Details of Chroma's SK Content Mod
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Chroma's SK Content Mod
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Last Updated
4 years ago
This is a fairly small mod made by myself. It is largely based off the game Spiral Knights, an MMO I used to play years ago.
This mod adds an assortment of weapons - mostly bombs, swords and blasters.
It also adds a few new enemies to the earlygame and a couple of melee armour sets.
The mod gives you enough content to do a whole playthrough solely focused on its weapons.
- Maskeraith pet can be obtained in crimson worlds too (should have been all along - whoops).
- Leather recipe added for vertebrae.
- Slightly buffed protobomb. It was a little underwhelming.
- Protocrest drop chance increased as, if you were to get it too much later it would almost be pointless to have.
- Protoshiled can now be melted down into odd scrap metal just like the other proto gear.
- Fixed some typos.
- Removed corrupt/hallowed pedestal condition for Grand Faust/Divine Avenger recipes. It only led to confusion.
- Buffed Silversix and Blackhawk.
- Lowered pulsar line sounds volume, sounds now play in multiplayer.
- Other small things I forgot to write down.
Beta 0.3.2
- Added Silversix and Blackhawk, available at the start of hardmode.
- Resprited Argent Peacemaker and Sentenza. Made them post-mechs.
- Slight sprite adjustments.
- Currently doing a playthrough with the mod so lots of rebalancing. Lots of little bits and bobs. Mostly nerfs.
- To make the Maskeraith Battle Sprite more useful and to keep it relevant throughout the whole game, made it inflic venom in hardmode instead of poison, also when ability is active the player will ignore knockback and only take half damage.
- Fixed Corrupt/Crimson Salt Shard bombs' debuff. I broke it in the last update unknowingly.
- Proto weapons can be melted down for 3 Odd Scrap Metal each but they also require 6 each to craft now.
- Sniped Stranger Hat has got its Night Vision buff back.
- Probably other stuff that I forgot to write down.
Beta 0.3.1
- Added Pulsar, Gigawatt Pulsar and Polaris. Talk to the Mechanic about it!
- Made Seraphynx pet spawner rarer.
- More rebalancing.
- Lowered Pulsars damage by 5.
- Added "buff" icons for each battle sprite.
- Slightly changed some sprites+dusts.
Beta 0.3.0
- New feature - Battle sprites, little buddies to help you on your quest! 3 added so far, more to come in future updates.
- Added Leviathan Blade and Lionheart Honor Blade. Functionally nearly the same, Lionheart Honor Blade has a slighty higher crit rate and is a rare drop only.
- Added Sealed Sword, an ingredient in the crafting of the Divine Avenger and Grand Faust.
- The text to signal that The Snarbolax is on the hunt now only appears once, just like it should.
- Fixed a bug with the Nightmare Mane breaking nearly every other wall placed item in the game (whoopsie!).
- Updated some sprites.
- Both Awakened Duskblade recipes were wrong, they are now properly craftable.
- Buffs and nerfs, rebalancing.
- Updated forum post for tips to finding mod content. Go check it out!
- Made mods enemies slightly more common, lowered material cost for Proto equipment.
Beta 0.2.2
- Simple re-publish due to the wipe several months back plus tmodloader updates.
Beta 0.2.1
- Darkened Snarbolax Armour sets' sprite borders. Looked messy and wishy-washy.
- Nerfed Protosword top-end damage. From 26 defence (when it always shoots a beam, protocrest equipped or not), it gains 1 damage per 4 defence rather than 1dmg/2def. It's meant to be used early on, not the whole game. Still very useful for taking out bosses.
- Made Barbarous Thorn Shield obtainable in hardmode. Too OP beforehand.
- Slightly buffed Super Blast Bomb.
- Made Nightmare Mane placeable!
Beta 0.2
- Increased Protosword damage slightly.
- Increased Blaster's knockback.
- Added Crimson Salt Shard Bomb.
- Added Crystal Shard Bomb.
- Cleaned up and fixed various bits of code.
Beta 0.1.35 - Tooltip changes.
Added tooltips to various swords to indicate that they have right click functionality. Other tooltips changed for clarity.
Beta 0.1.34 - First release.
As this is the first public release please note it may not be well balanced.
If you experience any issues or see places for improvement in balance please let me know.
Not yet tested with other mods, so please let me know!
Please also let me know how things work (or don't) multiplayer.
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