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Download v36.18.0.1 (3 MB)


Tired of playing Terraria alone? Let the TerraGuardians accompany you.

The TerraGuardians are mythical humanoid creatures that lives in the Ether
Realm, and for some reason, now they are moving to Terrarian worlds.

Befriend TerraGuardians, and they will help you, and also try to find out
what is happening to cause them to appear, too.

There are quite a number of guardians you can find during your gameplay,
each with their way of recruitment. Rise the friendship level, the more
friendship level, the better for you.

You can also leave them guarding your houses, to protect your citizens,
and do their requests for rewards.

There's also a few Terrarian characters you can have as companions.

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
DBT Leveled Patch
Download v1.1 (7.7 KB)


Allows Ki weapons to scale damage with the Leveled mod.

NOTE: This is a modified version of "DBT + Leveled Patch v0.1" by Simping For Mercenaries
Credit for development of the code within this mod goes to the above author, and this mod will be taken down upon request from the above author.
Ki Damage scaling

This simply removes the firerate ramping and player specific functions present in the mod referenced above.

Planning on adding a config whenever I figure out how.


* Lowered modifier value on damage to more closely resemble the damage scaling for other weapons in the Leveled mod

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
Kai's first mod
Download v0.1 (254.1 KB)


Hey! I'm just starting out as a mod developer and am just trying a few things. This mod is where i put all the stuff i'm doing. Feedback is appreciated!

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
Random Drops Mod
Download v0.9.1 (9.3 KB)

C2K and PurpleDrank

All drops are randomized and default drops are removed.

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
Notees Vanity
Download v0.1 (13 KB)


vanity set for me

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
Youtuber Class
Download v1.0 (123.9 KB)


Gamer Classes is a pretty cool mod, it does gives you the power of the gamer experience. The challenge is to be the best gamer. Can you do it?

Added classes:
-Youtuber class
-Minecraft class

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
Mod of Bread
Download v0.1.0.3 (33.6 KB)


Mod of Bread is a Mod that is made to add sveral things to terraria to make the game more enjoyable
if you have any questions about the mod, please leave them as a comment on one of my youtube videos:

beta update (7/9/2022) "useless update"
fixed an issue with the stone gun, removed my shot item, added a recipe for wand of sparking as well as 2 new "useless" weapons

beta update (6/27/2022) "mining update"
added more useful recipes, a new 'Zenith' hamaxe and pickaxe, and a homepage (that does not work ): )

beta update (6/4/2022) "I am too lazy to grind for these items update"
adds new stick crafting material as well as a few useful crafting recipes
icon automatically removed for some reason????

beta launch 0.1 (5/26/2022) "the launch"
added icon
current items: shark sword, sword of the swordsmen, coal, my shot, and stone gun
(many more items are planned to be added!)

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
Builder Artifact
Download v1.0 (13.8 KB)


Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
Download v0.24 (162 KB)


Cataclysm is a W.I.P Mod that adds lots of things like swords bows guns staff hammers axes pickaxes accessories mobs and bosses.

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
Vanilla Improvements
Download v1.8.9.8 (105 KB)


This mod adds many quality of life changes to Terraria! You can customize the mod further in the config.


-Changes max stack to 9999 on most items
-Increases build speed
-Auto joins pink team
-Reduces respawn timer
-Adds hotkeys for recall, money trough, quick stack, and rod of discord
-Removes tombstones
-Changes quick trash to CTRL from 1.4
-Adds wormhole recipe that costs 5 silver coins
-Adds a special slot for wings
-Adds starter bag (defaults to false in config)
-Adds better fishing (defaults to false in config)
-Adds a few other minor improvments


Some of the settings can be changed in the config to tune to your terraria experience.

-Fixes item use speed too fast

-Fixes error when disabling mod

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
Goomba NPC
Download v0.2 (7.4 KB)


uh hi don't download this is just a test

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
Amphibia Mod
Download v0.18 (39.1 KB)


All Items and Characters Belong to Disney.
If you have any questions/reccomendations message me on discord: TrevorQuacks#5661
Mod currently in Beta. Message me if you find any errors.

0.1.0 Adds the Sprig Sword.
0.1.1 Adds a ribbit sound effect to the Sprig Sword.
0.1.2 Adds the Polly Bow.
0.1.3 bug fixes.
0.1.4 Makes the polly bow very fast. Please have alot of arrows.
0.1.5 Holy cheese there's alot of stuff. Nerfed the polly bow. Added a summon item, Frobo Remote. have fun with these changes.
0.1.6 Nerfed the Frobo Damage (previously 35 now 15). Added an anne npc (may not be obtainable tell me if it isn't on discord (TrevorQuacks#5661)) sells a weapon (anne ball) and frogs.
0.1.7 Adds a frog launcher (lol)
0.1.8 makes it so anne can spawn. Adds Hop Pop's Cane. fixes bugs.

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
Download v0.1 (31.2 KB)


This mod is incomplete, and because I'll probably update it for 1.4, I'm just gonna throw the incomplete 1.3 version here.

This mod includes:
-4 weapons
and nothing else

Have fun (or at least try to)

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
Download v0.1 (463.4 KB)


This Mod is Add "Supply" Item,Have fan!
ver 0.2
Can't use when on server and Stop Loading Server bug.

