Details of Beamaxes

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Last Updated
4 years ago
This is actually a mod I've been developing for quite some time after the teaser in Industrial Pickaxes, but I hadn't had the motivation to finish it until now!

Latest update: Decresed fuel consumption rate for nearly all beamaxes, canisters are slightly less expensive, Soul Canisters now only require boss souls, Glass Beamshovel is slightly less useless, all beamaxes give 75% of used materials when dismantled, Concave Lens can be crafted into a Lens, and you can craft Concave Lens using 2 Lens and 10 Glass

This mod adds a new set of tools known as Beamaxes, they come in multiple tiers and are excellent at mining from afar.
To start off, you are given a Wooden Beamaxe, which isn't the best, but it's a start.
In order to progress you are going to need to make a laser focus. You only need one for all of the beamaxes, as you can upgrade the laser focus.
If you already used your laser focus for a beamaxe, fret not, as you can reclaim it (and 75% of other materials) by dismantling the beamaxe by right clicking it in the inventory.
Better beamaxes have better range, and the late hardmode ones mine more tiles in a radius!
There's even a strange variant of the beamaxe known as the Glass Beamshovel, for that you'll need a concave lens, sometimes dropped by demon eyes.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this mod, or would like to report a bug, contact Chem#2061 on Discord!
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