Details of Luiafk

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6 years ago
Unlimited/Combinable Potions
Take up no buff slots so you don't hit the buff cap and lose your pets and stuff
Recall potion has a hotkey you can set to teleport home

Money Collector
Automatically places picked up coins into your Piggy Bank

Pretty much all ammo/thrown/consumable weapons/health/mana/buff potions, modded included are infinite if you are carrying enough or have them in your piggy bank
/luiafk ammo will toggle this effect on and off
Check the link below to see how it works, how many you need etc

Improved Drill Mount
Flies faster, better control, more lasers

Harvesting Chests
When placed they'll collect Herbs/Trees/Cactus placed nearby, or collect fish relevant to position (including quest fish) if the chest contains baitless rod or normal rod + bait

Combo Rod
Made from various building rods/buckets etc
Lets you paint by selecting a box to paint/remove paint
Lets you place walls by selecting a box
Lets you place tiles like how the Grand design works, as well as choosing slope style, a gap of upto 3 (for hoiks), and you can place wand woods/leaves, regrowth moss, or grasses
Lets you place wires, like grand design, but you won't run out of wires
Lets you place liquid/remove liquid, unlimited buckets and sponge

Improved Target Dummy
Summons a target dummy npc that just sits there and takes everything you can throw at it
Projectiles are summoned when hit by weapons like earth
Despawns when a boss is active to avoid using it to kill bosses with weapons like Earth

Unlimited AutoBuilding
Auto hellevator/sub or skyway/NPC prisons/skybridge/hellbridge builders/fishing pool/fishing biome/arena platforms, right click to choose material and stuff
Added Unlimited Asphalt Platforms
Added Jungle solution, and Multi Solution
Multi solution can be used as solution, or you can select 2 points in the world and convert everything inside of it to your selected biome

Travelling Merchant and Skeleton Merchant are Town NPCs

tModLoader Version
Localizer Package
Localizer Package
Mod Side
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