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Obama Gaming Mod
Download v0.8.7.2 (22.5 MB)


Obama Gaming

Obama Gaming is a mod that added random stuff to the Game
it also sometime adds a very usefull mechanic like loot box , 1.4 shotsword changes , npc talking , town npc summoning, Smooth camera stuff, and more ,wich almost all configurable

this mod is also support other mod plus it add some item if some mod is enabled.

Note : 'there is a config to disable or enable mechanic if you didnt want to use it or there is a mod that make it broken or something'

Obama Gaming Added stuff including :

- Obama Town Npc that have voice
- Simp Queen Town Npc ( i dont want to talk about it )
- 80 + Items
- bobux ( for cool people only )
- "Joe" difficulty ( eternity mode bootleg )
- New Class : Simp class ( still work in progress since simping is hard)
- Configurable Starting Items , Npc , And starting bags ( good if you dont want to suffer for searching hermes boots or something )
- a config to Ban NPC , Item, Item in shop , And Projectiles
- Funny game references
- Some New Random Mechanic including :
- 1.4 shortswords ( configurable )
- turn shortswords into normal sword (configurable)
- some npc now talk ( kinda annoying )
- some npc can be converted to its counterpart using powder
- enemy sometime drop unfinish gun and can be finish by obama
- Sussy Stone ( item that allows you to summon town npc )
- golden critter now cannot be killed by player ( configurable )
- mimic now drop soul of mimight for crafting mimic drop ( not all of it tho )
- Camera Follow bosses and player !! ( very cool and look nice, configurable since mod that also modify screen position exist )
- Play Music when talking to npc ( configurable )
- Funni lava bouncy thing ( configurable )
- Expert staff thing that make expert and not
- Show NPC Catch Item (usefull when catching critter in the dark) (configurable)
- Custom Starting Items, you can add your own starter item ( it will labeled as starting item)
- funni rage death mechanic
- no more using table and chair for crafting
- No Combat Text Config
- Wet beats fire config
- Camera Follow Player but more smooth config
- Advanced Item Description
- "ah sh*t here we go again" sound whenever boss appear
- Death counter
- more stuff coming soon
- Lootcrate
- ObamaSphere Boss ( post moonlord ( updated ! ) )
- Spider Bunny Boss ( idk why i add this , but its in the mod)
- Smoll Mod Cross Stuvf
- Enchuntment ( very op , iam gonna remake this soon )
- Collectible Head with unique ability
- Crystal Class ( increase decrease damage by class)
- Sinep stone ( change crafted weapon damage type by crystal class)
- Auto Extractinator ( auto extract slush , silt and stuff)
- Obamium ??!!??11
- funni bug

Stuff i plan to do :
- Enchuntment Rework
- Head Stuff
- Mod Cross ( pain )
- Remove spagetti code and fix all bug ( never )

Progress i made but not done :
- Bobux thing ( Almost done )
- Joe Difficulty ( only 3 custom ai has been made )

Credits :
- Resemble Ai , vocodes for some voice FNF , Undertale , Omori, Minecraft,and other stuff i downloaded randomly on google for some sound effect and stuff.
- Some sprite i downloaded randomly on google and then adjust it , i cant make sprite (:
- Darksouls 3 for the boss theme of obama sphere ( very epic ).

Changelog :

Note : internet was a mistake

Known issue : ( index out of bounds from ConveyorBelt, just ignore it if this messages pop up. it says item is being spawned outside of world but i really dont spawn items anywhere :/ )

v. [ Tiny Update ]
- added auto extractinator
- icon back to normal
- fix littlest tinniest ittie bitties bug

v.0.8.7 [ Some Update ]
- Obama now actually sell token collector
- Added Dead counter :)
- Added taple time card
- Added 1.4 shortsword feature
- Reworked shortsword to normal sword setting
- Simp weapon rework :
- Simp weapon now no longer uses simp energy
- Simp weapon doesnt have crit chance instead it uses crit charged
- Added new simp weapon
- Tweaked some code

