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Locked Abilities
Download v1.3.2 (104.9 KB)


Locks many primary player abilities, particularly those enabled by accessories... including total accessory slots (all but 1)! Abilities may be unlocked with special accessories.

Locked abilities:
- Grappling
- Mounts
- Flight
- Sprinting
- Protections
- "Heavy" armor
- Protection equipment
- Accessory slots (all but 1)


Sprite credits: GabeHasWon, imposter

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
Download v36.18.0.1 (3 MB)


Tired of playing Terraria alone? Let the TerraGuardians accompany you.

The TerraGuardians are mythical humanoid creatures that lives in the Ether
Realm, and for some reason, now they are moving to Terrarian worlds.

Befriend TerraGuardians, and they will help you, and also try to find out
what is happening to cause them to appear, too.

There are quite a number of guardians you can find during your gameplay,
each with their way of recruitment. Rise the friendship level, the more
friendship level, the better for you.

You can also leave them guarding your houses, to protect your citizens,
and do their requests for rewards.

There's also a few Terrarian characters you can have as companions.

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
Calamity mod Traducción Español/Calamity Mod spanish translation
Download v1.9.8.2 (294.4 KB)

Master Dong

Calamity mod Traducción Español traduce el Calamity Mod al español.
Este mod fue creado para que los españoles que no dominen el ingles puedan disfrutar de este mod sin complicaciones.

Este mod se actualizará regularmente.

-Nombre de criaturas traducidos
-Accesorios traducidos
-Materiales traducidos
-Minerales traducidos
-Lore traducido
-Armas traducidas
-Armaduras traducidas
-Frases de los jefes en el chat traducidas
-Bónuses de armaduras

Proximas actualizaciones:
-Traducir hotkeys
NOTA: No estoy afiliado con Fabsol ni con los creadores del Calamity mod


-Eliminadas las traducciones de varias descripciones debido a que provocaban que el juego se cerrara (Rama de mejoras de la Espada de Biomas).

-Eliminada la traducción de la descripción del Arca de los Elementos debido a que el juego se cerraba al pasar el ratón por encima debido a un error desconocido.

-Arreglados varios errores
-Prevenidos crasheos por intentar traducir objetos que quitaron del mod.

-Traducidos los contenidos principales de la Draedon Update.
-Traducidas las mascotas y mascotas luminosas.
-Traducida una silla

-Eliminadas las traducciones de armas que no existen.

-Traducidos los bónuses de armaduras.
-Traducidas las Hotkeys de las armaduras(hotkeys generales en progreso).

-Corregidas varias descripciones antiguas.
-todos los acentos y ñs se muestran correctamente.

-Traducidas las alas y las botas.

-Mejorada la calidad de la traducción.
-Preparados ciertos requerimientos para actualizar los Sets de Armadura(Los jugadores que usen el mod no verán diferencias actualmente).

-Corregidas descripciones de armas y objetos.
-Traducidos items que quedaron sin traducir en otras actualizaciones.

-Traducidos todos los mensajes del chat(Mensajes de estados y frases de jefes).
-Traducidos algunos objetos de pasadas actualizaciones.

-Traducido el arsenal de Draedon y todos los objetos de los laboratorios.

-Puesto al día con las aztualizaciones del Calamity Mod.

-Traducidas las pociones y los power-ups permanentes.

-Traducidas algunas cosas que antes no estaban.

-Nombre de criaturas traducidos.

-Armaduras traducidas (sin bonus).

-Armas de Rogue traducidas.

-Armas de Invocador traducidas.

-Armas Mágicas traducidas.

-Armas A Distancia traducidas.

-Armas Cuerpo a Cuerpo traducidas.

-Traducidas todas las herramientas.
-Mejorada la calidad de la traducción.

-Arreglado un error por el cual el mod no funcionaba.

-Traducido todo el lore restante.

-Traducidos los materiales restantes.
-Mejorada la calidad de la traducción.
v 1.7.6

-Mejorada la calidad de la traducción.
v 1.7.5

-Traducidos todos los tipos de munición.
-Traducidos algunos debuffs más.
-Traducido mucho lore.
v 1.6.2

-Traducidos la mayoria de debuffs.
-Traducidos aun mas jefes.
-Añadido un icono.
v 1.5.1

-Algunos jefes traducidos.
-Calidad de la traducción mejorada, ahora los acentos y las Ñ de todos los objetos traducidos son visibles, ya no se ven como *

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
Download v0.4.0 (176 KB)


AutoStacker is a mod which make your item collection be more useful!
For example, RecieverChestSelector is a item: when you pick up drop items, the items stack to chest directry!
AutoStacker includes below Items!

[ Reciever Chest Selector ]
When you pick up drop items, the items stack to chest directry!
* This item useable to MagicStorage(StorageHeart) insted of chest!

Also, wires on chests has been hit!

Use to placed chest (left click) : Select stack chest.
Use to anything (rigtht click) : Open selected chest.
Right click this item : On/Off chest stacking (or player inventry stacking).

Require one normal chest on WorkBench.

