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Download v0.66 (34.6 KB)


this mod contains 13 swords (not in any order):

Amethyst Sword - crafted with 5 amethyst and 1 wooden sword @ anvils

Topaz Sword - crafted with 5 topaz and 1 wooden sword @ anvils

Ruby Sword - crafted with 5 ruby and 1 wooden sword @ anvils

Diamond Sword - crafted with 5 diamond and 1 wooden sword @ anvils

Emerald Sword - crafted with 5 topaz and 1 wooden sword @ anvils

Sapphire Sword - crafted with 5 sapphire and 1 wooden sword @ anvils

Gemssword - crafted with all gem swords @ anvils

True Diamond Sword - crafted with 5 diamonds and 1 diamond sword @ anvils

Comically Large Spoon - crafted with 5 iron bars @ anvils

The Projector + Projectile - Uses 5 mana crafted with 1 muramasa, 1 water bolt and 10 luminite bars @ ancient manipulator

Happy Sword + projectile - crafted with 1 meowmere, 1 night's edge and 500 luminite (ore) @ ancient manipulator

Dirt Sword - crafted with 1 dirt @ hand

Noodle Sword + projectile - crafted with 20 soul of fright and 30 grass seeds @ workbenches

and one yoyo:

Happy Yoyo - crafted with 1 terrarian, 1 wooden yoyo and 400 luminite (ore) @ ancient manipulator

i am planning to add more. also check out 'randomeverything' crossover content from that mod and ours might be coming soon...:)

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Edit | Delete
Digit's Vanity Pack
Download v0.1 (11.4 KB)


Digit's Vanity Pack is a pretty cool mod, it does...this. Modify this file with a description of your mod.

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.5 Edit | Delete
Download v0.2 (5.2 KB)


MortalEngines is a pretty cool mod, it does...this. Modify this file with a description of your mod.

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
The Ancient Times
Download v0.1 (72.7 KB)


The Ancient Times is a pretty cool mod, it does...this. Modify this file with a description of your mod.

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Craftable Plantera Summon
Download v1.0.4 (9.5 KB)


This mod allows you to craft a custom item using post mechanical materials just for summoning plantera!

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
SCP Music Box
Download v1.0 (4.1 MB)


I only made this mod because I like the SCP Foundation theme better than A Tale of a Cruel World.

(Don't make fun of my sprites I know they're bad)

Adds a music box for the SCP Foundation Main Theme. Can be crafted with a music box at a crystal ball.

Be sure to check out Ajoura, the original creator of the song:

To my knowledge, the song is licenced under CC-BY-SA 3.0. If this is a mistake, you can contact me on Discord at jeepercreepers#2513 and I will take down the mod.

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.4 Edit | Delete
Godweapons Done 'Right'
Download v0.51 (140.5 KB)


GDR is a mod that adds multiple flashy, over-the-top, borderline distracting, if not just flat-out distracting, weapons to the game to enhance your experience and make you look cooler than you probably are, you loser.

But all irony aside, this mod's main mission statement is to parody the trope in most big mods that says you have to add really cool weapons that do really cool things that take up 99% of the screen to be a good developer.

By the way, PvP with these weapons. Do it cowards

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.7 Edit | Delete
Doggo Vanity Set
Download v0.1 (23.5 KB)


Doggo Vanity Set is a pretty cool mod, it does...this. Modify this file with a description of your mod.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Da Shark Mod Revamp
Download v0.4206971 (51.2 KB)


DaSharkMod adds some fun stuff.
9 ( eeeeh ) weapons.
2 Accessories, both of which are Lemon Demon references
One vanity item
A new biome
A new boss
More of really, everything
This is mostly a shitpostmod and is therefore not very balanced.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.3 Edit | Delete
Constant Annoying Screen Lag
Download v1.1 (7.6 KB)


It's that time of day again - time for a stupid meme mod, that is!
Welcome to constant annoying screen lag (patent pending), a mod that goes out of its way to make your experience as irritating as possible!
No longer will the screen match up with the player! Now, it's delayed by roughly 1/3 of a second - good luck playing like normal now!