v.0.8.6 [ another post exam update ]
- Added Camera Follow Player but more smooth config
- Added advanced item description ( configurable )
- Added Wet Beats Fire Config
- Added config to ban shop item
- Added Token Collector for imksushi mod that allows you to collect token
- Chain killer rework
- added "ah sh*t here we go again" sound whenever boss appear (configurable)
- Added boss for mana fruit mod by ppeb that is work in progress
- Improved config
- Improved some other stuff ( code rewrite and stuff )
- Fixed Item Texture not found

v.0.8.5 [ remaster up"> Obama Gaming

Obama Gaming is a mod that added random stuff to the Game
it also sometime adds a very usefull mechanic like loot box , 1.4 shotsword changes , npc talking , town npc summoning, Smooth camera stuff, and more ,wich almost all configurable

this mod is also support other mod plus it add some item if some mod is enabled.

Note : 'there is a config to disable or enable mechanic if you didnt want to use it or there is a mod that make it broken or something'

Obama Gaming Added stuff including :

- Obama Town Npc that have voice
- Simp Queen Town Npc ( i dont want to talk about it )
- 80 + Items
- bobux ( for cool people only )
- "Joe" difficulty ( eternity mode bootleg )
- New Class : Simp class ( still work in progress since simping is hard)
- Configurable Starting Items , Npc , And starting bags ( good if you dont want to suffer for searching hermes boots or something )
- a config to Ban NPC , Item, Item in shop , And Projectiles
- Funny game references
- Some New Random Mechanic including :
- 1.4 shortswords ( configurable )
- turn shortswords into normal sword (configurable)
- some npc now talk ( kinda annoying )
- some npc can be converted to its counterpart using powder
- enemy sometime drop unfinish gun and can be finish by obama
- Sussy Stone ( item that allows you to summon town npc )
- golden critter now cannot be killed by player ( configurable )
- mimic now drop soul of mimight for crafting mimic drop ( not all of it tho )
- Camera Follow bosses and player !! ( very cool and look nice, configurable since mod that also modify screen position exist )
- Play Music when talking to npc ( configurable )
- Funni lava bouncy thing ( configurable )
- Expert staff thing that make expert and not
- Show NPC Catch Item (usefull when catching critter in the dark) (configurable)
- Custom Starting Items, you can add your own starter item ( it will labeled as starting item)
- funni rage death mechanic
- no more using table and chair for crafting
- No Combat Text Config
- Wet beats fire config
- Camera Follow Player but more smooth config
- Advanced Item Description
- "ah sh*t here we go again" sound whenever boss appear
- Death counter
- more stuff coming soon
- Lootcrate
- ObamaSphere Boss ( post moonlord ( updated ! ) )
- Spider Bunny Boss ( idk why i add this , but its in the mod)
- Smoll Mod Cross Stuvf
- Enchuntment ( very op , iam gonna remake this soon )
- Collectible Head with unique ability
- Crystal Class ( increase decrease damage by class)
- Sinep stone ( change crafted weapon damage type by crystal class)
- Auto Extractinator ( auto extract slush , silt and stuff)
- Obamium ??!!??11
- funni bug

Stuff i plan to do :
- Enchuntment Rework
- Head Stuff
- Mod Cross ( pain )
- Remove spagetti code and fix all bug ( never )

Progress i made but not done :
- Bobux thing ( Almost done )
- Joe Difficulty ( only 3 custom ai has been made )

Credits :
- Resemble Ai , vocodes for some voice FNF , Undertale , Omori, Minecraft,and other stuff i downloaded randomly on google for some sound effect and stuff.
- Some sprite i downloaded randomly on google and then adjust it , i cant make sprite (:
- Darksouls 3 for the boss theme of obama sphere ( very epic ).

Changelog :

Note : internet was a mistake

Known issue : ( index out of bounds from ConveyorBelt, just ignore it if this messages pop up. it says item is being spawned outside of world but i really dont spawn items anywhere :/ )

v. [ Tiny Update ]
- added auto extractinator
- icon back to normal
- fix littlest tinniest ittie bitties bug

v.0.8.7 [ Some Update ]
- Obama now actually sell token collector
- Added Dead counter :)
- Added taple time card
- Added 1.4 shortsword feature
- Reworked shortsword to normal sword setting
- Simp weapon rework :
- Simp weapon now no longer uses simp energy
- Simp weapon doesnt have crit chance instead it uses crit charged
- Added new simp weapon
- Tweaked some code

