mod of e
Download v0.1.5 (16 KB) |
Wildbush |
this is my first mod.
magic glow stick gun healing arrows Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.8 | Edit | Delete |
Download v0.1.14 (17.1 MB) |
rover |
Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.8 | Edit | Delete |
Terraria Overload
Download v0.5 (13.2 KB) |
Astro Solar |
Terraria Overload for now adds 2 new weapons called Dartshot and DartSniper They're post-plantera upgrades to the dart pistol and dart rifle.
Update 0.4: Re-Added Shoomite Helm. Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.8 | Edit | Delete |
Epic Sauce Mod Jam
Download v0.1 (6.5 KB) |
very handsome people |
Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.8 | Edit | Delete |