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P2W Mod
Download v0.1 (10.1 KB)


horrible mod you probably shouldn't download.

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
Download v0.6 (51.4 KB)


A basic mod adding a couple of side items for making events and boss fights more interesting.

Currently adds:
2 Melee Weapons (1: Pre-mech, 1: Post-moonlord)
4 Magic weapon (1: Pre-WoF, 1: Pre-mech, 1: Post-plantera, 1: Post-moonlord)
1 Ranged weapon (1: Pre-EoC)
1 Love weapon (Unobtainable<3)

Planning to add:
summoner weapons
New enemies

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
Download v1.1.0 (34.3 KB)



Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
Reverse Brick Crafting
Download v0.2.1 (8.3 KB)


Reverse Brick Crafting lets you turn bricks into their ore component basically just a reverse of the crafting recipe. i.e. Gold Brick into gold ore.
Due to the constraints of the recipe system there can only be one result for each craft, so the stone block is lost in each crafting.
Uses the furnace to work, so is usable with Furnace, hellforge, and hardmode furnaces.

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
Download v0.1 (427 KB)


very much a wip

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
Shared Health
Download v0.2.1 (12.6 KB)


Shared Health causes every player to take damage when one player takes damage.

The damaging part works.

Can't get the regen to work correctly.

Should be usable as it is.

This was a request on the forums back in March, thought I'd take a crack at it.

v 0.2.1
Now has homepage and icon (hopefully).

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
Necro Resources
Download v0.6.3 (41.8 KB)


This mod adds only Resources for my other mods so i won't have to do many things like
wasting my time and arraign everything, NO
i won't do that and i will do my WAY

- Added a few extra items+recipes for them.
few???? maybe a bunch new resources for my other mods that i intend to work on.
- Visual Update (Updated The Recipes Requirment)

- Reconfigured Recipes for all materials
- Removed Necro Post Armour Mod
- Removed end items like Black hole omni hole etc.
Because it was so unbalanced and i want to make quality mod , balanced not unbalanced
so from now on i will start make balanced mods

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
Polarities Flawless Item Merchant
Download v0.1.1 (53 KB)

Nalyd T.

Adds a merchant which sells flawless items after you defeat their corresponding boss.

Flawless items are x5 their original price if you have not beaten them flawlessly.

Currently up to date with Polarities v0.9.5.2
For any bugs you can DM me or ping me in the Polarities discord server

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
Terra Wheelchair
Download v0.9.5.6 (168.6 KB)


Added a real wheelchair entity! (not a mount item)

- Allowing riding, pushing, throwing and more!
- Multiplayer! Let your friends sit on your wheelchair and push them around (or vice versa).
- Wheelchair challenge? Beat the game with your friend while staying in your friend's wheelchair all the way

Have fun with your wheelchair adventure!

At Workbench
No ingredients needed

* Wheelchair Item
- Use the wheelchair item to spawn a wheelchair entity
- When holding the wheelchair item, you are able to push the wheelchair you summoned
- When pushing your wheelchair, use the wheelchair item again to throw the wheelchair (also the player on it) towards your mouse direction
- When your wheelchair is far away, use the wheelchair item again to teleport it (also the player on it) back

* Wheelchair Prescription
- Favorate (Alt + click) the prescription item in your bag to allow others to carry you with there wheelchair
- In that case, when a empty wheelchair is near, your charactor will automatically sit on it
- When sitting on a wheelchair, others can push, throw, and teleport you as they doing that to the wheelchair

* Extra
- Only the player who own the wheelchair entity can push the wheelchair. If you want to carry your friends around, you'll need to summon your wheelchair.
- The prescription item even allow you to sit on your own wheelchair (e.g. in single player). If that happens, the wheelchair will get into auto runing state to slowly carry you around (since others can't push the wheelchair you summoned).