v.0.8.6 [ another post exam update ]
- Added Camera Follow Player but more smooth config
- Added advanced item description ( configurable )
- Added Wet Beats Fire Config
- Added config to ban shop item
- Added Token Collector for imksushi mod that allows you to collect token
- Chain killer rework
- added "ah sh*t here we go again" sound whenever boss appear (configurable)
- Added boss for mana fruit mod by ppeb that is work in progress
- Improved config
- Improved some other stuff ( code rewrite and stuff )
- Fixed Item Texture not found

v.0.8.5 [ remaster up

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
Trelamium Mod Remastered
Download v0.2.4 (22.3 MB)

Rubber Duck

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Download v1.7.1.1 (22.3 MB)


A mod that does basically whatever it wants. Somewhat like Joostmod. Please check out Joostmod if you get the chance, it's pretty good.
Progression currently goes up to after Moon Lord, most recipes are in Hardmode.

Collect materials to craft into different items like basically every content mod.
Each boss has its own unique weapon drop (WIP).
Build a house for the Eggplant Wizard when you get at least 1 Crimite, also defeat the Eater of Worlds or Brain of Cthulhu to get another NPC to spawn.
Going into the Cavern is dangerous, but it can provide you with powerful materials if you're careful.
There's three different Post-Golem item classes!
Watch out for the Pog Ball. He is funny.
You may fight one of two final bosses (warning, there is even another).

There's another "final" boss that you can fight with using the Lurker God's totem... but is there another? Maybe the TV has an answer...

Infected biome surface background textures are mostly placeholders until I can make better designs.


7/16/2022: Finally added proper boss drop items for the main progression line of bosses, fixed things, and added things. Removed Herobrine. Updated localization files.
4/16/2022: Sorry for cranking out so many updates. Sinister Stability is made better, other slight random changes, added a few other random things. Nerfed some things.
4/2/2022: MANDATORY bugfix update, fixes and balances things and makes Eggplant God's AI actually good. Also removed the last of the accidental double damage projectiles.
3/29/2022: Huge hotfix, sliced the damage of hostile projectiles in half because they apparently do double damage (good game design /s). I have no idea if I added anything new.
3/14/2022: Apologies for another update, required hotfixes needed to be made. Space Cadet armor has been buffed. New Fallen Star-like items drop during Hardmode. Gorigan enemy now spawns in the Desert. etc things.
3/2/2022: Chiropka's AI has been completely reworked, no more cheesing via staying close. Added a very special boss to the Hunger and removed recipes for most spaceship cannons. Added a traveling NPC that will randomly visit your town and stay there (very humorous). Removed Herobrine.
2/13/2022: Entirely new biome has been added, but don't remake your worlds, it is generated AFTER killing the big spider boss in the Cavern! The biome adds two new bosses, three enemies, and a few other things. Added Boss Checklist stuff.
1/24/2022: Removed some bloat, changed Tank's AI finally, changed a few sprites. Gorigan, a few other enemies, and Sky Alien are being worked on in addition to a HUGE upcoming boss.
1/14/2022: Tactical UFO has been revised and remade, Sun Stones and Moon Stones were made to spawn after the Wall of Flesh is killed, Eggplant Goddess now spawns after Tactical UFO is dead, and a few other reworks/changes.
1/7/2022: Lurker Pyromancer is complete, made Chilled Lurker easier, still working on Tank.
10/25/2021: Lurker God was made better, no more Skeletron AI, currently working on the Tank and Lurker Pyromancer to be more original.
10/25/2021: Reworked the steel items (specifically the swords) to be better, changed Heliron to not use Vanilla AI, made Green Menace have original AI, etc. Stim Doctor's design has been changed.
10/25/2021: Finally a content update. Added a very long boss fight that took AGES to make, but I hopefully haven't forgotten anything about it. You can get a cool sword from it :) (if the fight is too easy I WILL make it harder)
8/19/2021: Eggplant God has been added, Martian Emperor has been reworked, enjoy.
8/17/2021: I forgot to make the Eggplant Commander/etc not spawn at all jajajaja. Okay but seriously he doesn't spawn anymore, at least for now. (Martian Emperor is bugged atm so don't panic) EGGPLANT GOD COMING VERY SOON
7/17/2021: It has occurred to me that the final two bosses had... unreasonable attack power, I did testing with an endgame character and kept dying. Oops, heh. Fixed that though.
6/26/2021: Added Monstro as a Pre-HM boss! Additionally improved some balancing.
6/16/2021: A few changes that include bug fixes and balancing.
6/14/2021: Full mod completed! Changes and additions will be coming along! At the moment the demonic final boss's essences aren't used for anything (changing soon so recipes will be added).
6/10/2021: Very minor changes regarding two new names for the Stim NPC and balancing fixes.
6/9/2021: Cleanup of the mod and added Stim items to increase specific stats based on progression, and an NPC to sell them.

