Details of Reference the Gungeon

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Reference the Gungeon
Tyfyter (Tyfyter2002 on steam)
Download 479.1 KB Sync now ( Origin, Mirror 1, Mirror 7, Mirror 8, Mirror 9, Mirror 10)
Last Updated
4 years ago
You can probably guess what game this is a reference to from the title.
That's right, whatever I felt like referencing that could benefit from the mechanics I programmed...
Enter the Gungeon is a pretty cool game though, you should check it out!
No, this was not sponsored.

Major fix with WorldGen, now compatible with Calamity
Gungeon bandoleer fixes.

Slightly nerfed dark souls references.
Fixed stuck chime bug.
Added "Schrodinger's ranged weapon".
Added crossbow (is crossbow).
Added plague crossbow (is more kill).
Added Hexagun (instead of turning things into chickens it just does more things that I programmed it to do. Now that's real magic!).
Added "Tactical" Pistol.
Switched to a superior nullable type, but that will be meaningless to anyone who hasn't used System.Nullable<T>.

Gungeon bandoleer now has infinite slots.
Gungeon bandoleer now generally works better.
Added a few more passives (Alpha Bullets, Omega bullets, etc.)
Gave the gungeon bandoleer its own texture.
Added "Schrodinger's ranged weapon"

Technically out of open beta now.
Finally actually added passive items.
Added a knife. It's kind of cool.
Fixed Nightwatch Ogris not using multishot (and added yet another "unintentional feature")
Buffed and renamed old hero's bow.
Added hero's bow.
Fixed hex daggers visual glitch when you have a multishot boost.
Fixed changelog spacing.

Added things, but I forgot to change the changelog when I added them, so just know that there's more things (Including a weapon with a synergy)

Me:"Note to self: you haven't released this one yet, and you might as well just move this line to the next version."
Also me:"releases 0.3 without ever releasing 0.2"

Added a little bit of calamity-based balancing (with no stat changes and nothing changed at all if you don't have calamity).
Added a gun that you might not want to use with bright bullets if you have epilepsy (it's also the first thine I've made that's a reference to a synergy).
Added a few guns based solely on random puns.
Added 3 weapons that belong in this mod even less than the pyromancy flame, I'm honestly just adding anything that fits with the mechanics at this point.

Accidentally skipped 0.2.

fixed an item or two.
fixed a recipie or two.
fixed a spell or two.

inital release
Only guns are Fightsabre, Marine Sidearm(using its original name), Sticky Crossbow(renamed to crossboom for resons mentioned in the tooltip), and a few dark souls based spell-casting weapons.

Special Thanks to:
The Tmodloader dev team, without them, this wouldn't be possible... not just because they developed the api, also because I have no clue what I'm doing a quarter of the time and half of that results in glitch items and crashes (the other half makes "features")
The other people in the tmodloader discord (Mostly Dark;Light tbh)
Dodge roll games, they inspired this mod and ten of the items in it.
And the 23 people who downloaded version 0.1 (especially #23, who downloaded it while I was developing 0.1.1, but will likely never know)
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