[ Ore Eater ]
Summon a pet that serch ores and pick ores or treasures for you!
Pets pick power is depend on pickel in your inventory.

Set to pet slot.

v1 Require any IronPickaxe on WorkBench.
v2 Require v1 and 4 GillsPotions on WorkBench.
v3 Require v1 and 4 ObsidianSkinPotions on WorkBench.
v4 Require v1 and 4 WormholePotions on WorkBench.
v4 Require v1 and 4 TeleportationPotions on WorkBench.

[ Auto Picker (and Controller)]
Pick and collect item automatically when Hit Wire!

1.Place any Chest.
2.Click Chest by AutoPickerController.
3.Place AutoPicker and deposit any pickel.
4.Right Click AutoPicker by AutoPickerController.
5.Hit Wire AutoPicker. AutoPicker pick block between Chest and AutoPicker!

AutoPicker requires a normal chest and a wire on WorkBench.
AutoPickerController requires a RecieverChestSelector on WorkBench.

[ Minion House ]
Minions are attack the enemies when you deposit summon weapon in this chest!
So, You obtain the chance that you get items without adventure!

After placement, deposit summon weapon.

Require one normal chest and 999 Wood on WorkBench.

[ Witch's Cauldron / Witch's Pot]
This's chest item which change stored items to quite another items!
Witch's Cauldron change items 'about' day after you store(game time).
Witch's Pot change items When hit wire.
* The item is reborn! So,I recommend to store worthless items(like a wooden arrow)...

After placement, deposit worthless item.

Require one normal chest and any Counterweight / Switch on WorkBench.

[ Quick Liquid ]
Water,Lava,Honey falls to quickly!

Right click this : On/Off Quick fall.

Requires notthing on WorkBench.

[ Reflection Field ]
When set to accesary slot, Reflect monsters and attacks!

Set to accesary slot.

Require 3 MagicMirrors on WorkBench.

[ Mount Of Discord ]
Go through any blocks when you mount!

Set to mount slot.

Require 999 Glass on WorkBench.

[ Item Grower Chest ]
Per day, items in chest to be twice!

Place chest and 99 GrassSeeds on ground and deposit in items.

Require one normal chest on WorkBench.

[ Item Vacuumer ]
When enemy drops items, the items track to you automatically!

Right click this : On/Off tracking.

Require ReinforcedFishingPole on WorkBench.

[ Map Shiner ]
When you use, mini Map has been to maximum bright!

Right click this : Map has been max bright.

Requires notthing on WorkBench.

[ Hit Wire Rod ]
When you use this item to wire, trip signal insted of any switchs/lever!

Use to placed wire (left click) :Hit Wire!

Require ont wire on WorkBench.

Organizing Sources
o Reflection Field
No damage from NPCs and Projectile

o Auto Picker
Mining Speed Up

o Minion House
Increase minion spawn speed

o Quick Liquid
Remove V2

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
Mounted Magic Mirrors
Download v1.2.1.1 (83.7 KB)


This mod lets you craft your Magic Mirrors into wall-mounted fast travel points. Fast travel can be done between any discovered mounted mirrors in the world. Configurable.

Credits: Darkpuppy - Mounted Mirror sprite tweak.

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
Cheddar Cheese
Download v0.1.1.1 (98.3 KB)


This is the Cheddar Cheeze mod. It adds a few items that can be considered to unbalance the game.

Autoswing code from the OmniSwing mod.

Change Log:

* Reworked some existing items.
* Added new charm items (Glass Omega and Silver Wings) that are activated by right clicking in inventory.
* Converted Flyte into a charm.
* Converted The Lift into a utility item called Golden Arrow.
* Sprite changes and updates.
* Added other new accessories.
* Added restoration potions, which privide small healing at regular intervals.

* Release with 14 new items.
* Ammomancer pouch - Provides boosts to ranged damage and disables ammo consumption
* Boot. - Upgrade to the Lava Waders and Frostspark Boots
* Eternal Bacon - Non-consumable food item with a 60 minute buff duration
* Flyte - Endgame movement accessory
* Golden Sigil - Mid-late game combat accessory
* Hero Emblem - Provides boosts to melee damage and makes melee weapons autoswing
* Holy Spork - Mid game miscellaneous accessory
* Infinity Gate - Endgame combat accessory, also disables all item consumption
* Lapis Philosophorum - Endgame health and misc accessory
* Pointy Pocket - Provides boosts to throwing damage and disables throwing item consumption
* Red Octagon - Upgrade to the Ankh Shield
* Star Rose - Provides boosts to magic damage and reduces mana costs by 100%
* Star Threads - Upgrade to the Boot.
* The Lift - Provides infinite jumping
Patch 1
* Code fixes
Patch 2
* Sprite updates
Patch 3
* Added changelog and fixed item descriptions
Patch 4
* Actual release
Patch 5
* Added mod homepage
Patch 6 & 7
* Added icon.png
* Added to github
Patch 8
* Fixed logic for scope in Infinity Gate
Patch 9
* Fixed logic for scope in Golden Sigil

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
Project tRU
Download v2.2.2.10 (4.6 MB)

tRU Team

The mod doesn't add new content

Обо всех изменениях в русификаторе вы можете узнать на нашем Дискорд сервере
The mod doesn't add new content

Обо всех изменениях в русификаторе вы можете узнать на нашем Дискорд сервере

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
Download v2.8.6 (472.9 KB)


DISCLAIMER: Most of the incompatibilities with Calamity 1.5 are fixed by now, the new versions of Bags are NOT compatible with anything older than Calamity anymore. Use the newest versions of both mods.

