Details of Terraria's Callings

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Terraria's Callings
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Last Updated
5 years ago
Terraria's call is a mod with a fairly large amount of content. It includes 1 boss, the champion boulder, 17 enemys, and 99 items! :o
It will be updated constantly and I plan to work and experiment more with monsters.
Note that this mod is still a WIP and know that my code is not fully fool proof (Like the boulder champion has a treasure bag but I'm having a hard time finding out how to make it drop it).
By the way, if you can, please tell happy days to look at this and it's boulder monsters because they are based on his videos.

-Credit to "Supernatural" for the unobtainable "Cult" weapon.
-Credit to "Minecraft" for the Magic creeper head weapon.

-Even though the file name is call of terraria, it is not related to the RPG mod call of terraria. I did not know it existed until recently.
(Warning: The boulders are mainly for fun. Slime spawns might lower due to boulders)

V 0.1; Release.
V 0.2; Changed music boulder's music,
V 0.3; Addition of 3 items, ice wand, corrupt wand, blood wand. :D
V 0.4; Added icon
V 0.5; Bug fixes
V 0.6; Bug fixes
V 0.7; Cook boulders added
V 0.8; Added Balloon boulders and Artic Boulders
V 0.9; Added Boxer and thief Boulders
V 1.0; Bug fix. Added Boulder god
V 1.1; Updated Boulder God
v 1.1.2; Boulder god buffed. Now uses betsy AI.
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