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
Pyro and Co. Super Shitshow
Download v0.2.1 (22 MB)

Pyro and Co.

Pyro and Co. Super Shitshow:
Just a mod I made full of ideas my pals and I wanted to see in Terraria.

CREDITS (mainly for copyright):
Yuyuko's from Touhou PCB owned by ZUN / Shanghai Alice
Spamton from Deltarune owned by Toby Fox
Other copyright things blah blah go away install the mod cool thanks


Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
EA Retro Music
Download v0.2 (21.8 MB)


Elements Awoken Retro Music restores the old music that some people enjoy to the Elements Awoken Mod

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Edit | Delete
Touhou Expansion
Download v0.7 (21.8 MB)


Touhou Expansion is aimed for adding some boss fights from touhou projects,from th6 (the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil) to th15 (Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom).
Planned to add bosses:Yuyuko(Ten Desires version),Chen, Imaizumi Kagerou,Marisa(Imperisable Night version),Youmu,Junko,Flandre,Yukari.

Due to the coming update of 1.4 version tModLoader, this mod will permanently stop updating. Flandre and Yukari still undone. Apologize for everyone who like this mod,
and wait for the 1.4 version adapted release if possible.

[C/FF0000:This Mod is not Gensokyo mod, please don't confuse them.]

Deepest apologies for this mod's developers that were offended by me.

*Due to technical problems,this mod hasn't done perfect adaptation of multiplayer gaming..
*Trying to enable cheating mod alongwith this mod may cause player taking 1000% damage and cannot regenerate health when any mod bosses alive.
[Including: AlchemistNPC,WeaponOut,Antisocial,ExperienceAndClasses,Wingslot,FasterWeapons]

*Add bosses:Yuyuko,Chen,and some drops of Yuyuko

*Add accessory and things like trophy dropped by Yuyuko;most unfinished in-plan bosses have added musics

*Add accessory & trophy of Chen; reduced death sounds of bosses; tried to do multiplayer synch of Yuyuko,I wish her can be challenged normally in multiplayer gaming.
However I cannot ensure there are no bugs still exist, so is possible please report bugs on my Discord server if you find any.
*** CHEN's multiplayer synch is done halfway, so there may be unexpected conditions if summoned in single player or in server.

*Multiplayer synch of Chen.Kagerou boss fight will be added in V0.3, and will be fit for multiplayer gaming from the start.

*Added boss: Imaizumi Kagerou.I think it's fit for multiplayer gamings.(Lack in sprites so I used her head as summoning item lol)

*Added boss: Kirisame Marisa. Reimu's Last Word spell still in progress, so it's a half-done boss fight. May cause lag on bad PC due to too many bullets.

*Temporarilly disables the function of anti-cheating.Still not suggest playing with mods with totally overpowered items, like Weaponout and Experience&Classes.

*Completed Marisa's boss fight. Now Reimu will come out after you defeated Marisa, and escape with loots drop after her Last SpellCard.

*Fixed bugs aboout Potted Westbound and Marisa boss fight in multiplayer gaming. I have no idea about Reimu's bugs, so it won't be fixed recently.

*Added Kagerou's accessory, Marisa's weapon, and their treasure bags;added a half-done Junko fight.

*Added Junko's boss fight, I hope you like her. Added Marisa's accessory. Fixed a bug that will cause Hakero Staff aim an invulnerable target.

*Added Junko's weapon, nerfed Kagerou/Marisa/Junko's basic stats, nerfed the power of Junko's certain spellcards.