Important: This Mod only works with Calamity.

I created a Discord Server as a place for feedback, suggestions and to get information. Feel free to join! Click the "Visit the Homepage-Button" to join.

Visit my thread on the forums for more information, if you have feedback, suggestions, etc.

This Mod adds 41 Bags to the mod which can drop from enemies. Every single boss triggers a new one to be dropped.

There is a Town NPC who can spawn after King Slime has been killed who has items in his shop to give the player some useful information about the Bags. There is also one who sells potions which lower the current tier of dropped bags.

It also adds some ammunition bags in the shops to make buying ammo less tiring.

This Mod was created with the purpose to put the focus a bit more on action, and a bit less on farming and waiting. The newest update allows you to adjust the droprates of different categories of items just like you want it to be for the perfect experience.

(These are just the most important changes, full lists of changes are on my discord server)
-A few minor additions and changes

-A few minor additions

-Adjustments for Calamity compatibility

-A few minor additions and fixes

-A few minor additions and fixes

-Added a new command and reworked the bag command
-A few other minor changes

-Massive Early-Hardmode Bag Rework

-Removed Post-Polterghast Abyss Bag but added a
Post-Calamitas and a Post-Polterghast Abyss Activation
-Added material from the Arsenal Labs

-Updated /bag command and both Town NPCs

-A few more compatibility things
-Added the Post-Draedon and the Post-Eidolon Wyrm Bag

-Added the Gem Bag
-Removed all the Developer Items from the Post-Supreme
Calamitas Bag

-A few small compatibility things
-Gave the Bag Tooltips some color

-Removed the Post-Yharon Phase 1 Bag
-Compatibility with the new Early Hardmode Progression Rework

-Bag Expert revamped
-All Legendary Items and Rare Item Variants removed from

-Added bags for Martian Madness, Pumpkin and Frost Moon
which drop when certain requirements are met (use /bag
for info)
-A few minor fixes

-Removed all the 4 fragments
-Added 4 different clams (Forest, Corruption, Crimson,
Hallow) and their respective pearls, used to craft
Potion of Beginner's Luck, Wealth, Fortune and
Absolute Luck

-Added bags for Giant Clam, Earth Elemental and all
3 biome mimics which drop when certain requirements are
met (use /bag for info)
-Added the Corruption, Crimson and Hallowed Activation
Crystal, working similar to the others mentioned below
-A few other minor changes and new drops

-Added the Golden, Shadow and Abyss Activation Crystal,
items made from golden and shadow keys to activate
certain drops
-Removed /bagt completely, but revived /bag. /bag is now
an informational command for dependencies and is
basically /bag and /bagt in one

-Nerfed bag droprates during Pumpkin and Frost Moon
Post-ML and Pre-Devourer of Gods

-Recolored all the potions in the Manipulators shop

-Added buff icon resprites and a few missing dependencies

-Added a line to the tooltip of all bags dropping hardmode
ores to prevent confusion

-A bunch of rebalances
-Renamed Bag Guide to Bag Expert and added a Config Option
to deactivate him for people who already know the mod well
-A few bug fixes

-Fixed a bug that caused you to get too much loot with
leftclick in Multiplayer and slowed done opening speed
to reduce lag

-Added a feature that allows you to open bags very quickly
by using/left clicking them

-Removed /bag and /bagt but enhanced the drop table
document on the discord server

-Resprites for ALL bags (except the ones in the shops)
-A new config so you can customize your game however
you want by disabling/enabling different categories
of items and/or lowering the dropchances of them
-A few bug fixes
-Recipes for Blood Orbs, Darksun Fragments, Nightmare
Fuel and Endothermic Energy using fragment leftovers

-Fixed a missing dependency in the Post-DoG Bag
-Lowered droprates of Stress Pills, Laudanum and
Heart of Darkness

-Reduced Auric Ore droprate
-Fixed a missing dependency in the Post-Plantera Bag

-Fixed Pro

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
Aerovelence Mod
Download v1.7.44.4 (31 MB)

Aerovelence Development …

Aerovelence is a large content mod themed around space and the sky, with an interesting twist! Aerovelence has plenty of new content, new enemies to fight, and secrets to be uncovered.
If there are any issues with the mod, join the Discord server linked at the bottom and report bugs in #bug-reports.

This mod version fixes a lot of bugs as well as adding hardmode features to the Rock Collector.

Current rundown:
-372+ Items
-Large collection of new NPCs with fun and unique AI
-3 fun boss fights
-A brand new biome, the Crystal Caverns
-Legendary items that have a low drop rate from any boss, modded and vanilla alike!

