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Download v0.1 (21.4 KB)


1 - Added AMOGUS


Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.3 Edit | Delete
Download v1.0 (26.1 KB)


STOP POSTING ABOUT AMONG US! I'M TIRED OF SEEING IT! MY FRIENDS ON TIKTOK SEND ME MEMES, ON DISCORD IT'S FUCKING MEMES! I was in a server, right? and ALL OF THE CHANNELS were just among us stuff. I-I showed my champion underwear to my girlfriend and t-the logo I flipped it and I said "hey babe, when the underwear is sus HAHA DING DING DING DING DING DING DING DI DI DING" I fucking looked at a trashcan and said "THAT'S A BIT SUSSY" I looked at my penis I think of an astronauts helmet and I go "PENIS? MORE LIKE PENSUS" AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHGESFG
STOP POSTING ABOUT AMONG US! I'M TIRED OF SEEING IT! MY FRIENDS ON TIKTOK SEND ME MEMES, ON DISCORD IT'S FUCKING MEMES! I was in a server, right? and ALL OF THE CHANNELS were just among us stuff. I-I showed my champion underwear to my girlfriend and t-the logo I flipped it and I said "hey babe, when the underwear is sus HAHA DING DING DING DING DING DING DING DI DI DING" I fucking looked at a trashcan and said "THAT'S A BIT SUSSY" I looked at my penis I think of an astronauts helmet and I go "PENIS? MORE LIKE PENSUS" AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHGESFG
STOP POSTING ABOUT AMONG US! I'M TIRED OF SEEING IT! MY FRIENDS ON TIKTOK SEND ME MEMES, ON DISCORD IT'S FUCKING MEMES! I was in a server, right? and ALL OF THE CHANNELS were just among us stuff. I-I showed my champion underwear to my girlfriend and t-the logo I flipped it and I said "hey babe, when the underwear is sus HAHA DING DING DING DING DING DING DING DI DI DING" I fucking looked at a trashcan and said "THAT'S A BIT SUSSY" I looked at my penis I think of an astronauts helmet and I go "PENIS? MORE LIKE PENSUS" AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHGESFG
STOP POSTING ABOUT AMONG US! I'M TIRED OF SEEING IT! MY FRIENDS ON TIKTOK SEND ME MEMES, ON DISCORD IT'S FUCKING MEMES! I was in a server, right? and ALL OF THE CHANNELS were just among us stuff. I-I showed my champion underwear to my girlfriend and t-the logo I flipped it and I said "hey babe, when the underwear is sus HAHA DING DING DING DING DING DING DING DI DI DING" I fucking looked at a trashcan and said "THAT'S A BIT SUSSY" I looked at my penis I think of an astronauts helmet and I go "PENIS? MORE LIKE PENSUS" AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHGESFGSTOP POSTING ABOUT AMONG US! I'M TIRED OF SEEING IT! MY FRIENDS ON TIKTOK SEND ME MEMES, ON DISCORD IT'S FUCKING MEMES! I was in a server, right? and ALL OF THE CHANNELS were just among us stuff. I-I showed my champion underwear to my girlfriend and t-the logo I flipped it and I said "hey babe, when the underwear is sus HAHA DING DING DING DING DING DING DING DI DI DING" I fucking looked at a trashcan and said "THAT'S A BIT SUSSY" I looked at my penis I think of an astronauts helmet and I go "PENIS? MORE LIKE PENSUS" AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHGESFG
STOP POSTING ABOUT AMONG US! I'M TIRED OF SEEING IT! MY FRIENDS ON TIKTOK SEND ME MEMES, ON DISCORD IT'S FUCKING MEMES! I was in a server, right? and ALL OF THE CHANNELS were just among us stuff. I-I showed my champion underwear to my girlfriend and t-the logo I flipped it and I said "hey babe, when the underwear is sus HAHA DING DING DING DING DING DING DING DI DI DING" I fucking looked at a trashcan and said "THAT'S A BIT SUSSY" I looked at my penis I think of an astronauts helmet and I go "PENIS? MORE LIKE PENSUS" AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHGESFG
STOP POSTING ABOUT AMONG US! I'M TIRED OF SEEING IT! MY FRIENDS ON TIKTOK SEND ME MEMES, ON DISCORD IT'S FUCKING MEMES! I was in a server, right? and ALL OF THE CHANNELS were just among us stuff. I-I showed my champion underwear to my girlfriend and t-the logo I flipped it and I said "hey babe, when the underwear is sus HAHA DING DING DING DING DING DING DING DI DI DING" I fucking looked at a trashcan and said "THAT'S A BIT SUSSY" I looked at my penis I think of an astronauts helmet and I go "PENIS? MORE LIKE PENSUS" AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHGESFG
STOP POSTING ABOUT AMONG US! I'M TIRED OF SEEING IT! MY FRIENDS ON TIKTOK SEND ME MEMES, ON DISCORD IT'S FUCKING MEMES! I was in a server, right? and ALL OF THE CHANNELS were just among us stuff. I-I showed my champion underwear to my girlfriend and t-the logo I flipped it and I said "hey babe, when the underwear is sus HAHA DING DING DING DING DING DING DING DI DI DING" I fucking looked at a trashcan and said "THAT'S A BIT SUSSY" I looked at my penis I think of an astronauts helmet and I go "PENIS? MORE LIKE PENSUS" AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHGESFG
STOP POSTING ABOUT AMONG US! I'M TIRED OF SEEING IT! MY FRIENDS ON TIKTOK SEND ME MEMES, ON DISCORD IT'S FUCKING MEMES! I was in a server, right? and ALL OF THE CHANNELS were just among us stuff. I-I showed my champion underwear to my girlfriend and t-the logo I flipped it and I said "hey babe, when the underwear is sus HAHA DING DING DING DING DING DING DING DI DI DING" I fucking looked at a trashcan and said "THAT'S A BIT SUSSY" I looke

