Details of Sh0ck R0ckve1n's Mod

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Sh0ck R0ckve1n's Mod
Team ShockDawn
Download 105.1 KB Sync now ( Origin, Mirror 1, Mirror 7, Mirror 8, Mirror 9, Mirror 10)
Last Updated
4 years ago
This mod is meant to be a commemoration for the 4 main hosts of The Official Podcast, who've helped me a lot
with who and what I wanna do.

At the moment, the mod's Official Podcast themed items are-
Town NPCs of Charlie White (Moist Merchant), and Huggbees (freakazoid)
Teirs of Yu Gi Oh card thrown weapons sold by Charlie
A special gun sold by Charlie post Plantera
Special bullets that inflict Wet on enemies sold by Moist Merchant

Non-Official Podcast items are-
Beaming Eye, a weapon made of flesh clumps that shoots lasers
Destiny Saber, a generic sword that will be used in a future update
Flesh Clump, material crafted from flesh blocks and leather
Frigid Wind, a pre-boss spell book that fires shards of ice
Gigashark, post Plantera version of Megashark
Melmetal Allow, material that has no use at the moment
Retinlaser Rifle, post Twins weapon that is a better version of the laser rifle
Starstorm Blaster, post Plantera version of Star Cannon that fires both stars and crystal shard projectiles
Viledust Pistol, gun made from demonite bars and vile powder that consumes sand as ammo and fires damaging vile powder projectiles

Now keep in mind, im basically indipendent working on this mod, and the other person working on it is still trying to learn coding for tmodloader
and basically so am I. This project just started out one day as a sleep deprived idea, but kept with it and wanted to continue. If you want to help
me and my friend with making sprites and/or code, you can contact me on the email and ill definitely credit you for your work.

Thank you if you download the mod, and i hope you have fun with it!

-Team ShockDawn
tModLoader Version
Localizer Package
Localizer Package
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