Details of Raptor's Forge

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Raptor's Forge
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Last Updated
4 years ago
This is my first mod.
If you wish to assist in textures or simply have something to report or wish to add,
please message me on Discord at Corgi#9712

TO COME (Hopefully)
-Zombielike NPC (will drop some special vanity)
-Town NPC (Custom Shop with another armor set [or fragments of] and custom currency)
-Various accessories (I require I D E A S, I want at least 8
-Several tiles for building. (Ideas appreciated)
-And More! (Once again, I'd appreciate it if you, the one reading this, is involved)

--Remembered to add Desert King Fork crafting recipe.

--Added Desert King Fork
---Armor sprites for same set didnt work properly and armor is annoying, expect them tomorrow.

--Fixed Mirinite spawn rates, decided it was too plentiful

--Added Hermes Armor (Sprite credit goes to Protechol, who contacted me and voluntarily made sprites.)

--Minor fixes

--Added Mir's Core to custom chest loot (hopefully,) for now the Servant of Norik npc still drops the item.

--Added Servant of Norik, an enemy npc. It drops the Mir's Core item, though this is just so the item
is obtainable for now.

--Added Mir's Core pet item. Cannot currently be found anywhere or have any real purpose.
---Use Cheat sheet or similar mods to obtain the pet.

--Modified minimum pick value for Mirinite...again...

--Apparently mod icon was being very uncooperative with size. I have fixed it successfully.

--Added mod icon.

--Fixed layer level Mirinite spawns on as well as its frequency and size of blob.

--Im an idiot. forgot to give Mirinite the proper minimum pick value.

--Woops!! Forgot to change method for Mirinite, causing it to fail to gen. Fixed!!

--Added new ore: Mirinite
---New armor, slightly better than gold.
---New tools, same as above.
--Fixed rarity level to better match game progression.
--Fixed Raptor's Waraxe (Technically a hamaxe but sh,) to have better power.

--apparently ore generation broke when I balanced the armor. It's fixed now.

--Changed the armor damage multiplier to balance it better, no longer doubles damage.
--Raptor's Hood buffs function now.

--Added set bonus to armor
---Hood refuses to accept buffs given (supposed to increase magic damage, add
shine and spelunking effect)
---Helmet adds shine effect, increases melee damage
---Chest piece increases melee damage and speed
---Legs increase movement speed

--added armor,tools,ore,ore gen, wings

tModLoader Version
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