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.3 Edit | Delete
Download v0.1 (93 KB)


Description of the mod: NPC Material Merchant
Material Trader Npc adds 11 NPCs that trade materials from
Vanilla Terraria.
NPCs: "Ocean Trader", "Winter Trader", "Hell Trader", "Evil Trader"
Spawn NPC
Ocean Trader - Have coral/starfish in your inventory or on hard mode. Winter Trader - Have a snow/ice block in inventory or on hardmode.
Hell Trader has (Eater of Worlds/Brain of Cthulhu defeated and Hellstone/Ash Block in inventory) or Hardmode.
The Evil Merchant has (Eok is defeated and has Vertebrae/Rotten Chunk in his inventory) or HardMode.
This mode which will help you and diversify your travels contains 3 NPCs as well as a new enchantment that will help you resist the bosses.
It also contains many references to the game of among us. It will be much easier for you to play sell items to merchants in different parts of the world and not carry all the cargo home

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.8 Edit | Delete
Among Us (Help Wanted!)
Download v0.0.3.3 (2.5 MB)

Piers from Piers Hub


-Without the help of a spriter, I unfortunately can't do anything further for the Amongus mod. Please consider joining the hub, getting the Crewmate role and offering some assistance if you want to see the mod continue.

This mod will add transformations, items, an NPC and pets from Among Us to Terraria!

Just like in the icon, you can equip one of the Crewmate transformations and play as a Crewmate. Each Crewmate uses sounds from Among Us. In order to obtain the (default) Red Crewmate transformation, you need to start with a new character. After you collect at least one block of dirt, an NPC will move in and sell you other colored crewmates, special crewmates and special items like pets.

--v0.0.3 Patch Note Highlights--

-Added Mini Crewmates of all colors for Piers to sell!

-Updated Piers the Crewmates sprite to celebrate the new update

-Updated Piers the Crewmates shop

-Updated Piers the Crewmates' dialogue

--Planned updates for v0.0.4--

-We no longer have a spriter so unfortunately... nothing. If you'd like to help out with sprites, feel free to join Piers Hub today so we can figure out what to add next!

>>Join the new server so you can hangout or even help me, Piers, with progressing the mod!<<

To join the server, press "Visit the mods homepage for more info". Just saying in case you're a total sus imposter. Funny 100!


-Piers (Owner)

-Quadd (Creator of Mini Crewmate sprites)

--Other Credits--

-Roxian4ik (Created all of the basic crewmate sprites)

>>Shoutout to The Sounds Resource for the sounds used in this mod!<< "> Welcome to the Among Us mod!


-Without the help of a spriter, I unfortunately can't do anything further for the Amongus mod. Please consider joining the hub, getting the Crewmate role and offering some assistance if you want to see the mod continue.

This mod will add transformations, items, an NPC and pets from Among Us to Terraria!

Just like in the icon, you can equip one of the Crewmate transformations and play as a Crewmate. Each Crewmate uses sounds from Among Us. In order to obtain the (default) Red Crewmate transformation, you need to start with a new character. After you collect at least one block of dirt, an NPC will move in and sell you other colored crewmates, special crewmates and special items like pets.

--v0.0.3 Patch Note Highlights--

-Added Mini Crewmates of all colors for Piers to sell!