If this mod seems interesting to you, join our Discord here:


Directed by Arcri

- Vortex of Rainbows (Cyvercry Boss AI)
- IDGCaptainRussia (Rimegeist Boss AI)
- Wombat (Ice Generation)
- Hamstar (Crystal Caverns Generation)
- Eldrazi (Support with Tumbler AI)
- Graydee (Shaders & Primitives)

Music by: A44 and iFlicky

Code by: Yelloface, ExitiumTheCat, Stardust, Dominic Karma, RighteousRyan, Naka, TraoX, FullOfXP, GabeHasWon, Hamstar, Just Req, Grrenix, Eldrazi, and Felipe350

Sprites by: Arcri, Criitiical, SpicySpaceSnake, HondaCivicMoment, Blossom, Xinix, Stryke, TraoX, Orion, Naka, Seasalt, and Tiredghostdude

Structures by: DarkArtist

Lore and Storywriting by: Maker of Scratchock Live

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
Castled's Equilibrium
Download v0.9.6 (15.9 MB)

The Fortressed Castle In…

Current Major Update: Feathers & Metal
Current Feature Update: Blissful Blizzards (and prep for 1.4)

Castled's Equilibrium is a passion project that started two years ago, which was to create a content mod with abstract elements.

Current Contents:
- A handful of items (including weapons, accessories and armor)
- Three Bosses; Flayke, Nasha & Grakos, and the Harpy Queen
- Superintendent: An item-based lottery minigame where you put your inventory at stake for a possible fortune.
- Vanity Presets: A vanity helper that helps to save and provide quick access to modifying the looks of your character,
allowing you to save up to five presets, and give names to each of them.
- The Tarr; a ravenous, rainbow hued sludgeball from the Far, Far Range, that will ignore nearly any attempt of harming it, while eat everything in it's way, replicating itself until it conquers the world...
- (INDEV) The Tarr Pits; patches of rot within the underground originating from far, far away...

(Feature Update) Blissful Blizzards:
- Added a new boss called Flayke; the first boss that I put an unreasonable amount of effort into (even the drops!)
- Added three new melee weapons (credit to Callie and Lamb sauce for creating them)
- Fixed certain bugs that stuck out sorely (Appendage of Her Highness, Enchanted Strap-bag)
- Added recipes for variations of the Fart in a Balloon

(and prep for 1.4)
- Added an experimental dye called Equinox dye; combine black and white dye with a hallowed bar at a dye vat
- Added a config for generating the tarr pits biome, though incomplete, the generation is pretty much finished (besides where it spawns)

Thanks to everyone who contributed:
Akocis, Aria, Atomic Renegade, AYO BRUH, (basically, i am fox), Beepbopbop, Callie, Cookiecraft_, Darkpuppey, Invalid Pyrossal, Invasive, Jokey, Lewis /ˈluːɪs/, mango, Septimus Maximus the Third, SpicySpaceSnake, SupremeShadow, TacoBurritoGuacamole, token, Universe, Woodio, Wyvern, yelloface, Yhariel

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
Improved Movement Visuals
Download v1.0 (31.6 KB)


1.4! For those who enjoyed it on this version of TML, you can now take the new linked homepage to the port.

•This mod is highly configurable, so it is recommended to look through the mod's config to find your preferences.
•We have a discord homepage on the 1.4 workshop page for bug reports, feedback, etc.

•Corinna (Code)
•GoodPro712 (Code)
•energyKid (Code)"> This mod changes the player's visuals without effecting gameplay. It allows the player to look at the cursor, turn to face your cursor, and lean forwards or backwards while moving. It also includes NPC rotation changes which allow slimes to lean while they jump and enemies with zombie AI or critters to lean forwards similarly to the player.

IMV has finally ported to 1.4! For those who enjoyed it on this version of TML, you can now take the new linked homepage to the port.

•This mod is highly configurable, so it is recommended to look through the mod's config to find your preferences.
•We have a discord homepage on the 1.4 workshop page for bug reports, feedback, etc.

•Corinna (Code)
•GoodPro712 (Code)
•energyKid (Code)

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
The Sebek Mod
Download v0.945 (467 KB)


The Sebek Mod is my first mod, themed after me as evident from the name. It adds items that are kinda OP for when you get them.

Version 0.945 - I am stupid
Fixed Dreams Blade not using the True Excalibur in its recipe. How did I mess that one up?!

Version 0.944 - Kept you waiting, huh?
added some items or whatever. idk. check it yourself. I just did some random update so people know this isn't dead. Also nerfed Assault Pistol of the Sky slightly, and made the Boring Staff probably worthless. Deals 10 times less damage now. Yep. Still 1000.

Version 0.93 - The Melee Patch and 'ugh, the devs did it again...'
Finally, after a long time of not getting time to wort on the mod, added Nightmares Blade and Dreams Blade (go use Recipe Browser for the recipes), and the Boomer Boomerang, dropped by the old man. Yep. Also made Techno Bars craftable (In a rather bad recipe, but it's better than being unobtainable) because the devs like to change the way code works EVERY FEW SECONDS.
Also Sebek Armour is a thing now, though it's mostly all placeholders.

