Details of Survivaria - A Survival Mod

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Survivaria - A Survival Mod
NuovaPrime, orian34, THEREDSTONEBRO, Amber
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Last Updated
4 years ago
Survivaria is a unique mod that adds in multiple new survival mechanics, tons of new items and more.


Hunger - One of the 2 main resources in the mod, decreases slowly over time and gives increasing negative effects as it gets lower. The better food you eat the more hunger it will restore and the better bonuses you recieve.

Thirst - The other main resource in the mod, also decreases slowly overtime and faster in hot environments, also gives more negative effects as it gets lower. Drinking more revitalizing drinks keeps you refreshed for longer and gives better effects.

New food items - Over 100+ new foods and drinks to eat, the more time you spend making better meals the better the bonuses are. Don't slack on your diet!

New crafing stations and survival items - A handful of new stations which assist in creating better food. Also don't forget your handy survival items that assist you in many ways!



1) Added the Blood Analyzer and the Hydrolyzer Crystals, sold by the goblin tinkerer and skeleton merchant respectively.
2) Added seeds for all existing survivaria plants, you can harvest them using the new iron or lead trowels, or the rare dynasty trowel sold by the traveling merchant.
3) Fixed Cloudstalk generating only between two cloud blocks, instead of just hanging from them.
4) Fixed Cocolate not dropping if it's not a pure palm tree.
5) Changed the mutating smoothie to make it more pog.
6) Lowered thirst drain rate a bit.
7) Made Hunger and Thirst save whenever you leave and rejoin the world, no more rejoining to reset it.
8) Fixed bug where vanilla well fed foods still said the effects even if it didn't do that, only happens with hunger enabled.
9) Fixed bug where enemies dropped nothing if you didn't have fargo's soul mod enabled.
10) All plants now have a chance to decay off if left alive too long, this should help with the overabundance of plant spawns.
11) Added a config option to adjust plant spawn rates in the world.
12) Made fiery tuber an upside-down plant.
13) Fixed bleed root not spawning.
14) Lowered the growth and chance for plants to spawn even more.
15) Various minor tweaks.
16) Updated some drinks' sprites.
17) The gold of the capt'n drops.
18) Updated mod weakrefs.
19) Fixed item default properties, tiles won't consume for no reason and other weird behaviors.
20) Added negative stats tooltips.
21) Gourd is no more broken.
22) Added books and salt recipes using survivaria plants.
23) Adjusted and modified many spawn conditions for plants.
24) Fixed some 2x2 plants not being handled correctly.
25) Added Overhaul compatibility for wet sand, now you can grow amalgae properly.


1) Fixed bug where some foods couldn't be consumed but still gave their buffs, resulting in infinite food or drink.
2) Added Pop sensation and MRE.
3) Added new cross content foods with fargo's mutant/soul mod, a drop from the mutant boss and a food sold by the deviantt.
4) Changed the hunger and thirst drain multipliers to be floats, allowing it to go from x0-x3 instead of number values.
5) Fixed sounds not playing properly on many foods.
6) Decreased the chance and volume of the hungry and thirsty sounds.
7) Lowered the chance for plants to spawn.
8) New players now start with 4 MRE's to help last the first day or so.


1) Slightly reduced thirst and hunger drain rates.
2) Adjusted the recipes for filtered water, crimson blaze, hot blooded pot, grind stone and mortar and pestle.
3) Increased volume of the low hunger and thirst sounds.
4) Fixed bug where it consumed the item if you tried to place a tile even if it wasn't a valid spot.
5) Fixed bug where disabling hunger or thirst in the config didn't actually disable it.
6) Added config to disable hunger and food stats on potions.
7) Added configs to adjust hunger and thirst drain rate multipliers.


1) Slightly increased evil plants spawn rate.
2) Onfire and frozen debuff from food had doubled time.
3) Fixed bug where bigger foods just wouldn't give any stats.
4) Made plants appear on the minimap.
5) Cocolate drops properly now.
6) Added Spaghetti of Cthulhu, Super Salted Epineurium, Root of Evil, Honey-Filled Croissant and Endless Tripe Sausage.
7) Added hunger to potions.
8) Fixed some growing animations glitching out.
9) Fixed some plants dropping more items than they should.
10) Fixed bug where you could remove Nausea and Hyponatremia at the nurse.


1) Fixed gamebreaking bug where placables would be consumed even if you couldn't place it.

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