- 1.4 Alpha support
- Get this mod for tml 1.4 on Steam Workshop

Bug report:

Version (on 1.3 tml)
by Moebius Meow

v0.9.5.5 - Fixed minor sync bugs 修复了同步上的一些小问题
v0.9.5.4 - Fixed sound effects positioning issue, added support for conveyor belts 修复了音效没有立体音的问题,加入了传送带支持
v0.9.5.2 - Added a new wheelchair for town NPCs 加入了运载NPC的轮椅


- 为联机整活而生!让你的小伙伴们坐上你的轮椅被你带飞(或者让他们来载你)
- 双人轮椅开荒挑战?试试禁止移动然后让你的朋友用轮椅载着你开荒(你可以在轮椅上输出)



* 轮椅物品
- 使用时召唤你的轮椅实体
- 当手持这个物品时,如果你在轮椅旁边,你会自动握住轮椅,你可以推着它一起移动、跳跃、飞行(甚至骑坐骑)
- 当握住轮椅时,再次点击鼠标左键,就会把轮椅向鼠标方向投掷(轮椅上的玩家也会一起被投掷)
- 如果轮椅在远处,再次点击鼠标左键,轮椅会从远处被收回到玩家身边

* 轮椅证书
- 把轮椅证书标记为喜爱(Alt+单击)时才可以坐上轮椅(如果你想当推轮椅的人,就不要标记为喜爱)
- 标记为喜爱时,会自动坐上附近的空轮椅
- 坐在轮椅上时,推轮椅的人搬运、投掷、传送轮椅时,你会被一起带动

* 备注
- 只有轮椅的召唤者可以推动这个轮椅实体。如果你想推轮椅,你需要召唤一个自己的轮椅(不能推别人召唤的)
- 标记轮椅证书时你甚至可以坐在自己召唤的轮椅上(单人游戏中这是唯一的坐轮椅方式) 在这种情况下,轮椅会进入电动模式,自动慢慢往前运行

- 支持1.4 tModLoader
- 在Steam创意工坊上安装此MOD


Version (on 1.3 tml)
by Moebius Meow

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
Buff Charm
Download v1.0.0.0 (113.9 KB)


Tired of constantly having to grind for buff potions?
Hate having to always lug a ton of potions to boss fights?
Do you struggle to even use your potions?

Introducing the Buff Charm mod!

With this mod, you can use your old buff potions to craft a new type of "accessory" called charms.
These are equipped in new slots found under your player's inventory, so they don't take up any actual accessory slots.
Charms give your player certain permanent buffs depending on the type of charm it is!
Craft a charm with a stack of 10 buff potions and 6 gold or platinum bars at an anvil. Note that not all buff potions can be turned into charms.
Certain charms can even be combined with each other at an anvil!

Huge shoutout to abluescarab for their custom item slot wrapper! This mod would have taken me much, much longer without it!


- Released to tModloader

- Uploaded code to GitHub
- Added mod icon

- The Rage buff now allows minions to crit at a fixed 10% chance
- Added Featherfall Charm, Gravitation Charm, and Charm of the Cosmos
- The Wizard will now sell holy, unholy, and blood water, no matter what evil your world has
- Official thread created
- Fixed bug causing some people's buffs to constantly enable/disable themselves
- Fixed multiplayer bug causing charm slots to hide themselves when the host opens a chest
- Fixed charm slots not being hidden when chests are opened in singleplayer
- Fixed multiplayer bug making buffs from charms last for 5 more minutes when unequipped by everyone but the host
- Many changes to charms were made to prevent the player from having to craft multiple of the same charms to craft
their combined versions.
- Charm of Chaos, Charm of Fury, and Charm of Tranquility were removed. Anyone with these charms after this
update will recieve a Charm Ticket that can be crafted into another charm.
- Added Charm of Crimson and Charm of Corruption!
- Buffs can now be disabled by right clicking the buff icon! This will give you a "Disabled Buffs" buff that
essentially keeps track of what buffs you have disabled. Disable this buff to re-enable them.
- Added the charm of Terraria! This charm grants your character most vanilla buffs.
- Buff limit increased by 55!
- Bug fixes

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
Refined Yoyos
Download v0.4 (42.1 KB)


Combine multiple items of the same yoyo to craft a stronger, refined version of that yoyo!

v0.2: Small balances
v0.3: Small balances
v0.4: Small balances

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
Random Items and Bosses
Download v0.3.5 (39.8 KB)


Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
Impact Library
Download v1.0.1 (25 KB)


A library mod which adds collision surfaces, allowing one to make custom movable and rotatable platforms and walls which collide with the player independantly from tiles.