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Bubble Beater Item Pack
Download v0.3 (180.4 KB)


Hi I'm luccol9 on steam(Crabby on discord) and this is my first mod I ever made.

I made this mod based off an idea for an upgraded bubble gun with the vortex better.

Now I added some more cool shit to it after 3 years of nelglect.
0.3 will be the last update of the 1.3 version I'll be porting it to 1.4

Added Obsidian Scale, Impaled Dragon, Dragon's Fury, and Flaming Winds
Obsidian flare boots no longer has the fire trail bonus
Reworked the Mecha steel saber to be a better version of the terra grim
Fright rounds, mecha steel arrow lasers, both laser orb's laser how have armor penetration

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.8 Edit | Delete
Fang Staff
Download v0.1 (13.9 KB)


Fang Staff is a pretty cool mod, it does...this. Modify this file with a description of your mod.

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.1 Edit | Delete
WhosBailey's Mod
Download v1.3.8.6 (124.2 KB)


Adds a few things better desc later

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Edit | Delete
Auto bombs
Download v0.2.2 (11.2 KB)


Auto bombs makes all vanilla bombs auto-swing - for all you people who, like me, enjoy explosions way too much.

v0.2.2: Added icon image!
v0.2.1: Added to github
v0.2: Now marked as client-only

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.4 Edit | Delete
World's End
Download v0.2.0.6 (110.7 KB)

hi bob

World's End


If you find any bugs,typos or want something to be rebalanced send me a message in discord doggino#0069

Same thing if you have any idea.

For now im the only one who is doing the codes,if you want you can help.


This Mod adds a new difficulty : Inferno Mode.

This mod is not fully finished yet, to get some of its items or spawn some npcs you may need to use hero's mod or cheat sheet.

Started to make Bosses,this may take a while.



2x Spawn Rate and Spawn Cap.

You have a chance to get the bleeding debuff when damaged.

Increased damage of damaging debuffs, according to max health of the target.
Stronger Debuffs: On Fire, Frostburn, Cursed Inferno, Poisoned, Venom, Shadow Flame and Life Drain.
Most debuffs from Calamity, Spirit and Tremor are supported.


For now

+11 Accesory Prefixes
Added one class : Lancer
Added a new ore : Sphandite
+6 Accesories
+12 npcs



hi bob - Mod Owner
LoHini - Sprite Artist

==============================================================="> ===============================================================

World's End


If you find any bugs,typos or want something to be rebalanced send me a message in discord doggino#0069

Same thing if you have any idea.

For now im the only one who is doing the codes,if you want you can help.


This Mod adds a new difficulty : Inferno Mode.

This mod is not fully finished yet, to get some of its items or spawn some npcs you may need to use hero's mod or cheat sheet.

Started to make Bosses,this may take a while.



2x Spawn Rate and Spawn Cap.

You have a chance to get the bleeding debuff when damaged.

Increased damage of damaging debuffs, according to max health of the target.
Stronger Debuffs: On Fire, Frostburn, Cursed Inferno, Poisoned, Venom, Shadow Flame and Life Drain.
Most debuffs from Calamity, Spirit and Tremor are supported.


For now

+11 Accesory Prefixes
Added one class : Lancer
Added a new ore : Sphandite
+6 Accesories
+12 npcs



hi bob - Mod Owner
LoHini - Sprite Artist


Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.4 Edit | Delete
BareEssentials: Boss Fight Lives
Download v1.0.1 (29.1 KB)

Rasy (Implementer) and K…

Boss Fight Lives is intended to be used in a muiltiplayer game.

