Details of Corruption To Crimson Crafting

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Corruption To Crimson Crafting
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3 years ago
The Corruption To Crimson Crafting mod allows the ability of being able to use the Demon/Crimson Altars to switch Biome Evil items between their Corruption and Crimson counterparts.

A list of Biome Evil items that can be switched between their Corruption and Crimson counterparts, along with (in the case of Weapons and Accessories) the aditional cost of switching (Put in place to prevent the exploitation of modifiers):

Musket = The Undertaker (3 Gold)
Vilethorn = Crimson Rod (3 Gold)
Band of Starpower = Panic Necklace (3 Gold)
Ball O' Hurt = The Rotted Fork (3 Gold)
Shadow Orb = Crimson Orb
Rotten Chunk = Vertebra
Cursed Flame = Ichor (Including Darts, Arrows, Flasks, Bullets, Torches, Campfires, and Living Fire Blocks byproducts)
Vile Mushroom = Vicious Mushroom
Demonite Ore/Bar/Block = Crimtane Ore/Bar/Block
Shadow Scale = Tissue Sample
Eater Of Worlds Mask = Brain Of Cthulhu Mask
Eater Of Worlds Trophy = Brain Of Cthulhu Trophy
Eater Of Worlds Treasure Bag = Brain Of Cthulhu Treasure Bag
Eater's Bone = Bone Rattle
Worm Scarf = Brain Of Confusion (4 Gold)
Dart Rifle = Dart Pistol (16 Gold)
Chain Guillotines = Fetid Baghnakhs (16 Gold)
Clinger Staff = Life Drain (16 Gold)
Putrid Scent = Flesh Knuckles (16 Gold)
Toxikarp = Bladetongue (8 Gold)
Worm Hook = Tendon Hook
Corrupt Seeds = Crimson Seeds
Vile Powder = Vicious Powder
Purple Solution = Red Solution
Scourge Of The Corruptor = Vampire Knives (40 Gold)
Ebonstone/Ebonsand/Hardened Ebonsand/Ebonsandstone/Purple Ice Blocks = Crimstone/Crimsand/Hardened Crimsand/Crimsandstone Blocks
Corrupt Crate = Crimson Crate
Lightless Chasms = Deadland Comes Alive
Corruption/Underground Corruption Music Box/Crimson/Underground Crimson Music Box
Ebonwood/Shadewood (Including Armor, Weapon, Furniture, and Wall byproducts)
Malaise = Artery (2 Gold)
Light's Bane = Blood Butcherer (54 Silver)
War Axe of the Night = Blood Lust Cluster (54 Silver)
The Breaker = Flesh Grinder (60 Silver)
Nightmare Pickaxe = Deathbringer Pickaxe (72 Silver)
Demon Bow = Tendon Bow (72 Silver)
Fisher of Souls = Fleshcatcher
Shadow Armor/Ancient Shadow Armor = Crimson Armor

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