Details of Custom Music Mod
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Custom Music Mod
Shipmans AGLA
17.4 KB
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Last Updated
2 years ago
Customize the music in your game!
This mod contains a single file that changes the music to whatever music files you place in the music folder of this mod.
Does not come with any music, you have to put the music you want in yourself.
Works with calamity to not replace music while in a calamity biome, but also still works without calamity.
I put comments in the code to hopefully make reading and using the mod as clear as possible :)
Your music files need to be named correctly, so you should probably look at and refer to the code of this mod.
How To Use:
1. enable developer mod on tmodloader
2. if you don't have some of the required programs for this, follow this guide for them:
3. extract the mod and move the extracted mod to your mod sources folder
(documents > my games > terraria > mod loader > mod sources)
OR download the files from the mod's github
4. Create a folder in the mod called "Sounds", and create another folder in that folder called "Music" if these folders aren't there already
5. Add your music files to the "Music" folder (Last time I checked, Terraria likes .ogg and .wav file formats for sounds)
If Terraria rejects your sound file's format, import them into audacity and then export them as the correct format
6. Make sure your music files are named correctly by checking the file directory the code looks for when changing the music
These are the lines of code that say "music = GetSoundSlot(SoundType.Music, "Sounds/Music/<your file name here>")"
You will need to open CustomMusicMod.cs for this
7. Comment out (add // before) any "music = GetSoundSlot(SoundType.Music, "Sounds/Music/<your file name here>")" line of code for biomes/events you did not add a music file for
8. Build + reload the mod, and test to see if it works!
You should be able to read the code inside the if statements throughout the code to determine which biome/boss/event they change the music for
for example, if (Main.LocalPlayer.ZoneCorrupt) means the following indented lines of code activate when the player is in the corruption
tModLoader Version
Localizer Package
Localizer Package
Mod Side