Details of Fishing Crate Additions

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Fishing Crate Additions
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Last Updated
7 years ago
This tiny mod adds some extra items to fishing crates.

- Wooden Crates have an 1 in 15 chance to give any non-combined fishing information accessory and 1 in 20 chance for any non-combined fishing accessory.

- Iron Crates have an 1 in 8 chance to give any non-combined fishing information accessory and 1 in 10 chance for any non-combined fishing accessory.

- Golden Crates have an 1 in 3 chance to give any non-combined fishing information accessory and 1 in 5 chance for any non-combined fishing accessory.

- In hardmode, Hotline Fishing Hooks has an 1 in 50 chance to be obtained from Wooden Crates, 1 in 25 chance from Iron Crates, and 1 in 10 chance from Golden Crates.

- Corrupt Crates have an 1 in 10 chance to give any Ancient Shadow armor piece, 1 in 3 chance post EoC or EoW to give 10-20 Demonite Bars, and 1 in 3 chance post EoW to contain 5-10 Shadow Scales.

- Crimson Crates have an 1 in 3 chance post EoC or BoC to give 10-20 Crimson Bars, and 1 in 3 chance post BoC to contain 5-10 Tissue Samples.

- Jungle Crates have an 1 in 3 chance in Hardmode to contain a Turtle Shell and 1 in 4 chance post any Mech boss to contain a Life Fruit.

- Dungeon Crates always include a Golden Lock Box and post Plantera give 2-5 Ectoplasma.

Future Plans...

- Mod icon, possibly more items added to crates, and chance changes with possibly a config file.

Change Log...

- 1.1: Added items to Corrupt, Crimson, Jungle, and Dungeon Crates.
- 1.0: Released.
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