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Last Updated
4 years ago
This mod was made through a lot of time and effort from a mediocre coder...
This mod makes weapons, pickaxes, and bows for most of the early game blocks such as dirt, stone, and all of the gems.

Update 1.0

-Added All Basic Items.

Update 1.1

-Failed Attempt at adding a mod icon.

Update 1.2

-Added a new tile, Coal (does NOT naturally generate)
•To get coal, buy it from the Merchant
-Added a new cheat item (find out for yourself)

Update 1.4

-Filler Update since TModLoader doesn't accept when version value in UNCHANGED

Update 1.4.3

-Added Icon

Update 1.4.4

-Added a Low-End Computer Killing Bomb (This nearly killed my computer even with a relatively new processor and motherboard!)
-Added a few extra descriptions to the mod just for extra clarity

Update 1.5

-Added a new item that drops from Zombies, Demon Eyes, and Green Slimes. This item will help guide you through the mod for what has to come.
-Added a new armor set (my lord armor sets are annoying to make!).
-Added two new bows with unique abilities.
-Heavily nerfed the Mini Nuke and changed its name to "Striped Bomb". The blast radius is much smaller so it won't break anyone's computer.
-Made it where the Striped Bomb can be bought from the Demolitionist.
-Added secret feature (not an item!).


-Updated Mod Icon!

Update 1.5.8

-Did some polishing to the code and descriptions.
-Added some new bows with special properties.
-Fixed the issue with the demolitionist selling the "Striped Bomb" in pre-hardmode.
-Updated the Emerald Armor helmet sprite.
-Last update where coal will be useless.

Update 1.6.1

-Fixed some unfixed crafting recipes.
-Added Coal Sword.
-Made it where coal was sold from the merchant in pre-hardmode as well.
-Added Amethyst Bow.
-Added a vanilla crafting recipe for the Sunfury.

Update 1.6.5

-Added a new drop that does not have a use, but it will in the near future. It drops from early pre-hardmode enemies.
-Added the ability to use ModReader on my source code.


Fixed a coding error.

Update 1.7

-Added multiple crafting materials that can be crafted with gems.
-That items may be used into ANOTHER item.
-That final item can be used to make weapons, but at the current time of this update, there is only one.
-Added a use to the Vibrant, Rich, Colorful Soul.
-The new items have animated sprites.

Update 1.8

-Added a new, Early Hardmode Sword that can be made with:
•Breaker Blade
•All Gem Swords (Coal Sword NOT included)
•Sticks (2)
-The sword shoots out multiple projectiles corresponding to the colors of the gem swords. A Bow similar in this manner is to come soon.
-Added a new cheat item (use it at your own risk)

Update 1.8.5

-Note for later-- A ton of new respriting is to come!
-Heavily Nerfed the Elemental Ferocity (formerly Super Shank) (The last update's Early Hardmode Sword)
-Also resprited the Elemental Ferocity (formerly Super Shank) (It now actually looks like a combination of all the swords)
-Resprited Amethyst Sword
-Renamed ALL Gem Swords and Bows
-Sirius' Starshot (formerly Diamond Greatbow) takes a decent nerf
-Emerald Spraybow (formerly Emerald Bow) takes a slight nerf
-Quasar Emission (formerly Amethyst Derringer) has slightly been buffed
-Bloodruby Ranger and Aquatic Evaporation have been added (bows for sapphire and ruby)
-Betelgeuse's Wrath (formerly Topaz Bow) has been slightly buffed
-Planning to add more gem armor sets in the future, but might take a decent amount of time.

[NOTE TO PEOPLE: Sorry for the long wait between the last and current update- I have been working hard on online school, as I do NOT want to fall behind. Hope you all understand! <3]

Update 1.8.7

-Added 2 new magic gem weapons- more will be added soon!
-Squashed bugs, changed some names slightly
-Maybe a boss in the future? Depends.

Update 2.0 (Yay! New number!)

-Resprited the Gem of the Ancients
-Once again, the Elemental Ferocity has been nerfed
I nerfed it into oblivion because the sword (originally) went to post-Moon Lord stages of the game, since in Calamity Mod it took me all the way to The Profaned Guardians.
Even after the nerf, it's still somewhat viable until the celestial pillars. Hopefully this well deserved nerf will put it in its place!
-Added 2 more magic gem weapons (Topaz and Sapphire)
-Added Elemental Gradience (Elemental Ferocity, but a bow)
-More Resprites!
|'Emerald Sword' has been renamed to 'Mean Green Slaying Scimitar' and has been resprited
|'Ruby Sword' has been renamed to 'Dōjigiri Yasutsuna' and has been resprited
|'Cerulean Slicer' has been resprited
|'Betelgeuse's Wrath' has been resprited
-Completely removed the 'Onyx Blaster Jr.' because it was a really l
tModLoader Version
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