Details of Better Zoom & Camera Control
Display Name
Better Zoom & Camera Control
119.3 KB
Sync now (
Mirror 1,
Mirror 7,
Mirror 8,
Mirror 9,
Mirror 10)
Last Updated
3 years ago
This mod allows you to zoom in and out much
further than what's possible in Vanilla.
Very useful to people who play in lower resolutions or
who want to have high resolution sprites.
You can also make the game turn upside down.
Open the UI using the hotkey (default: 'B').
For a Changlog and more information visit my homepage!
Contact NotLe0n#7696 on discord if you have any problems.
Special Thanks to:
AbsoluteAquarian, for helping me with Lerp!
bafto & Hexagonalex, for testing multiplayer.
Cryoknight, for the trashcan sprite!
AbsoluteAquarian, Trivaxy and direwolf420 for helping with the IL-edit
Better Zoom
Zoom (default: 1x):
Changing the Zoom slider or Pressing the
plus or minus keys on your keyboard
(not the ones on the numpad) will zoom your
game in and out just like normal, but
instead of zooming from 100% to 200%,
you can zoom from 20% to 1000%
and from -100% to -20% (upside down)
When you zoom out the tiles don't load any further.
This is not a bug!
Zoom Background (default: 'off'):
This toggles if the background should zoom too.
Flip Background (default: 'on'):
This decides if the background should flip
once the zoom is negative.
Hotbar scale (default: 1x):
This changes how big your hotbar is.
UI Scale (default: 1x):
Similar to "Zoom" but for the UI.
You can also change this by holding shift while
pressing plus or minus.
Camera Control
Tracking Speed (default 1x):
Controls the tracking speed.
Lock screen (default: 'off'):
Setting this to on or pressing the Hotkey,
locks your screen to the current position.
You can still move while it's locked
(Unlike Hero's Mod "Fly Camera tool").
Pressing the Hotkey again or toggling
"Lock Screen", unlocks your screen.
Move Screen (the Dpad):
You can move your screen while it's locked
Pressing the arrow keys moves
your screen in the direction too.
Path Trackers (red):
Click to place Path Trackers which
will draw a curve the camera follows
The Eraser will remove Path Trackers
when you click or hold the left mouse button
The Delete button will remove all Path Trackers
You can move Path trackers using the move tool
Entity Tracker (green):
Click to place a Entity Tracker which will track
the closest NPC or Player (only in Multiplayer)
tModLoader Version
Localizer Package
Localizer Package
Mod Side