Fixed Techno Beam being uncraftable.

Version 0.925 - The RANGED Update (pranked, baby) and Techno patch:
Added Syringe Gun and Techno Beam, Laser Razor Phaser renamed to Techno Razor Launcher so it fits with the rest of the items, Cyborg now sells the newly added Techno ore, Techno Bars are now crafted with 4 Techno ore and 2 Nanites.

Version 0.9 - The Magic Update and crafting patch:
Added Molten Blast and Laser Razor Phaser, fixed the Techno Blade being able to be crafted without a Mythril or Orich49trueifguoedifgrfpinkore Anvil. Added names for all of the updates. The next update will be the Melee update.

Version 0.8 - The Techno Patch:
Added Techno Blade, and fixed dumb grammar mistake in Description (Addes instead of added). Techno Axe is now actually an axe.

Version 0.7 - The Techno Update:
Added Techno Bar, sold by Cyborg. Can currently only be crafted into another new item, the Techno Axe. Cannot be placed as of now.

Version 0.6 - The Sebek Update and patch:
Added Sword of Sebek, Sebek Beater now requires the Lunar Manipulator to craft and changed description.
Their current crafting recipes will be changed when I add the Sebek ore, though I assume it will come rather late in the mod's development.

Version 0.5 - The Item Update:
Changed Assault Pistol of the Sky to said name, and made stat changes to it. Added Meteor Bow. Also added some item descriptions. Dirt Sword now has higher crit chance.

Version 0.4 - The Sprite and Stat update:
Updated the Pistol Of The Sky sprite, made stat changes to the Meltinator.

Version 0.3 - The Pointless Update:
Added icon that summarises the mod. Also added Boring Staff.

Version 0.2 - The Meltinator Update:
Meltinator added.

Version 0.1 - The Release:
Dirt sword, Star Pistol, and Sebek Beater added.

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
Azure Arsenal
Download v0.1.0.81 (1.4 MB)


The Azure Arsenal Mod introduces some new pieces of equipment to spice up and change the gameplay (or at least hopefully).
The mod introduces:
-1 new biome (The Slime Biome)
-1 miniboss within the Slime Biome
-1 Town NPC
-15+ NPCs with banners
-100+ items
-2 new block tiles (for the Slime Biome)
-1 new boss to fight within the slime biome
-8 new early game materials for weapons of most classes (from jungle, underworld, tundra, crimson/corruption, ocean, desert, pure(forest), and the sky)
-Other small features

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
Powerful Magic
Download v1.11.1 (72.7 KB)


Magic attacks are now 3x as powerful, but use 2.5x as much mana. Also, mana restoring items and natural regeneration only recover 1/5 as much. Mana Potions are also less available, and Mana Sickness above 3 seconds will lock down magic use. Configurable.

This mod is for anyone interested in a shakeup to mage playthroughs, or a fun twist to game modes. It gives magic a clear role for use as power attacks, which also works to compliment regular attacks. In this way, magic doesn't simply become relegated to its dedicated class to gather dust when other classes are being focused upon.

NEW (v1.5): Focus mode. Right-click while holding a magic weapon now recharges your mana faster, but at the cost of movement speed.

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
Litho's Armory
Download v3.1.1.3 (15.5 MB)


Litho's Armory adds a plethora of new weapons to all stages of progression, and includes some cross-compatibility items for Thorium and Mod of Redemption.

REVENANT UPDATE: The mod finally returns, with a boatload of balance changes, some further optimizations, and a host of changes to prepare the mod for the eventual 1.4 update. Contains a new Post-Golem ore, vanity sets, new tweaks, and a sizable list of new weapons.

The mod also includes balance tweaks and new sound effects for vanilla weapons/items that are part of the package.
These are optional, and can be turned off in the config.

Compatibility with Piercing Projectile Fix now added. The mod includes its own optional fix for vanilla piercing projectiles, though.

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
Ultimate Mana Flower
Download v0.5 (10.8 KB)


Adds a post-Moon Lord item designed to make mages really OP.

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
Ossiwolf's mod
Download v0.9.5 (360.2 KB)


Current things in the mod:
(I have probably forgot some things)

-Ossiwolf's Sword
-Ossiwolf's Spear
-Ossiwolf's Boomerang
-Ossiwolf's Yoyo
-Ossiwolf's Baton
-Ossiwolf's Gun
-The Golden Greatsword
-The Velocity Sword
-The Scale Stick
-Shadowflame Knives
-Lackidaisical Frailgug
-Dimensional Anchor Gun
-True Flintlock
-Shroomite Bullets
-Novemtrigintuple Cod

-Ossiwolf's Picksaw
-Ossiwolf's Hamaxe
-Ossiwolf's Hook
-Normalized Rod of Discord

-Ossiwolf's Vanity Sunglasses
-Feather Wings
-Ossiwolf's Sunglasses
-Ossiwolf's Wings
-Duck food?
-Unbeatable I
-Wall Gem

-Ossiwolf Coin
-Soul of Smite
-Awakened Luminite
-3 types of trophies

-Awakened Altar

Current NPCs:

-Mad Mallard
-Mad Mallard Monarch
-Mad Marching Mallard

Town NPCs
-The Duck


Very original names I know, but then again it is my mod. If you want to make them, just give a mallard duck to the guide to find the recipe as all craftable items in the mod use it.