-Updated Piers the Crewmates sprite to celebrate the new update

-Updated Piers the Crewmates shop

-Updated Piers the Crewmates' dialogue

--Planned updates for v0.0.4--

-We no longer have a spriter so unfortunately... nothing. If you'd like to help out with sprites, feel free to join Piers Hub today so we can figure out what to add next!

>>Join the new server so you can hangout or even help me, Piers, with progressing the mod!<<

To join the server, press "Visit the mods homepage for more info". Just saying in case you're a total sus imposter. Funny 100!


-Piers (Owner)

-Quadd (Creator of Mini Crewmate sprites)

--Other Credits--

-Roxian4ik (Created all of the basic crewmate sprites)

>>Shoutout to The Sounds Resource for the sounds used in this mod!<<

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.3 Edit | Delete
Adin's Mod Pack
Download v0.1 (4.2 KB)

Good O'l Adin

Adin's Mod Pack is a pretty cool mod, it does...this. Modify this file with a description of your mod.

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Amphibia Mod
Download v0.18 (39.1 KB)


All Items and Characters Belong to Disney.
If you have any questions/reccomendations message me on discord: TrevorQuacks#5661
Mod currently in Beta. Message me if you find any errors.

0.1.0 Adds the Sprig Sword.
0.1.1 Adds a ribbit sound effect to the Sprig Sword.
0.1.2 Adds the Polly Bow.
0.1.3 bug fixes.
0.1.4 Makes the polly bow very fast. Please have alot of arrows.
0.1.5 Holy cheese there's alot of stuff. Nerfed the polly bow. Added a summon item, Frobo Remote. have fun with these changes.
0.1.6 Nerfed the Frobo Damage (previously 35 now 15). Added an anne npc (may not be obtainable tell me if it isn't on discord (TrevorQuacks#5661)) sells a weapon (anne ball) and frogs.
0.1.7 Adds a frog launcher (lol)
0.1.8 makes it so anne can spawn. Adds Hop Pop's Cane. fixes bugs.

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
The Amulet Of Many Minions
Download v0.14.0.2 (1.8 MB)

billybobmcbo, SkyanUltra…

The Amulet of Many Minions is designed to add variety to the vanilla summoner progression while staying at least somewhat
in line with vanilla balance. It adds a new, directly controllable minion type called the Squire,
over 30 new minions, and several armor sets and accessories for both Squires and minions.

=== Version History ==
v0.14.0.2 - Bugfixes
- Fix bug where Variety Buff would rapidly switch buff slots
- Fix bug where combat pet accessories didn't give extra slots when player had non-pet minions
v0.14.0 - Combat Pets: Part 2!
- Add the Elemental Pals, a group of 8 consistently obtainable combat pets
- Obtained via Bows of Friendship found in wooden + shadow chests
- One random Elemental Pal given per bow
- Bows can be crafted renewably post-Plantera with Solar Tablet Fragments
- Add a series of accessories to enhance Combat Pet Stats
- Stylish Teamwork Bow: increases max Combat Pet slots by 1
- Obtained after second use of a Bow of Friendship
- Chaotic Chew Toy: Increases Combat Pet movement speed
- Crafted from evil boss drops
- More sprite updates from SkyanUltra and Frogpage
- Slightly Buff Pre-Skeletron Combat Pet Tiers
- Combat Pets now count for Minion Variety Bonus
- Nerf Damage Bonuses from Hardmode Squire Armors
- Change several multiplicative damage bonuses to additive
v0.13.0 - Combat Pets!
- Available for every vanilla pet, crafted from vanilla pet items at a demon altar
- Cost 1 minion slot per pet
- Powered up by new weapon class called "Combat Pet Emblem"
- Craftable from many ore tiers
- All combat pets scale with best emblem in inventory
v0.12.2 - Summoners Association Support!
- (Very long overdue) proper integration with Summoner's Association
- Requires S. A. v0.4.7 to work fully
- Fix a bug that allowed the Slime Train to deal massive damage with a
certain combination of config settings
- Attempt to fix a multiplayer cross-mod compatibility bug
v0.11.0 - Squire Specials!
- Each squire now has a cooldown-based special, activated by right click
- Specials are unique for each squire, try them all!
- Add several config options for mod content balance
- Buff or nerf minion damage and AI for a more customized experience
~~ See the Wiki for older changelogs ~~

=== Credits ===
Developers: Billybobmcbo, direwolf420, Metallumere
Artists: SkyanUltra, frogpage
Ideas/Feedback: Spatula Lemmy and everyone on the mod discord

A cheat sheet for getting started is given below. A complete list mod content can be found from the homepage.