Lets you limit respawn-scumming in multiplayer by adding an option to limit the number of respawns allowed during a bossfight.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8 Edit | Delete
Download v2.3 (130.9 KB)


AdvancedThingsV1 ads Endgame content.
Corupted/Crimson Blaster by Lfighter10.
Some Sprites by RobWorks
Youtube = UndeadLegend69
Email =
Made by Floor Gang

Wip Update

Celestial Minigun changes:
Celestial Minigun now consumes and shoots all ammo for Firearms
Edited the Recipe of the Celestial Minigun (Removed Endles Musket Pounch)
Celestial Minigun has now 99% chance not to consume ammo



Dark Magician:
Sells Endgame Stuff
(Luminite Bars,Fragments,Spawnitems,Utu Grip,SandWich+).
Spawns When Player has Lunar Bar in the inventory.

Blue Magician:
Sells some Potions.
Spawns when Player has Lifeforce Potion in the inventory.



Glock 18 MK3:
Dmg = 25
Insanely fast
Crit chance = 20
No ammo consumtion 10%
Glock 18 MK2, Megashark, Venus Magnum, 100x Chlorophyte Bar,
10x Illegal Weapons parts, 100x Soul of Fright Might and Sight
Just use the vortex beater

Glock 18 MK2:
DMG = 7
Insanely fast
Crit chance = 10%
No ammo consumtion 5%
Glock 18 MK1, Megashark, 10x Illegal Weapons parts, 10x Soul of Fright Might and Sight

Glock 18 MK1:
DMG = 2
Insanly fast
Crit chance = 5%
No ammo consumtion 1%
Phenix Blaster 1x, Minishark 1x, Ilegal Weapon Parts 1x

Celestial Summon Staff
DMG = 250
Stardus Dragon und Cell Staff 1x, Lunar Bar 999x, Stardust Fragments 999x
Crafted on an Anchient Manipulator.

Celestial Star Rain:
DMG = 1000
AutoReuse = true
Fires 20 Stars from the sky
Lunar Bar 999x, Nebular Fragments 999x, Lunar Flare
Crafted on an Anchient Manipulator.

Auto Terra Blaster:
DMG = 55
AutoReuse = true
UsesAmmo = true
Chlorophyte Bar x10, Broken Hero Sword x3, Corrupted Blaster x1, Crimson Blaster 1x,
Minishark 1x, Soul of Fright x5, Soul of Might x5, Soul of Sight x5
Crafted on an Mithril Anvil.

Semi Auto Terra Blaster:
DMG = 125
AutoReuse = false
UsesAmmo = true
Chlorophyte Bar x10, Broken Hero Sword x3, Corrupted Blaster x1, Crimson Blaster 1x,
Soul of Fright x5, Soul of Might x5, Soul of Sight x5
Crafted on an Mithril Anvil.

Corrupted Blaster:
DMG = 55
AutoReuse = false
UsesAmmo = true
Phenix Blaste 1x, Rotten chunk 20x, Soul of Night 20x
Crafted on an Anvil.

Crimson Blaster:
DMG = 65
AutoReuse = false
UsesAmmo = true
Phenix Blaster 1x, Vertebrae 20x, Soul of Night 20x
Crafted on an Anvil.

Celestial Minigun:
DMG = 500
AutoReuse = true
UsesAmmo = false
Endless Musket Pounch 1x, Sdmg 1x, Vortex Beater 1x, Chain Gun 1x, MegaShark 1x,
Lunar Bar 999x, Vortex Fragment 999x
Crafted on an Anchient Manipulator.

Celestial Sword:
DMG = 2500
AutoReuse = true
Shoots an Projektile
Lunar Bar 999x, Solar Fragment 999x, Meowmere 1x, Terra Blade 1x, Star Wrath 1x, Terrarian
Crafted on an Anchient Manipulator.