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
Yuki's Mod
Download v0.1 (167.7 KB)


Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
Polar Items: Really Powerful Weapons
Download v2.0 (34.1 KB)


This mod adds an assortment of really powerful weapons starting from pre-boss to post-moonlord!

Currently there are;
- Polar Slice
- Wood Amalgamation
- Spooky Amalgam
- Iron Javelin
- Tungsten Javelin

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
Forces of Nature and etc.
Download v0.1.4.4 (57.9 MB)

The Ralsei Fan Club 4.0

Forces of Nature is still a Work in Progress, join the discord in my homepage if you want to do stuff.


Recent Update changelog:

v0.1.4.4 Small MN Update

-Changed Mother Nature's dialogue, she now swears

-Changed her music

Dev Team:
Lead Dev(s): Purppelle and Stardust and RAMEN

milk chalice

Haram! 64
Space Dolphin

Yuri O

Visit this link for the full changelogs:

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
The Throwing Expansion
Download v3.8.1 (651.3 KB)


This is a mod meant to allow you to use the throwing class in hardmode, as well as adding items for it in pre-hardmode! Currently, the items inside of this mod are:

- 2 new sets of throwing armor
- 3 rebalanced sets of armor (gladiator, obsidian, and viking)
- 8 new throwing variant helmets (hardmode ores)
- 42 new throwing projectiles
- 8 new throwing launchers
- 9 new throwing accessories
- 1 new NPC

Update Notes:
V 1.0: 2 new weapons and 3 rebalanced sets of armor
V 1.1: Added a mod icon
V 1.5: Updated mod icon, Javelin Ballista, Amethyst Javelins
v 1.6: Added Topaz and Sapphire Javelins
V 1.7: Added Wooden Javelins and Shuriken Launcher
V 1.8: Added a new npc: The Gladiator
V 1.9: Fixed glitches, added shadowflame knives (Gladiator sells the throwing counterpart if you have the Shadowflame knife from the goblin invasion)
V 2.0: Added Emerald, Diamond, and Amber javelins
V 2.1: Added a config file, added Attuned Fossil accessory
V 2.2: Added copper javelins, added all wood variant javelins, added 3 new throwing accessories, rebalanced many items
V 2.3: Added meteor javelins and all pre-hardmode ore javelins
V 2.4: Added Jester Javelins
V 2.5: Added a Throwing Grenade Launcher (fires grenades)
V 2.6: Completed the viking set and added it as a drop from undead vikings
V 2.6.5: Added a Throwing Emblem drop from the wall of flesh
V 2.7: Added the Spartan Shield accessory
V 2.7.5: Added the Spartan Relic Shield
V 2.8: A lot of rebalancing, added a throwing variant helmet for all the hardmode ores
V 2.8.5: Added the ability to right click the throwing launchers to convert them between throwing and ranged damage
V 2.9: Added Waspnades, and made them a drop from plantera
V 2.9.5: Added Libra armor
V 2.9.9: Added Icy Shards
V 3.0: Added Cryo armor
V 3.0.5: Added Cryo Launchers
V 3.1: Added true javelins, many bug fixes
V 3.2: Added more true javelins and more bug fixes
V 3.2.5: Added Frozen Leafs and a Cryo grenade launcher
V 3.3: Made the Traveling Merchant sell a munitions pack at a 25% chance, added the munitions pack which adds a chance to shoot more shots
V 3.4: Added Makeshift Javelins and Splinter Javelins, fixed many bugs, made many balance changes
V 3.4.5: Added the Shiny Rock, an accessory sold by the Skeleton Merchant that adds 1 penetration
V 3.5: A lot of quality of life changes
V 3.5.5: Added a Munitions Pack tile, Added Javelin Quiver accessory, new fishing crate and throwing potion
V 3.5.9: Bug Fixes
V 3.6: Bug Fixes, completed Javelin Ballista
V 3.6.8: Fixed many bugs, overhauled the armors, and changed some buffs
V 3.7: Added Ichor Grenades, Cursed Grenades, and ShroomNades. Also made the Diamond Break debuffs take longer to proc
V 3.8.0: Updated some old code.

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
Furniture, Food, and Fun
Download v1.90 (7.5 MB)


A mod made for the builders, roleplayers, collectors, and fashionistas of Terraria. Be sure to check out the discord by clicking on the Homepage button!
Now updated for tModLoader v0.11.8.9!

-4 new Gems with Furniture Sets
-2 new biomes: a world generated garden biome and a manmade celestial biome
-Decorative variants of almost any vanilla item
-Lots of new furniture sets
-Custom world map placeables to map out your world!
-Aquariums for Non-Quest Fish fishes
-Combination tiles for almost any vanilla crafting station
-Small QoL crafting recipes for some vanilla tiles
-Foods with a small variety of effects
-Enemy themed furniture
-Placeable fruit and vegetable plants
-Armor and Accessory Vanities
-More craftable Living Wood Wand variants
-Lots of blocks and walls to build with

Jenosis - Coder+Spriter
Anubscorpiak - Spriter

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
Download v0.2.2 (5.8 KB)


Recipes+ adds cool recipes to your game so its nice

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
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