These items are thoughtlessly overpowered and will probably continue to be like this as I am not intending for most of them to be used in any playthrough. The lesser overpowered items might be able to be used but they still likely are overpowered for their point in progression.


Q: When in multiplayer, why does...

A: I haven't the faintest idea.

Q: How do I report a bug?

A: You can't.

Q: Why did it take a year till the next update?

A: I was waiting for tModLoader 1.4, but it seems like it will take a bit longer than I expected.

Q: Why haven't you ported this over to the stable branch of Modded 1.4 yet?

A: 1600 errors say so.

Why am I writing this?


v 0.9.5

+ The duck npc now sells a bunch of different useful materials

+ Added the Normalized Rod of Discord that is rarely droped by weasels in hard mode.

+ Fixed most of the weasel's animation issues

+ Added and changed a bunch more stuff that I am currently forgetting about as it has been 8 months since the last update.

v 0.9.4

+ New Dimensional Anchor Gun, though still work in progress once finished it will prevent immunity and teleportation of enemies.

+ Better Sprites for crafting materials

+ New Critter: The Weasel.

+ Many changes to internal code for efficiency

+ The Ossiwolf's gun's bullets now chase enemies

+ New crafting station + more materials

+ Shroomite Bullets: chasing, piercing, and bouncing

+ True Flintlock: Shoots random projectiles

+ A ton more other changes I couldn't remember as it has been so long since last update...

v 0.9.3

+ Sunglasses now prevent death

+ Many new crafting materials/recipes

+ New Duck Town NPC

+ More improved sprites

v 0.9.2

+ Improved almost all sprites

+ Made the Frailgun work correctly (?)

+ Balanced the Shadowflame Knives (?)

v 0.9.1

+ Added The Mad Marching Mallard, a grounded duck enemy.

+ Added Shadowflame Knives, fires a spread of Shadowflame Knives in a style similar to Vampire Knives (does not lifesteal).

+ Added the Lackidaisical Frailgun, a gun that seems at first glance to be extremely underpowered.

+ Added the Duckdebilattenuation debuff, it freezes the movement of enemies and players.

+ Added Feather wings, a pair of easymode wings.

+ Added Ossiwolf Vanity Sunglasses for vanity.

~ Reduced the crafting requirements for the duck pet upon realizing it has nothing overpowered about it.

~ Golden Greatsword now directly ignores defence rather than giving armor piercing, rendering the buff unused.

~ Various random stat tweaks.

~ The lesser duck enemies now only spawn after Plantera.

v 0.9

+ Added The Velocity Sword, a unique sword that changes the velocity of enemies relative to your WASD inputs.

+ Added The Scale Stick, a stick that simply messes with the size of NPCs (normal to grow, press Down or d to shrink), also has a different effect on Mallards.

+ New Mob: A regular Mad Mallard that is more common and a lot less overpowered.

+ Finally got Duckbliteration debuff working.

+ Made sword projectiles homing and added Duckbliteration on hit.

+ Added Ossiwolf's Baton, a dual use weapon similar to Sky Dragon's Fury. It has only a small amount of melee damage to avoid the anti-butcher mechanic of some bosses, but adds the Duckbliter"> This is simply a mod I made for the creator which is myself Ossiwolf. I have no idea of why one would want to play this if one isn't of that name, but feel free as I truly couldn't care less...

Please be noted that certain combos of items can cause extreme lag to the point of reducing terraria to an annoying noise and a purple screen, though this doesn't cause any lasting problems (as far as I know), Terraria will need to be closed.

Current things in the mod:
(I have probably forgot some things)

-Ossiwolf's Sword
-Ossiwolf's Spear
-Ossiwolf's Boomerang
-Ossiwolf's Yoyo
-Ossiwolf's Baton
-Ossiwolf's Gun
-The Golden Greatsword
-The Velocity Sword
-The Scale Stick
-Shadowflame Knives
-Lackidaisical Frailgug
-Dimensional Anchor Gun
-True Flintlock
-Shroomite Bullets
-Novemtrigintuple Cod

-Ossiwolf's Picksaw
-Ossiwolf's Hamaxe
-Ossiwolf's Hook
-Normalized Rod of Discord

-Ossiwolf's Vanity Sunglasses
-Feather Wings
-Ossiwolf's Sunglasses
-Ossiwolf's Wings
-Duck food?
-Unbeatable I
-Wall Gem

-Ossiwolf Coin
-Soul of Smite
-Awakened Luminite
-3 types of trophies

-Awakened Altar

Current NPCs:

-Mad Mallard
-Mad Mallard Monarch
-Mad Marching Mallard

Town NPCs
-The Duck


Very original names I know, but then again it is my mod. If you want to make them, just give a mallard duck to the guide to find the recipe as all craftable items in the mod use it.

