Details of Beex Mod

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Beex Mod
Beex and Robsob
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Last Updated
4 years ago
This is my first mod :)
It adds a few items:

- Living wood sword
It works like the wooden sword, but it deals summon damage.
Wooden sword
30 wood

- Living wood Boomerang
It works like the wooden boomerang, but it deals summon damage.
Wooden boomerang
30 wood

- Upgrade essence:
Crafting material, that drops from the moon lord.

- The Buzzsword
It is a summoner sword that summons bees, that attack enemies.
It will sometimes drop from the Queen Bee.
1 Beekeeper
15 Bee Wax
50 hives
50 honey blocks

- True Buzzsword
A better version of the Buzzsword.
Craftied form the Buzzsword and broken hero sword.

- Beex's sword
The final upgrade of the Buzzsword.
Crafted from True Buzzsword and upgrade essence.

- Enchanted Buzzsword
A combination of the Buzzsword and the Enchanted Sword.

- The Redpand
A gun, that shoots red panda heads.
It will sometimes drop from Skeletron.
1 Handgun
50 Bones

- True Redpand
A better version of the Redpand.
Craftied form the Redpand and broken hero sword.

- Robsob's gun
The final upgrade of the Redpand.
Crafted from True Redpand and upgrade essence.

- Red Panda Bullets
The Redpands need them to fire.
Sold by the Arms Dealer.
Crafting (you get 10):
1 bone
10 Musket balls

- Endless panda pouch
Crafted from 3996 Red Panda Bullets.

- The Bumblewand
A magic weapon, that shoots bumblebees.
Sometimes drops from the Queen Bee.
1 Bee gun
15 Bee Wax
50 hives
50 honey blocks

- True Bumblewand
A better version of the Bumblewand.
Craftied form the Bumblewand and broken hero sword.

- Bumblix's wand
The final upgrade of the Bumblewand.
Crafted from True Bumblewand and upgrade essence.

- Beeckaxe
A bee pickaxe.
10 Bee wax
10 Bottled Honey
25 hives
25 honey blocks

- True Beeckaxe
A better version of the Beeckaxe.
Crafted from the Beeckaxe and broken hero sword.

- Beex's pickaxe
The final upgrade of the Beeckaxe.
Crafted from True Beeckaxe and upgrade essence.

- Beeaxe
A bee axe.
10 Bee wax
10 Bottled Honey
25 hives
25 honey blocks

- Beemmer
A bee hammer.
10 Bee wax
10 Bottled Honey
25 hives
25 honey blocks

- Buzzy hammaxe
A bee hammaxe.
Crafted from Beeaxe and Beemmer

- True Buzzy hammaxe
A better version of the Buzzy hammaxe.
Crafted from the Buzzy hammaxe and broken hero sword.

- Beex's hammaxe
The final upgrade of the buzzy hammaxe.
Crafted from True Buzzy hammaxe and upgrade essence.

- Bee cannon:
Shoots multiple bees.
Crafted from Wasp gun and bee wax.

Other changes:
Merchant now sells wooden boomerangs.
Merchant sells wormhole potions after you defeat skeletron.
The Arms Dealer sells Red panda bullets after you defeat skeletron.

If you have any ideas what could I add to the mod please write:
tModLoader Version
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