Details of DomNite's Additions

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DomNite's Additions
DomNite (FragileFrenzY)
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Last Updated
2 years ago
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**V0.5.534 UPDATE**
Read Change Logs Below

DomNite's Additions is a mod that adds a lot of weapons(mostly guns) to the game.

*81 Weapons
- 14 KM Manufactur Guns (Some Upgradeable)
- 11 SH Manufactur Guns (Some Upgradeable)
- 5 RW Manufactur Guns (Some Upgradeable)
- 5 TS Manufactur Guns (Some Upgradeable)
- 4 PL Manufactur Guns (Some Upgradeable)
- 1 TG Manufactur Gun
- 1 Sword
- 3 Bows

- Most of These Weapons Are Dropped from monsters (Slimes, Zombies and Demon Eyes), Pre Hardmode Bosses or Craftable
- Weapons have Tiers depending how good they are, the higher the tier, the better they are.
*4 Consumable

-There are 6 Manufactures

-KM Manufacture (Kefaz Machines)
-Focuses on SMG Type Guns, Mid Damage with High Rate of Fire

-SH Manufacture (Sluve Handguns)
-Focuses on Handguns and Revolvers, High Damage with Normal Rate of Fire

-RW Manufacture (Robi Weaponry)
-Focuses on Insane Weapons Dealing High Damage with Normal/Very High Rate of Fire

-TS Manufacture (Tasho Shotguns)
-Focuses on Shotguns, Normal Rate of Fire and Very High Damage up Close but loses a Lot of Damage the further you are from your Enemy.

-PL Manufacture (Plasla Longshots)
-Focuses on Snipers, Very High Damage Weapons with Slow Fire Rate.

-TG Manufacture (Troshiabi Guns)
-Focuses on Assault Rifles that burst.

-These are the current Manufactures, some updates introduce more Manufactures, which makes it more intresting.

**Recent Change Log:
- Fixed a bug with Zombie Gunner spamming chat

- Fixed a bug that causes a gun drop from any monster even tho it was supposed to be from a zombie gunner.

- Removed Drops from statue summoned monsters (my items).

- Added New bags!
- There are 3 tiers which drop guns and ammo depended on the bags tier dropped by any monster.
- More coming soon with more guns!

- Added Crystals
- There are 3 crystal types which allow you to upgrade your weapons for more damage.
- All 1/2/3 Tiered Weapons are Upgradeable.
- Obtained From Tiered Bags (Tier 1/2/3 Bags)
- Nerfed Zombie Gunner Defence and Buffed Knockback Resistance
- Nerfed Drops for All Normal Vanilla Monsters (Mod Items)
- Changed Weapon Textures
- Nerfs/Buffs to Weapon Stats
- Added a New Weapon, Robi-W Expertenter! (Discord Winner Weapon)
- Fastest Firing Weapon Yet! (Compared to other Guns from the Mod)
- Craftable with 5 Other Weapons
- Extracting the Mod will now Put everything in folders for Better User Experience.
- More Weapons Coming Soon in the next update!

- Major Nerf
- Almost all weapons have been nerfed to balance out with other weapons
- Nerfed Zombie Gunner's Damage, HP and Defence
- New Craftable Tier 4 Gun, TG C-A-R
- Part dropped from WoF
- Some guns will now burst fire.

- Added 2 new Craftable guns, KM P77 (Tier 3) and KM Hovik 2 SMG (Tier 2)
- Both are craftable with tier 2 guns.
- Both are upgradeable with Tier 2 Crystals.
- Retextured some guns.
- Description changed on some guns/items.
- Adjusted Damage and Fire Rate Values on some guns.
- Gun Starter Bag now always drops 500 ammo.

*V0.5.53f (Fix Update)
- (Didn't cover this update)New Weapon, KM Mak (Tier 2)
- Now is craftable at anvil.
- Upgradeable with a Tier 2 Crystal.
- Crafting Guns will now require anvil (not for upgrading).

- Added bows!
- Currently there are 3 new bows, ranging from tier 1-3.
- All of them are craftable.
- None of them are upgradeable with crystals.
- Buffed Better KM-11 SMG because it was worse than the KM-11 SMG xD
- Fixed a few invalid stats on weapons.
- Updated True Poison Sword
- Increased Base Damage.
- Increase Use Speed.
- Made the sword MUCH bigger, and now it has auto-swing.
- Is now craftable instead of dropped from skeletron.
- Updated Sprite, looks better than that crappy old one.

- Buffed Tiered Bags
- Now always drops ammo
- Increased chances for weapons

- New Bow
- Dreadalon:
- Post-Golem Bow
- Best Bow in the mo
tModLoader Version
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