These items are thoughtlessly overpowered and will probably continue to be like this as I am not intending for most of them to be used in any playthrough. The lesser overpowered items might be able to be used but they still likely are overpowered for their point in progression.


Q: When in multiplayer, why does...

A: I haven't the faintest idea.

Q: How do I report a bug?

A: You can't.

Q: Why did it take a year till the next update?

A: I was waiting for tModLoader 1.4, but it seems like it will take a bit longer than I expected.

Q: Why haven't you ported this over to the stable branch of Modded 1.4 yet?

A: 1600 errors say so.

Why am I writing this?


v 0.9.5

+ The duck npc now sells a bunch of different useful materials

+ Added the Normalized Rod of Discord that is rarely droped by weasels in hard mode.

+ Fixed most of the weasel's animation issues

+ Added and changed a bunch more stuff that I am currently forgetting about as it has been 8 months since the last update.

v 0.9.4

+ New Dimensional Anchor Gun, though still work in progress once finished it will prevent immunity and teleportation of enemies.

+ Better Sprites for crafting materials

+ New Critter: The Weasel.

+ Many changes to internal code for efficiency

+ The Ossiwolf's gun's bullets now chase enemies

+ New crafting station + more materials

+ Shroomite Bullets: chasing, piercing, and bouncing

+ True Flintlock: Shoots random projectiles

+ A ton more other changes I couldn't remember as it has been so long since last update...

v 0.9.3

+ Sunglasses now prevent death

+ Many new crafting materials/recipes

+ New Duck Town NPC

+ More improved sprites

v 0.9.2

+ Improved almost all sprites

+ Made the Frailgun work correctly (?)

+ Balanced the Shadowflame Knives (?)

v 0.9.1

+ Added The Mad Marching Mallard, a grounded duck enemy.

+ Added Shadowflame Knives, fires a spread of Shadowflame Knives in a style similar to Vampire Knives (does not lifesteal).

+ Added the Lackidaisical Frailgun, a gun that seems at first glance to be extremely underpowered.

+ Added the Duckdebilattenuation debuff, it freezes the movement of enemies and players.

+ Added Feather wings, a pair of easymode wings.

+ Added Ossiwolf Vanity Sunglasses for vanity.

~ Reduced the crafting requirements for the duck pet upon realizing it has nothing overpowered about it.

~ Golden Greatsword now directly ignores defence rather than giving armor piercing, rendering the buff unused.

~ Various random stat tweaks.

~ The lesser duck enemies now only spawn after Plantera.

v 0.9

+ Added The Velocity Sword, a unique sword that changes the velocity of enemies relative to your WASD inputs.

+ Added The Scale Stick, a stick that simply messes with the size of NPCs (normal to grow, press Down or d to shrink), also has a different effect on Mallards.

+ New Mob: A regular Mad Mallard that is more common and a lot less overpowered.

+ Finally got Duckbliteration debuff working.

+ Made sword projectiles homing and added Duckbliteration on hit.

+ Added Ossiwolf's Baton, a dual use weapon similar to Sky Dragon's Fury. It has only a small amount of melee damage to avoid the anti-butcher mechanic of some bosses, but adds the Duckbliter

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
Secrets Of The Shadows
Download v0.21.1 (25.5 MB)

Vortex Of Rainbows

A mod which probably has something to do with Secrets and Shadows.
This mod's main plan is to add structures and other unique generation to the world, which can act as dungeons or help spice up exploration.

!! This mod is early in development !!
!! A large world is recommended in order for the generated structures to spawn without overriding vanilla structures !!

Bosses -> Currently 6, all with original AI!
Items -> Nearly 600, designed to unique!
Ores -> 3

New Subclass: Void
-Unleash very powerful attacks, at a cost
-High risk, high reward
-Has melee, ranged, magic, and summon items

Major Stuctures: 2
-Pyramid Dungeon Worldgen
-Planetarium Temple Worldgen
-A generous amount of smaller structures

(Current Developers)
Code, Direction, Art: Vortex#6230
Music, SFX, Direction, Art: Heart Plus Up!
Code, Audio Engineering: apotofkoolaid
Art: Mochi, MrPetkins

(Contributors and Other Credits)
Art: HugeKraken, Arcri, Pokerface
Testers/Other: Mushnib~, Astrobit, DreadSoul, Crimsonkeep, Bman, TheoR
Code: Graydee, ENNWAY, Qwerty3.14, OS, Nalyd T.
Minor Art: Naka, DeJuiceTD, Nomis

(Past Developers)
Emotional Support, Direction, Art: Coolio
Misc, Direction: FlameFreezer
Music: BananaLizard
Art: Blasfah

Update 0.21.1
-Attempted a fix for Recipe Browser crash
-Buffed Lux's survivablity across the board
-Other balance related changes

