Details of PiercePotato's Slime Gear!

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PiercePotato's Slime Gear!
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Last Updated
4 years ago
This mod has been absorbed into Peculiar Items!
I'll occaisionally update this mod, but it likely will no longer be getting any more content.
It was my first mod, and since I started it I've learned so much!
Thanks for downloading! :]


This simple mod adds several new slime-themed items to the game.

Most of them lack sheer damage when compared to their counterparts, but make up for it with insane knockback.

Adds 8 new gooey items!
Also adds Compacted Gel, which is used for all of the new recipes.

All of the items are crafted at the Solidifier, which can be obtained by killing King Slime.
Most can also be purchased from the Robot if you have "PiercePotato's Robot NPC" installed.

(ALL OF THE SPRITES ARE PLACEHOLDERS! I'm unable to properly sprite these items myself, but if you'd like to help contribute and have experience making Terraria sprites, you can get in touch with my Discord:

VER 0.33.1
Parity with Peculiar Items's Slime Gear.
Added discord as mod page.

VER 0.32.2
Description updated.

VER 0.32.1
Slimy Gauntlet and The King Slime's Gauntlet now create slime particles when used.

VER 0.32
"PiercePotato's Robot NPC" has been released, and with it comes a vendor selling Slime Stuff! Download the mod if you'd like to have a vendor to buy these items from.
Description has been updated.

VER 0.31
Most items added by this mod have now been given reasonable prices, in preparation for my upcoming NPC/Vendor mod.
The only exception is the Slime King's Gauntlet, which remains priceless.

VER 0.30.1
Fixed missing Mod Icon.

VER 0.30
Introducing the Slime King's Gauntlet; a much more powerful Hardmode variant of the Slimy Gauntlet!
It attacks at double the speed of the Slimy Gauntlet, and does about 5x the damage.
It also fires slimy projectiles, acting as more powerful Slimy Bullets.
The Gauntlet is crafted with The Slimy Gauntlet, 5 Souls of Might, and 15 Chlorophyte Bars.
In addition, the animation of both the Slime King Gauntlet and the Slimy Gauntlet have been slightly altered, with both going in a smooth arc instead of teleporting between two spots.
they now also float a few feet away from the players hand, as trying to get them to actually fit on the hand just looked off.
The Mod Icon has also been changed, sporting the new gauntlet and a nice green border.

VER 0.25
The Slimy Armor Set has been implemented!
It's a fairly early-game set that has low defense and greatly increases knockback.
With the full set, the knockback can compare even to the Slimy Gauntlet! Though the set's low defense makes it hard to use very far into the game.
Each piece multiplies knockback by 1.2x, with the full set doubling that!
The leggings also negate fall damage, a very useful quality pre-hardmode.
I would also like to point out again that the armor's textures are placeholder recolors of copper armor, due to my inability to create sprites myself.

VER 0.21
The Slimy Coating has been updated, now reflecting how I wanted it to behave much better!
It now DOUBLES knockback, instead of only increasing it a small percent.
It also doesn't completely replace the Slimy Gauntlet, as it still has significantly more knockback than any other (vanilla) weapon.
The Slimy Coating even stacks with Titan Potions now!
Keep in mind, however, that the game seems to have a hard limit on knockback, so the Slimy Coating probably won't have much effect on the Slimy Gauntlet.
The Slimy Armor has also begun work, though it's abilities haven't been implemented yet and it's uncraftable for the time being.

VER 0.20.1
Added... Something...
It's a secret. Don't worry about it.

VER 0.20
Slimy Coating is now (mostly) implemented and craftable!
It's an accessory that slightly lowers damage in exchange for knockback.
Unfortunately to get close to the effect I wanted I had to add the knockback through the "Titan" buff, which isn't as strong as I imagined and prevents stacking with a Titan potion.
Still, it is functional, and works with any weapon!

VER 0.15
Added Compacted Gel, used to create the Slime Gear.
Compacted Gel is also created at the Solidifier, and takes 20 Gel.
All Slime Gear Recipes now use Compacted Gel.

VER 0.14.1
Misc Changes.

VER 0.14
Renamed from "Slime Gauntlet" to "Slime Gear" due to adding new items.
Added Slime Bullets, weak bullets with substantial knockback.
Added Slimy Coating, which increases knockback at the cost of damage (Not fully implemented, and not craftable yet)
New description.

VER 0.13
Now crafted with Solidifier instead of Orchalium Anvil, allowing pre-hardmode crafting
Now requires 5 Meteorite Bars

VER 0.12
Mod Image added.

VER 0.1
tModLoader Version
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