Enhanced Breacker Blade:
DMG = 150
AutoReuse = true
Inficts many Debuffs
Breacker Blade 1x, Brocken Hero Sword 1x, Cursed flame 10x
Crafted on an Mithril Anvil


Celestial Pickaxe:
DMG = 500
AutoReuse = true
Pick axe Power = 300%
Lunar Bar 999x, Shroomite Digging Claw 1x, PickaxeAxe 1x, Picksaw 1x
Crafted on an Anchient Manipulator.

Celestial Hamaxe:
DMG = 500
AutoReuse = true
Hammer Power = 300%
Axe Power = 300%
Chlorophyte Chainsaw 1x, Chlorophyte Jackhammer 1x, Lunar Bar 999x
Crafted on an Anchient Manipulator.


Celestial Chestplate:
Defense = 150
Life regen += 33
Every non modded Endgame Chestplate 1x, Lunar Bar
Crafted on an Anchient Manipulator.

Celestial Headgear:
Defense = 50
Life regen += 33
Every non modded Endgame Helmet 1x, Lunar Bar 999x
Crafted on an Anchient Manipulator.

Celestial Greaves:
Defense = 100
Life regen += 33
Every non modded Endgame Leggins 1x, Lunar Bar 999x
Crafted on an Anchient Manipulator

Armor Set Bonus:
All DMG += 150%
Summon += 10
MoveSpeed += 400%
Defense += 200
ManaRegen += 100%
ManaCost -= 50%
Life += 400


Ultima Emblem:
All DMG += 500%
Lunar Bar 999x, All non moded Fragments NE VO ST SO 999x, Warrior Sorcerer Ranger Summoner Emblem 1x, Extreme Summoner Extreme Mage Extreme Mele Extreme Ranged Emblem 1x,
Doom Emblem 1x
Crafted on an Anchient Manipulator

Extreme Summoner Emblem:
Summon DMG += 100%
Lunar Bar 100x, Stardust Fragment 100x, Summoner Emblem 5x
Crafted on an Anchient Manipulator.

Extreme Ranged Emblem:
Ranged DMG += 35%
Lunar Bar 100x, Vortex Fragment 100x, Ranger Emblem 5x
Crafted on an Anchient Manipulator.

Extreme Mele Emblem:
Mele DMG +=50%
Lunar Bar 100x, Solar Fragments 100, Warrior Emblem 5x

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.8 Edit | Delete
Ratchet And Clank Stuff
Download v0.2 (471.5 KB)


Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.2 Edit | Delete
LED Torches
Download v1.6 (14.9 KB)


Adds a single item, the LED Torch
They are pretty cheap (1 silver coin + 1 glass to make 50!) and are fairly versatile, but can't be used for housing and emit very little light when on the surface. (Only half as effective as normal torches)
As a small incentive, they emit more light when underground! (25% less bright than torches in dirt layer, and 50% brighter than torches in the cavern layer and beyond)
Be warned that once you place a LED torch, you cannot recover it, so use them wisely!

This was originally made for 1.4 to address the issues of bad torch luck, but since that has been removed, this mod has been delegated to one that provides a cheap way to light up your world.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.2 Edit | Delete
Simple mod
Download v0.16 (318.7 KB)


Currently in mod:
-60+ items

v0.11 - Made the Eviscerator harder to obtain, requiring you to get 3 rare items first.

v0.12 - Added 11 OP but EXTREMELY hard to get overloader accessories. These accessories will overload certain stats.

v0.13 - Small bug fixes || added 3 bars, Crystalline, Diamondillium, Diamondium, all in different parts of the game || Added 2 ores

v0.14 - A couple sprite changes || Added crystalline, diamondillium, and diamondium armor || Balance & sprite changes, then some bug fixes - .1 - Made enemies in rock layer have a chance to drop gems

v0.15 - 3 new bows || 12 new guns || Made crystalline bars MUCH easier to get - .1 - small update, 3 new magic weapons and 1 random bow

v0.16 - 3 new accessories, bug fixes, and a few recipes for hard to get vanilla items

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
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