=== Pathfinding Rods ===
--- Pre Hardmode ---
Wooden - Sunflowers + wood @ Workbench
Granite - Granite Elemental Drops + Granite @ anywhere
--- Hardmode ---
Crystal - Granite Rod + Crystals + Souls of Light @ Anvil
Hallowed - Boss Souls + Hallowed Bars @ Mythril Anvil

=== Minions ===
--- Pre Hardmode ---
Flying Acorn - 6 Acorn, 12 Wood @ Workbench
Miner Slime - Mining Helmet + Minecart + Silver/Tungsten Bars @ Anvil
Corrupt/Crimson Cell - 12 Demonite/Crimtane Bars + 6 Shadow Scales/Tissue Samples @ Anvil
Starry Skysword - 8 Feathers, 3 Fallen Stars @ Sky Forge
Meteor Fist - 14 Meteor Bars @ Anvil
Balloon Buddy - Sold by Party Girl
--- Hardmode ---
Magic Mole - 5 Stars in a Bottle, 15 Pixie Dust, 10 Souls of Light @ Anvil
Star Surfer - Big Hallowed Mimic
Void Knife/Null Hatchet - Big Corrupt/Crimson Mimic
Goblin Gunner - Goblin Summoner (33%)
The Clarent - 12 Hallowed Bars, 10 Souls of Flight @ Mythril Anvil
Charred Chimera - Hell Armored Bones (2.5%)
Spirit Revolver - 12 Spectre Bars, 1 Illegal Gun Parts @ Mythril Anvil

=== Squires ===
--- Pre Hardmode ---
Mushroom Squire - 8 Mushrooms, 18 Wood @ Anvil
Sea Squire - 3 Starfish + 3 Sea Shells + 3 Coral + 1 Shark Fin @ Anvil
Shadow/Crimson Squire - 12 Demonite/Crimtane Bars + 6 Shadow Scales/Tissue Samples @ Anvil
Ancient Cobalt Squire - 12% drop from Man Eaters
Golden Rogue Squire - Shadow Chests
--- Hardmode ---
Soulbound Sword - 1 Shadewood Sword or Ebonwood Sword, 10 Souls of Night @ Anvil
Soulbound Bow - 1 Pearlwood Bow , 10 Souls of Light @ Anvil
Adamantite/Titanium Squire - 14 Adamantite/Titanium Bars @ Mythril Anvil
Soulbound Arsenal - 1 Soulbound Sword + 1 Soulbound Bow + 1 Broken Hero's Sword @ Mythril Anvil
Potted Pal - Plantera (25%)
Stardust Squire - 18 Stardust Fragments @ Mythril Anvil

=== Armor ===
--- Pre Hardmode ---
Mildew Set - Mushrooms + Daybloom + Wood @ Workbench
Royal Squire Set (Helmet + Chestplate) - King Slime
Arid Set - Antlion Mandibles + Sturdy Fossils + Ancient Cloth (Sold by Clothier)

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.6 Edit | Delete
BETA Biotic Rifle
Download v0.2 (16.7 KB)

Bobble Hat

This mod is incomplete, but the gun is functional if you use a mod like cheat sheet to obtain it as it is currently
unable to be purchased from the Cyborg, and the darts do not exist properly yet

That being said, it is only in its beta stages and will be worked to perfection

Ever needed a weapon that heals allies and damages enemies?
I've got the perfect thing for you then! I made a replica of Ana's Biotic Rifle from the first-person shooter Overwatch.
This weapon shares a few attributes with the sniper rifle from Vanilla Terraria

Left click damages, right click heals party members (Healing bullets should lock onto allies for easier and consistent healing).

The weapon does 30,000 damage (as it inteneded to be used along side major mods like Calamity)

This is a late game weapon that can be bought from the Cyborg for 20 platinum

Darts are purchased from the Steampunker for 1 platinum per 99

Has a slightly faster firing speed than the sniper rifle from the base game

Message Bobble Hat#1459 on discord with any questions or complaints/suggestions

Rifle sprite is an adapted version of the Biotic Rifle from Overwatch, so I do not own the design itself

Credit for the amazing Rifle Sprite goes to G.A.S.#2238, and they made the sprite way better than I ever could, so many thanks to them

Code written by Bobble Hat with the help of some members on the official tModLoader Discord Server (Thanks Guys!)

This mod took a surprising amount of effort, and I hope you enjoy the mod!

-Bobble Hat

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.4 Edit | Delete
Anarchist Mod
Download v1.2.3.5 (7.6 MB)


The Anarchist Mod is a mod that has been in development for a while now, it features the following:

-11 new bosses
-1300+ items
-A handful of new enemies
-5 new Town NPCs
-A new class
-Two new difficulties, Anarchy Mode and Pandemonium Mode
-Post Moon Lord content with more on the way
-And various Quality of Life changes

If you want to have Anarchist Mod Music while you play, please install the Anarchist Mod Music from the Mod Browser.


