Details of Wombat's Worldgen Additions
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Wombat's Worldgen Additions
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3 years ago
A small QoL mod which adds a variety of worldgen features ranging from small cleanups to complete overhauls.
All of the mod's features can be toggled based on your preferences.
v1.4.4 (23/12/2021)
- Introduced full jungle challenge.
- Bugfixes.
v1.4.3 (22/12/2021)
- Dungeon chains can generate bone blocks once again.
- Improved clay generation and full evil challenge.
- Improved the code's writing.
v1.4.2 (9/07/2021)
- Removed full tundra.
- Amber now generates naturally in the underground desert.
- Desert fossils now have their respective (and previously unused) walls generating behind them.
v1.4.1 (8/06/2021)
- Removed some unimplemented challenge options from the config.
v1.4 (8/06/2021)
- Further improved the code's writing.
- Introduced challenge options.
- Introduced mega caves.
v1.3.2 (24/04/2021)
- Removed world cleanup.
v1.3.1 (17/04/2021)
- Optimized better clay generation.
v1.3 (30/03/2021)
- Improved the code's writing.
- All of the worldgen is now compatible with world seeds.
- Removed the depth limit of improved clay.
- Ore meteorites are less common.
v1.2.9 (20/03/2021)
- Campfires no longer generate on meteorite.
v1.2.8 (11/03/2021)
- Rewritten campfire generation to have a set amount for each world.
- World cleanup has less of an effect on background walls.
- Bugfixes.
v1.2.7 (7/03/2021)
- Hardened sand walls now generate behind all deserts.
- Optimized world cleanup.
v1.2.6 (6/03/2021)
- Bugfixes.
v1.2.5 (6/03/2021)
- Ore meteorites won't land on cloud or raincloud blocks.
- Bugfixes.
v1.2.4 (6/03/2021)
- Ore meteorites won't land on living leaf blocks.
- Removed underworld cave walls.
- Numerous bugfixes.
v1.2.3 (4/03/2021)
- Bugfixes.
v1.2.2 (4/03/2021)
- Dungeon chains should no longer generate with bone blocks.
- Campfires no longer generate on floating islands.
- Optimized meteorite generation.
v1.2.1 (4/03/2021)
- Bushes now generate after final cleanup for mod compatibility.
- Clay no longer merges with extra tiles.
- Removed extra walls.
- Bugfixes.
v1.2 (27/02/2021)
- Ore meteorities and campfires now generate on the surface.
- Desert pillars can now generate closer to the ocean.
- Disabled extra walls by default due to a bug with hardmode stripes.
v1.1.3 (22/02/2021)
- Bugfixes.
v1.1.2 (22/02/2021)
- Bugfixes.
v1.1.1 (22/02/2021)
- Changed the mod's homepage.
- Removed damp caves and desert surface caves.
- Improved world cleanup again.
v1.1 (21/02/2021)
- Greatly improved desert generation.
- Added sandstone pillars.
- Improved world cleanup.
v1.0.2 (19/02/2021)
- Improved clay now generates after micro biomes.
- Bushes are now always the correct colour.
v1.0.1 (17/02/2021)
- Extra walls now uses hardened sand instead of sandstone, and places ice walls behind ice blocks
- Damp caves no longer affects the underground desert or lower cavern layer
v1.0 (15/02/2021)
- Released.
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