Details of Cheeze's Content Pack
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Cheeze's Content Pack
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Last Updated
4 years ago
Cheeze's Conent Pack is a mod that adds a variety of content to Terraria.
As of right now the mod includes several tools, an armor set, a few new armor parts, a number of accessories, a new generated ore, 140+ weapons, lots of materials, several monsters, a town npc and a crafting station.
� There's content spread over hardmode and pre-hardmode.
� New content spread over a variety of biomes, places and events.
� Stacked Items crafted at a heavy work bench to save chest space.
� A ton of content related to other games like Ratchet & Clank, FlyFF and Overwatch.
� Variants to certain vanilla monsters with useful loot.
� Lots of new, fun and unique items are available.
� Tiered Kunai and Halberds.
� Alternative ways to get certain vanilla items.
� Several Quality of Life improvements.
� A little bit of cross content with other mods, more in the future.
NOTE: Update for tModLoader has just come out! If you see or find anything odd be sure to tell me!
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v1.1.4.3 Hotfix
Icon Updated
v1.1.4.2 Hotfix
Updated to
v1.1.4.1 Hotfix
Fixed Tyrranoid sound not using the updated file.
v1.1.4 - Quality Improvements
Updated Megacorp Vendor to have a bigger contrast in the overworld sprite.
Reduced Tyrranoid Noise
Updated a few sprites
v1.1.3 - 0.11 Support, Quality Improvements!
Resprited a bunch of items to be more visually appealing
Added Infinite Ammo variants and config.
Created a new Icon.
Fixed minor bugs.
Added Viking Axe & Hammer
Added True Sun Strike
Some balance changes.
v1.1.2.4 - GitHub integration
The same as the previous version with some back-end changes to make the mod more open source reliable.
v1.1.2.3 - Minor Fixes
Hopefully finally fixed mobs spawning at wrong heights.
Built for 0.10.1
Icon Fixed.
v1.1.2.2 - Hotfixes
Changed Eyebats to only spawn in night.
Fixed Relic Fragment not dropping.
v1.1.2.1 - Icon Testing
Made an Icon and a few minor fixes.
v1.1.2 - Support, Quality Improvements and Nukes!
Major Changes to most "Fist" Weapons. Utilizing FlashKirby99's WeaponOut methods to have a variety of special attacks, a better appearance and much more!
Changes to Pulse Pistol and The High Noon to reflect your ammo on usage (might change again in the future in it's own ui section).
Platforming Improvements to Agents of Doom Upgrade line.
Variety of grammar tweaks and balances, I have rewritten a lot of text, so if you see any grammar mistakes, contact me.
Added two new weapons to the Gravity Bomb upgrade line.
A ton of graphical improvements to older sprites.
Fixed some minor bugs.
v1.1.1.4 - support.
Added a new monster.
Fixed Loot pool of Dragon Eye.
Buffed Pulse Rifle and the Vaporizers slightly
v1.1.1.3 - Happy late new year!
Fixed certain monsters spawning wrongly on the Y axis. I.E. Spawning in hell while they shouldn't.
Added a new recipe for Money Through if Thorium Mod is enabled.
Changed Molten Eye (which now spawns correctly) to only appear after defeating EoW/BoC.
Changed Dragon Eye to only appear after defeating EoC.
Overal Reduced Spawnrate of most monsters in the mod.
Revisited a lot of old sprites that were below par.
v1.1.1.2 - Merry Xmas
Build for 0.9.1
Fixed AI problem with Granite Wanderer in expert mode shooting more than a single laser at once.
Nerfed Dragon Eye.
Removed Hellstone Bolt drop from monsters in the Underworld except Wall of Flesh, thus preventing an early way to get tier 2 weapons.
Lancer and Heavy Lancer damage buffed and its shots now evaporate in water.
Lava Gun buffed and its shots now evaporate in water.
And more general fixes and balancing.
Nerfed Dragon Eye in expert mode.
v1.1.1.1 - Angel Update.
(New)(Some)Angel Weapons and essence now drop from the mech bosses, more coming soon.
Lots of bugfixes related to FlyFF weapons.
New Texture for Sun Strike (based on the textures Eli10293 supplied me a while ago.)
Reduced Droprate of certain weapons.
Nerfed Dragon Eye in expert mode.
Minor balancing and bugfixes.
v1.1.1 - Galactic Madness.
New Town NPC: Martian Trader
Added Mahogany Blowpipe.
Added Callisto Bow.
Ultra Agents now permanently fly and do more damage.
Added Slime Staff to King Slime drop list if Quality of Life mod is not loaded.
Made the Merchant sell flares if you have a Lava Gun or its upgrades in your inventory.
Made the Arms Dealer sell Rocket 0.
Improved compatibility with Prefixes from Enemies.
Fixed a bug that caused certain parts of recipes to dissapear when hovering over it when using a recipe group.
Lancer and Lavagun resprited by Vladimier, I altered
tModLoader Version
Localizer Package
Localizer Package
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