Details of Randomized World

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Randomized World
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Last Updated
3 years ago
Randomized World is a mod which allows you to randomize the tiles in your world for a fun challenge.

Randomized World was inspired by this popular youtube video: In that video it's seen that the creator manually randomizes all the blocks in a spreadsheet and then replaces them with Tedit. This mod makes you only have to type a command to randomize the blocks!

Randomized World has 4 settings that you can find in its config they are: Randomize walls, Only solids, Randomize liquids and Change Random Seed. What they change can be seen when hovering over them in the config.

to start using Randomized World enter a world then change the config settings to whatever settings you prefer and then type /randomizetiles.

There are two commands in Randomized NPC's:
/randomizetiles: (randomizes all the tiles in your world this may take a long time depending on the size of your world) and /leavewithoutsave (leaves the world without saving handy when you don't like the randomized blocks and wanna try again after changing the random seed)

Well thats all you need to know about this mod, i hope you enjoy it! if you have any questions or feedback you want to give you can contact me on discord at: Memez4Life#6947.

(make sure you are in the tmodloader discord otherwise i will most likely ignore your friendrequest as i don't accept friend request from people i don't have common servers/friends with due to bot spam reasons)

NOTE: This mod has not been tested with modded tiles and probably doesn't work with them, this may change in the future but for now if you want to play with any additional mods you should first randomize the world with only this mod enabled and then when the world has been randomized add the mods you would like to play in the world with.
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