*Added config for non-boss musics.

*Fixed a bug that causes music volume being set to 0% while turn on the non-boss music config.

Added Kagerou's, Marisa's and Junko's bossbags and trophies, added Junko's expert mode accessory.Chen's and Kagerou's weapon lack in sprites and planned to come out in weeks.

Fixed a bug that causes bosses unable to release bullets correctly. Added Youmu Konpaku's boss fight.Added configurable title theme replacement.This is the final update for 1.3 tModLoader.

Damn it I forgot to write Youmu's summon item

[C/FF0000:Chinese Translation from here]





[包括: AlchemistNPC,WeaponOut,Antisocial,ExperienceAndClasses,Wingslot,FasterWeapons]





Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.8 Edit | Delete
Download v1.1.4.0 (21.6 MB)


感谢加载游玩 Phantom 幻影Mod!



[幻影] 绘画部
[幻影] 代码部
[幻影] 脑洞部
[幻影] 音乐部
[幻影] 其他人员




“玩具车”坐骑所使用BGM音乐为动漫《头文字D》插曲《Deja Vu》,原唱Dave Rodgers
*Official Phantom Mod Wiki(官方屑英文wiki,正在完善):


By 幻影Mod制作组
"> 感谢加载游玩 Phantom 幻影Mod!



[幻影] 绘画部
[幻影] 代码部
[幻影] 脑洞部
[幻影] 音乐部
[幻影] 其他人员




“玩具车”坐骑所使用BGM音乐为动漫《头文字D》插曲《Deja Vu》,原唱Dave Rodgers
*Official Phantom Mod Wiki(官方屑英文wiki,正在完善):


By 幻影Mod制作组

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.3 Edit | Delete
dragonites prehm music lol
Download v0.0.0.2 (21.3 MB)

Autistic Dragonite

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.5 Edit | Delete
Metroid Mod
Download v2.1.0.5 (20.9 MB)

Scooterboot9697, Terratr…

The Metroid Mod is, quite simply, a mod that adds content based on the Metroid franchise.

It adds:
-A variety of armor sets
-Multiple new weapons
-1 new mount
-1 new grapple hook with swinging capabilities
-New materials/items/etc.
-Many of these items introduce new mechanics
-New NPCs
-New Mobs
-7 new bosses, 6 of which have almost completely custom AI
-And much more planned for future updates!

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.8 Edit | Delete
DOOM Mod (check description)
Download v0.6.7 (20.8 MB)


Also, dont be suprised if its dissapointing, this is an Indie mod and im bad at modding.

DOOM Mod is a mod about mostly DOOM Eternal, im not a very good modder so dont expect anything too crazy. Enjoy!
Somehow i put effort (kinda) into this mod. That also means ive learnt the most from making this mod, Which is good!

this currently includes some cool weapons, some of the doom Classics such as:
-BFG 9000
-Super Shotgun
-The Crucible

There is a hardmode version and a post moon lord version of most of these weapons.
And not just these but also some stuff like armor.

includes an NPC, when king slime is killed he moves in and sells music boxes.

may have some unbalanced features, and some unfinished features i honestly sorta gave up.

and this is probably not gonna be updated for a while because i really need a break from modding.


-Deleted Doom Mod Music, added stuff from doom mod music into this mod.
-also changed some stuff around
-and fixed crafting




-Added 2 music boxes

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.4 Edit | Delete
Lili Mod
Download v0.3 (20.8 MB)


Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
The Fun Mod
Download v0.2 (20.5 MB)


Lately, mod quality has been going nothing but up. There are more high-quality mods out there than ever from a lot of different people. But sometimes, that gets tiring. Sometimes, you want a break from well-thought out, well-coded, well-done content. If this is you, well then you're in the right place!

The Fun Mod currently has:

- 2 bosses
- 2 minibosses
- 1 event
- 5 normal enemies
- 1 mount
- 1 biome
And more! So, what are you waiting for? Download the mod today!
Or don't, I don't blame you.

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Edit | Delete
Blasts Mod
Download v0.1.9.706116 (20.4 MB)

Operation Blastflight

Blasts Mod is a mod which includes items, NPCs, and blocks form the Blast Universe! This mod is very young, so there isn't much to have in it.