Update 0.21.0 "The Construct Update"
-New worldgen structure in the Dungeon and Jungle
-New Polaris summon shrine + 3 new ores
-Added the 3 remaining Constructs, all Hardmode
-Replaced Celestial Serpent with a new boss, Lux
-Reworked and added more items. New enemies
-Void Reworks, such as enemies being able to deal void damage, and different void regen mechanics
-Various balance changes
-Added a config option to lower the intesity of visuals and help with performance. Mainly affects certain boss related visuals, lasers, trails, etc.
-Many resprites and visual improvements
-Internal Optimizations and many Bug fixes

Update 0.20.2
-A new item, Plasma Accelerator, and reworked Bore Bullets
-A few bug fixes and internal optimizations that should hopefully make the mod less laggy

Update 0.20.1
-Reworked Treasure Slimes
-Added Permafrost and Tidal Spirit Staves
-Added two new starter house variants (courtesy of Astrobit and Mushnib~)
-A few resprites, bug fixes, and balance changes

Update 0.20.0 "The Pyramid Update"
-The Pyramid worldgen overhauled/improved. Added new enemies and a wave event and music.
-The Planetarium now features a vastly improved set of visuals.
-Other places have also recieved visual improvements, such as buff icons, bosses, enemies, armor, and weapons.
-Pharaoh's Curse has been completely reworked
-Several items have recieved visual and functional reworks
-A handful of new items have been added
-Many balance changes, bug fixes, and QoL additions
-Many internal code optimizations and fixes

Update 0.19.3
-New Expert drops for Icy Amalgamation, Subspace Serpent, and Pharaoh's
-A TON of various resprites
-A handful a balance changes
-Bug Fixes

Update 0.19.2
-More Items, such as the introduction of Void+Summon items
-New Worldgen structures in the Ocean, Sky, and Planetarium
-Putrid Pinky Reworks, both visual and functional
-Subspace Serpent has been completely reworked
-Many item reworks, both visual and functional

Update 0.19.1
-Just a quick hotfix in attempt to fix some bugs such as...
-Fixed game crash on attempting to load world
-Fixed enemies from other mods spawning too frequently in planetarium
-New Mod icon

Update 0.19.0
-Big thanks to qwerty3.14 for extensive feedback in many areas of the mod (and glowmask code)!
-Balancing changes, overhauls, and visual improvements in many areas (including various items)
-New Boss and Biome with lots of new items
-Various bug fixes

Update 0.18.4
-Pyramid prioritizes finding a non-underground desert
-Pyramid is now smaller, has new rooms, now generates with clogged hallways.
-Visual improvements in various places, added banners.
-Expanded content, Remade some old content.
-Buffed default void regen speed, modified void costs in various areas
-Bug fixes (Thanks Creeper da Snek and the people in the Discord server)

-Some small tweaks
-Homepage added!

Update 0.18.3
-Pyramid worldgen improved
-Visual improvements in various places
-Permafrost Fragment item pool expansion
-More Items, Enemies, and an Armor set
-Remade some items and added old ones back.
-Item balancing, especially with summon items
-Bug fixes

Update 0.18.2
-Fixed undownloadable error
-Icon added

Update 0.18.1
-More pyramid stuff and resprites

Update 0.18 The Purge
-Reworked or Removed almost every old ite

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
Blasts Mod
Download v0.1.9.706116 (20.4 MB)

Operation Blastflight

Blasts Mod is a mod which includes items, NPCs, and blocks form the Blast Universe! This mod is very young, so there isn't much to have in it.

Changes in (The 10K Update Part One of Two)
Added a new boss: Binary Stars
Added Exclusive drops and an expert mode item from the Binary Stars
Added new music for the Detroyer Ant for both phases
Added a new Homepage!
Added Vanity Items and Trophies for Existing and new Bosses
Fixed Camo Slicer decreasing it's own damage upon secondary use
Added Fever Rifle

Changes in (Bugfixing)
Fixed Grand Expense not being held at the handle and decreased it's price
Fixed grammer issues
Added some more Soldier quotes

Changes in
Miscellaneous sprite changes
Added Meltdown weapon
Added Binary Stars' Expert Mode music finally
Added Cybervirus biome (Although at its current state it's not naturally obtainable.)
Added a few enemies pretaining to the Cybervirus
Modified spawn rates of some enemies

(Updates may come slow as there is not much reason to continue this)
(Note: Mod is in Alpha, so there is currently a small amount of content.)

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
AFK's PETS and more(Beta Before 1.4)
Download v9.9.9.51 (33 MB)

AFK, Blossom, Soft, Sato…

AFK PETS and More!

AFK Pets and More is a content mod which brings the following:

500+ Pets

400+ weapons

New subclasses such as transformations, bats, and active summons

6 bosses and 13 mini-bosses

15+ npcs including townspeople, traveling and minigame npcs

Farming and Fishing expansions

Misc such as furniture, paintings and placables

Unique mechanics involving changing the name of your NPCs, Opening the wiki ingame, making any entity your pet, and more

A lot of the mod is focused on references to media titles such as games, shows, webseries, etc such as: Touhou, Mario, Yume nikki, Pokemon and many more.

We do not aim to bring pre-generated biomes/structures or enemies outside of bosses or our own events, so this mod should be fine to install during any stage of the game

If you have any questions, come join the AFK Pets Discord Server!

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
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