Details of PINKYMOD: A Tale of Gods and Men

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PINKYMOD: A Tale of Gods and Men
Linx145 and friends!
Download 15.6 MB Sync now ( Origin, Mirror 1, Mirror 7, Mirror 8, Mirror 9, Mirror 10)
Last Updated
2 years ago
The Winds of Magic, Part 2.
Want dimensions? Want death? Want epic ADVENTURE?
But most importantly, if you want to harness the Winds of Magic to fight Harpy royalty and Kobblin kobbunists alike, then this mod is for you, I guess.
(Also comes with Slimes with swords - so click 'download' or else)

Pinkymod is a mod, my personal project that I have been working on for quite some time already. The mod is a lore-centric content mod, but unlike many others, it seeks to expand the canvas for telling it's deep story beyond just the small world you play in. Instead, you can take to the seas and explore the Terrarian Mainland in adventure map segments. The mod is FAR from complete, but I will try my best to provide a good and memorable experience with what is currently in the game.

Mod has limited multiplayer support, and I give no guarantees for stability

Pinkymod Adds:
1100+ new items(I lost count), accessories, equipment and weapons!
Starbound like missions in the form of dimensions/adventure map segments!
Two alternate gamemodes of the mod, A Tale of Gods and Men mode, and classic mode
-ATOGAM mode for the complete experience, the current locations/dimensions in the game, Traveller NPC and full lore
-Classic mode if your computer cannot handle dimensions or don't want to get too invested into the mod and just use it as a side-mod.
Magitek and sorcery, inspired by Minecraft tech mods!
A new unique class of damage that can coexist with regular damages! (Dark Damage)
9 New Bosses (with original AI)!
-All of which will proceed to murder you. Thank you for your patronage.
150~ new enemies!
-Minibosses galore!
-Kungfu Slimes and tortoises with back-mounted artillery
7 new town npcs!
-Smarter AI and custom UI, with unique interactions for each NPC
-New questlines and shops that update along with it
An extensive codex and bestiary system with lore for the mod.
-Prepare to cry
New furniture, tiles and things to build with!
Composting mechanic and fertilizers!
15 new armor sets!
New crops!
2 new active events, the Night of the Eyes and another one, which is a secret :)
New passive event system, which occur randomly on daybreak and give you a stat boost in various areas of the game and/or penalties in others!
...And much, much more.

See forum page for changelog
tModLoader Version
Localizer Package
Localizer Package
Mod Side
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