Changes in (The 10K Update Part One of Two)
Added a new boss: Binary Stars
Added Exclusive drops and an expert mode item from the Binary Stars
Added new music for the Detroyer Ant for both phases
Added a new Homepage!
Added Vanity Items and Trophies for Existing and new Bosses
Fixed Camo Slicer decreasing it's own damage upon secondary use
Added Fever Rifle

Changes in (Bugfixing)
Fixed Grand Expense not being held at the handle and decreased it's price
Fixed grammer issues
Added some more Soldier quotes

Changes in
Miscellaneous sprite changes
Added Meltdown weapon
Added Binary Stars' Expert Mode music finally
Added Cybervirus biome (Although at its current state it's not naturally obtainable.)
Added a few enemies pretaining to the Cybervirus
Modified spawn rates of some enemies

(Updates may come slow as there is not much reason to continue this)
(Note: Mod is in Alpha, so there is currently a small amount of content.)

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
Anarchist Mod Music
Download v1.2.0.1 (20.3 MB)


This mod contains music for the Anarchist Mod

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
Edorbis Music
Download v0.1.1 (20.1 MB)


This mod add the Edorbis boss themes to Edorbis Mod, it is not required to install this mod but highly recommended.

Author :

FatCat : Music

Links :

FatCat's Channel :
Discord :

Localizer Package
one year ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
Shroom's Weapons
Download v0.1.0.1 (20 MB)


Hey, IcyShrooms here. Is your modded playthrough feeling too bland? Want edgy quotes and OP weapons? Well this mod is for you! Containing several overpowered weapons and even some calamity content (Maybe, still ironing out the kinks)

New Content!

Thank you all for over 8000 downloads! It means so much to me to have your support in this mod.

We have finally added the 2 bosses whose recipes have long been unavailable. The Ancient Mask and the Peculiar Gem are now fully functional and can be crafted by using the Multidimensional Artifact Fabrication Device (or M.A.F.D for short)

Again, it means the world to me to have you all enjoying my mod. If you have any suggestions, please voice them in my Discord server (which is now working!)

Change Log:
+ Ancient Mask is now craftable (M.A.F.D)
+ Peculiar Gem is now craftable (Demon Altar)
+ Yeast Gun is now craftable (M.A.F.D)
+ Changed Terraflail recipe (M.A.F.D)
+ Changed Xenos recipe (M.A.F.D)
+ Changed Alchemist Dispencer recipe (M.A.F.D)(Now requires Radiant Chlorophyte Bars)
+ Changed Beestroyer recipe (M.A.F.D)(Now requires Radiant Chlorophyte Bars)
+ Changed Celebration-Mark3 recipe (M.A.F.D)(Now requires Radiant Meteorite Bars)
+ Changed Dark Stalia recipe (M.A.F.D)(Now requires Radiant Meteorite Bars)
+ Changed Death310 recipe (M.A.F.D)(Now requires Radiant Meteorite Bars and Radiant Chlorophyte Bars)
+ Changed Midas Grasp recipe (M.A.F.D)(Now requires Radiant Meteorite Bars and Radiant Chlorophyte Bars)
+ Changed Pumpking Blade recipe (M.A.F.D)(Now requires Radiant Meteorite Bars and Radiant Chlorophyte Bars)
+ Changed Yeast Breadsword recipe (M.A.F.D)(Now requires Radiant Chlorophyte Bars)
+ Changed Yeast Gun recipe (M.A.F.D)(Now requires Radiant Chlorophyte Bars)


Join the Discord server!

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.8 Edit | Delete
Modified Menu
Download v0.1.1.29 (19.9 MB)

Yuji Sakai (Knightmarevi…

The Modified Menu mod is entirely unique, making the normal menu more space themed.
After much contemplation, I added the feature to disable this, leaving only a fancy new title sprite.



LolXD87 AKA Knawledgen't (Discord)
- Assisted with some reverse engineering which made this mod possible.
Batby (Terraria Community Forums)
- Provided code to add a completely white background.
BloodyMary_73 (Twitter)
- A Junior Graphic Design Consultant, as of the 29/01/2020 (Congratulations!)

