Details of Gem Mania

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Gem Mania
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Last Updated
3 years ago
Hi. I'm Spoldozer, and this is my first mod for Terraria. Personally I have always disliked the amount of time that mining takes in prehardmode, and the fact that gems are only used for Hooks, Staves, and the never-used robes.

The goal of this mod is to help speed up at least some aspects of Prehardmode and a little bit of hardmode. It adds Pickaxes corresponding to each of the classic gemstones (Amber is not included. No one cares about you Amber.) which are each more costly to craft but have almost twice the mining power.

I would like to point out that this mod does NOT break progression. The pickaxes ONLY have faster mining speed, and NOT better mining power. Don't go thinking you can mine ebonstone without the Nightmare Pickaxe.

Before the 1.4 update, there is also not a renewable way of getting gemstones, unless you are willing to put up with loading a bunch of small worlds. I've also fixed that, adding slimes of each classic gemstone that have a 1/2 chance of dropping said gemstone. Each spawns at a different level underground (Amethyst and Topaz in the upper sections, Diamond and Ruby in the lower ones, etc.) so you can isolate which ones you want to farm.

Regarding the farming, it is most likely you will be farming for Diamonds. Sure, the Diamond tools require platinum, but there is another feature of this mod.

Three new gemstones have been added, corresponding to the Corruption, Crimson, and Underworld. Demicite and Crimicite are made by 3 Demonite/Crimtane and 1 diamond at a demon altar. Magmicite requires one Demicite or Crimicite and 3 hellstone at a hellforge.

Each of these new gems can be made into their respective pickaxes with different materials, functioning as better versions (and if I do say so myself, better-looking versions) of the Nightmare Pickaxe, Deathbringer Pickaxe, and Molten pickaxe. However, don't think you can get molten armor before the EoW/BoC, as you still need the Shadow Scales/Tissue samples to make them.

Magmicite Pickaxes require Hellstone Bars and Magmicite, as expected, but also a Magma stone, so as to make it so that it is NOT solely used for the Fire Gauntlet, making it somewhat useful for every class. Don't worry, these pickaxes are NOT required for game progression. As I said previously, they are there to speed it up so you're not stuck mining tunnels to find those darn lava charms as long.

v 2.01
(had to add this for Mod Browser to update)

v 2.0
(Finally) Added an icon.

v 1.6
(Should have) Fixed Bug regarding Gem Slimes spawning in places they shouldn't have. Also added banners for each of the gem slimes (It took time. It was my first time adding tiles.)

Drastically lowered Gem Slime spawnrates.

v 1.5.2
Made Gem Slimes only able to spawn in normal underground, outside of Jungle, Ice, Dungeon, etc.

v 1.5.1
Fixed Topaz and Amethyst slimes spawning on surface.

v 1.5
Added Slimes that drop the classic gemstones! Each of them are separated into different layers of the underground. Each has a 50% chance to drop gem(s). Also allows Turning while using tools.

v 1.4.2
Updated Demicite and Crimicite pickaxe sprites, and added particles to Demicite, Crimicite, and Magmicite pickaxes. Demicite and Magmicite now glow in the dark when used.

v 1.4.1
Updated Magmacite Pickaxe Sprite

v 1.4
Fixed bug regarding Magmicite's recipe, and updated sprites for Demicite, Crimicite, and Magmicite.

v 1.3
Added 1 new gem for the Underworld, along with a respective Pickaxe.

v 1.2
Adds 2 new gems corresponding to each Evil Biome, Demicite and Crimicite, along with pickaxes respective to each. Also changed recipes for already-added pickaxes a minor amount, requiring slightly more rescources than hammers and axes.

v 1.1
Adds 6 new prehardmode axes and 6 new prehardmode hammers

v 1.0
Adds 6 new prehardmode pickaxes
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