The mod contains many configurable changes. Changes that, based on feedback on the Discord, may be controversial. Such as by default having both Corruption and Crimson generate in your world. Or stricter boss progression which limits the order you can fight certain bosses in. While the recommended settings are still the default, I understand many players will not like some of these changes, hence why I made them configurable.

If you find any bugs, need help with anything, or want to give feedback, please visit the Discord through the link on the homepage.

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
Anarchist Mod Music
Download v1.2.0.1 (20.3 MB)


This mod contains music for the Anarchist Mod

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
Anarchy Mod
Download v0.4 (4.6 KB)


Hello. This is the Anarchy Mod. So far, the purpose of this mod is to give you an extremely overpowered sword.

-UPDATE 0.3-
New texture to Doom Sword.
Planning on adding a new Axe and Pickaxe. Just be patient until I have the time to code them in.

Currently Adds:
1 Item (I will update the mod further later.)
Doom Sword - 250,000 Damage
Recipe: 10 Dirt Blocks

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
An Average Mod
Download v0.12 (17.1 KB)

Average Alex

Don't install this unless you are an epic gamer. Thank you for your understanding.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Ancestral Expansion
Download v0.1 (10.3 KB)


Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8 Edit | Delete
Ancestral Expansion
Download v0.1 (35.6 KB)


Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8 Edit | Delete
Ancient Arsenal
Download v1.2 (106 KB)


Ancient Arsenal is my first mod, and my first real attempt at learning to code (and sprite). There isn't much in the mod right now but I intend on slowly adding to it as I become better at this sort of thing.

If you have any issues or suggestions, feel free to message me on discord @ Naq#8327!

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.3 Edit | Delete
Ancient Civilizations
Download v0.1.4 (31.5 MB)


Ancient Civilizations: A exploration of the land before the befallment of the Moonlord. Untold secrets of old, kingdoms long fallen, old evils, and much more!

Version 0.1 Mod Created

Version 0.1.1 New Melee Weapon added Called "Frost Dance"
- still buggy btw but thought you'd like it regardless
- new sprite for Blazing Sinularity and it's projectile
- reworked how Blazing Singularity functions and it's stats

Version 0.1.2
- icon added

Version 0.1.3

- added new stuff but all is still experimental and still being worked on
Version 0.1.4
- Github added


Black Snow - Author, Lead Coder, Secondary Spriter, and Animator

Unamed_Tank - Spiriter


Stryke - Spriter

This is still heavy W.I.P(Moving to 1.4 soon)

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.4 Edit | Delete
Desolate Past
Download v0.3 (23.2 KB)


A small mod that adds a bit of content that's sure to please many Terraria old timers-

Version Log:
+Added a few items with two being unobtainable.

+Added a few more things, including an extremely bugged and broken repeater.

+Added recipes for the Forgotten Blade and the Vulcan Repeater, along with fixing the latter.

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.5 Edit | Delete
Chronos Mod
Download v0.2.8 (266 KB)


This mod is currently under development, and there isn't much here as this project started recently.

So far, this mod adds 2 boss, and a several weapons.

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
The Ancient Times
Download v0.1 (72.7 KB)


The Ancient Times is a pretty cool mod, it does...this. Modify this file with a description of your mod.

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
The Ancient Weapons Mod
Download v1.1.4.1 (23.9 KB)


The Ancient Weapons Mod adds various weapons at the beginning of your playthrough that can be upgraded throughout your playthough these weapons are meant to be balanced through the Progression of Vanilla Terraria.
All Melee Weapons will Have Auto Swing as a quality of life improvement ;)
They are also only through pre-hardmode.
I plan on updating this mod so keep a look out on that.
Next Update will have hardmode swords most likely that shoot projectiles. Will be releasing as soon as possible. Hopefully in a couple of days.
FWI: I'm really bad at making sprites so yeah

If you would like to give feedback, suggestions, and report bugs on the mod, consider joining our mods discord server.
Future patchnotes after v1.1.1 will only be in the discord server.

Special Thanks to Rick4lyfe for helping make sprites for this mod.

Patch Notes -
v1.0 - Initial Release
Added 3 new swords.

Added Crimson Varient of the Corrupted Ancient Sword
Added New Recipe for the Fiery Ancient Blade using Crimson variant of Corrupted Ancient Sword

Added Bloody and Corrupted Ancient Bows. Also added a Fiery Ancient Bow.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Edit | Delete
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