This is a mod by Yuji Sakai (#6540 on Discord). For more information, contact

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Yuyuko Saigyoji
Download v1.1 (19.7 MB)


BOSS: Yuyuko Saigyoji

When Yuyuko is alive,your screen center will lock on the center of Yuyuko and the player,and your hitbox will be greately narrowed.
Graze and successfully hit Yuyuko will add to your Cherry Point;cherry items will drop when projectiles around the player get cleared after you get hit, and when you defeat any of her phases.
When your Cherry Point reaches 50,000,it will be cleared and you will get Supernatural Border for 5 secs.Getting hit when you has Border will instantly end the Border buff.
Whenever the Border buff ends,remaining hostile projectiles will be cleared and drop cherry items to add to your Cherry Point.
Getting hit will play special sound and add to the 'Miss' count; getting hit in any spell card will cause you fail to get the Spell Card Bonus.
Yuyuko has 80% DR in normal spell cards and 88% DR in her last but one spell card.
Whenever you suvived the last spell card(resurrection butterfly), statics of your total score/miss count/spell card bonuses get/graze will take several seconds to show on your screen.
Not suitable for resolving power other than 1920*1080 and for multiplayer gaming.
If your PC get lagged with too many projectiles, please turn off frame skip, and forgive my fault for bad optimization.


My Discord server is:
Please report any bug on my server.


V1.1:Fixed a bug that result in player effected by Golden Experience Requiem if die in last spell.

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
Download v2.2 (19.3 MB)


JoJo Stands:

JoJoStands Wiki... in the forum post

Discord Link... also in the forum post.

The JoJoStands Contributors: Placement, Phil, Techno, Blu, Hey Mister, Joser, Niker, D.Storm, Benney, NekroSektor, Ozi, StringsArn'tRealNumbers, Xenon, Com-Obie, Gundam_Belphagor, KrimsonHeadshot, and Sicco-Jo
Alana Gilston, for making TerraUI which helped us make the Stand Slot
The ExampleMod devs, cause it's a good everything reference

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.8 Edit | Delete
Download v0.91 (18.9 MB)

BruhSpaghettini & CraeTo…


(If you find any bugs/issues/imbalanced gameplay, contact me on the discord server linked in the Homepage.)

Jmod is the embodiment of all hell placed into a cursed, nightmarish remake of a mod that everyone thought only contained 1 weapon.
In case you can't tell, It's a meme mod.

Jmod is a remake of Julius' Expanse, a meme mod I (BruhSpaghettini) made awhile back. It has since been removed from the Mod Browser.
Yes, Julius' Expanse is the mod that added the Flex Sword from that one GameRaiders video.

Anyways, Jmod is a complete overhaul of Julius' Expanse, with many things being redone, resprited, and reimagined.
Currently, Jmod adds:
233 Items
22 NPCs, including 4 Town NPCs and 3 Bosses
Mostly, but not exclusively Post Moon-Lord Content
An entirely new Damage Class (Broken Class)
11 Armor sets, most of which are either broken class or post-moonlord
Updates to come

Version 0.3:
Added some more armor sets (most notably Doorlius set)
Added a github repository and therefore an icon!!!

Version 0.4:
Added Morshu Armor
Resprited Qarl

Version 0.5:
Added several armor sets and weapons, finishing up post-moonlord progression
Recolored Bob's attacks to match his color scheme
Resprited Broken Sword

Version 0.5.5:
Fixed Flexium Tome's class from Ranged to Magic
Added the Bladed Scepter for Melee
Added a wiki

Version 0.6:
Fixed Grenade Book's Damage
Added Johnny Ronald the Comrade
Added Portals (they dont telelport you... yet)
Bob is more of a troll
Nerfed bob kinda

Version 0.7:
Upgraded the Sky Bob Biome massively
Strange chest in dungeon entrace
A little balancing

Version 0.8:
COMPLETELY overhauled world generation!
New mini-Biome: Darkstone Band. Goes around lower half of the world, going to utilize it more in 1.0
Replaced homepage with the discord server

Version 0.9:
Various small changes
Added Psychedelic Ore, which generates upon world generation
Added sus Fargo's Souls Mod Compatibility with enchants and stuff but its insanely strange and i literally just ported it from the fargo compatibility for julius expanse

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.8 Edit | Delete
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