Details of ExperienceAndClasses/Ru перевод(Ren4o)

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ExperienceAndClasses/Ru перевод(Ren4o)
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Last Updated
6 years ago
This mod introduces an RPG-style class and leveling system where all monsters provide experience based on their health, defense, and damage stats. Your current level and progression is presented in a movable UI box. As you level, you unlock various bonuses and progress through three tiers of classes with several choices along the way.

A MAJOR overhaul is now underway. See the forums or discord for more details!



Git Integration! You can now access downgrade through the Mod Browser.


1. Bug Fix
* Fixed a bug that could prevent new and pre-mod characters from joining worlds


1. Cleric/Saint Abilities (complete!)
* Sanctuary completely implemented
* Divine Intervention completely implemented
* Paragon/Renew completely implemented

2. Status System:
* added a custom status system so that effects will not need to take buff slots (Cleric/Saint effects are statuses; during reworks, all current mod buffs will become statuses)
* statuses do not show in the buff bar, but most will have visual effects
* I am open to suggestions on how best to display duration info if at all (currently not shown)
* added /expstatusmsg to toggle showing status gain/lose messages (defaults to on)

3. Misc:
* Headless Horseman is now counted as undead
* Optimizations for heavily populated servers and very low-spec systems

4. Bug Fixes:
* Fixed a bug that could prevent certain mod ability projectiles from spawning


1. General:
* Updated to tModLoader v0.10.1.4

2. Cleric/Saint Abilities:
* implemented Cleanse, Cure, and Purify
Note: remaining abilities will be added throughout the week/weekend

3. Ability System:
* silence now prevents abilities

4. Other:
* added several more search terms to the undead list
* undead checking is now optimized for npc that have been checked before (should prevent slight delay when using heal on a large group)


1. Cleric/Saint Rework (ongoing):
Goal: make the support playstyle more e
tModLoader Version
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