Collision Surfaces are orientable "wall" objects which have their positions determined by two end points.
To use collision surfaces, they must be defined and updated from another class which is updated ingame, such as an NPC or Projectile.

This mod can be used either as a StrongReference dependency or incorporated into the mod's source code directly. If you plan on taking the direct implementation appoach, I (Seraph) the mod author must be credited somewhere.

You can find further instructions on the implementation of collision surfaces on the forum page, or by extracting the mod, which contains an example cube platform NPC.

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
Download v0.120 (126.2 KB)


Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
Demonic little grey cat by omga
Download v1.0.4 (12.2 MB)

omga, vzizbek

This mod is nearly the first thing I actually have done with TModLoader,
it adds post-moonlord weapons like Meowyoyo, Supernova and O.M.F.G (more stuff will be added later),
and a new boss with absolutely unique AI, which can be summoned with "Suspicious Cat Food". The mod also adds
Hallowed Knives, Terra Knives and Phasma Knives to post-mech, post-plantera and post-moonlord accordingly, which
will have mechanics similar to Vampire Knives.
There's also an accessory that does a cool thing, but you'll figure that out yourself :D

1.0.4. Updated crafts for all items (they're now post-LGC); Fixed world generation of Omgium.

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
Download v0.6.0 (192.8 KB)


Alpha Version 6 (playthrough testing)

Adds short, medium and long spears for pre-hardmode.

New Cactus Spears with armor penetration and increased knockback, but reduced damage.
Required Wood ingredients reduced, but Knight Spear requirements significantly increased.
The first Wooden spear can now be reforged with 'Gel'.

Long and Medium 'Wooden Spear' damage increased.

Upcoming changes for next patch:
Recoloring the difficult to distinguish tin and iron spears.

Please reply to this reddit post for questions, helpful feedback, and suggestions.

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
Battleaxes for Terraria
Download v1.1.4 (166 KB)

Riften Guard

Battleaxes for Terraria adds in 51 slow and massive battleaxes for Terraria. Battleaxes are all true melee.


The Knight's Ring Damage Reduction is now 15% and The God's Holy Shield Damage Reduction to 20% (I'm trying to figure out a way to make it so the Battleaxes has some sort of cooldown so you can spam it)


Changed the Blazing Axe Sprite, nerfed The Knight's Ring to 20% Damage Reduction, The Armor Crusher now has a thorns effect and nerfed armor pen, Decreased life regen from the Healthy Pill, The God's Holy Shield now has a thorns effect and nerfed the armor pen and the Damage Reduction and decreased life regen from it and buffed the Slimy Battleaxe to 18 damage


Added a few accessories and added an icon


Made the Glass Battleaxe not as powerful and fixed the drops from enemies


Initial release

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
Cholo's Random Mod
Download v0.9.0 (167.4 KB)


Cholo's Random Mod is pretty much that. A mod I'm doing to learn about Terraria modding.

Currently adds:

- The Steel Mind: A mechanical Brain of Cthulhu boss that drops souls of plight.
- The Bomber: A Snowman Cannon upgrade that fires a rocket that leaves trailing mines.
- Extraterrestrial Tome: A magic spell that fires a tesla turret that explodes into sparks.
- Dungeon Spirit Staff: Summons a spirit minion that shoots homing lost souls.
- Supreme Manipulator: A crafting station that acts as most crafting stations as well as a demon altar.
- Mutated Slime: A slime variant that spawns in both evil biomes and shoots spikes after jumping.
- Lancer: A disturbingly uncanny painting sold by the Clothier

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
Minecraft Music Discs
Download v2.9.2.6 (26.6 MB)


Minecraft Music Discs v2.8

v1 - Minecraft Music Discs as Swords got added.

v2 - A Music Box for every Disc got added.

v2.8 - Compressed some sound files and hopefully fixed a bug that was caused by the music.

Updates may come out in the future. e

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
loly's random item mod
Download v0.3 (15.9 KB)


hi i am lolypopper



Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
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