tModLoader Mod List
Display Name | Version | Size | Author | Last Updated | tModLoader Version | Downloads | Hot | |
Audiobox, mod of stuff
Download v0.1.1 (28.7 KB) |
AuudioFox |
Audiobox, mod of stuff is a pretty cool mod, until it isn't...
doo doo doo, experimenting and testing Credit for code goes to the people behind ExampleMod Thank you! Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |
Endgame Mod
Download v0.1 (10.1 KB) |
Joey Oliver |
Endgame Mod
-This is a test and is worked on in my free time -As of writing this I am also doing exams :L - - Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |
Pickswords Mod
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Download v2.0 (74.2 KB) |
Clugiamp |
My first mod.
It's a sword? it's a pickaxe? NO it's a PICKSWORD. NOW U CAN USE BOT PICK AND SWORD IN A SINGLE MELEE WEAPON, SLAUGHTER BUNNIES AND MINE THEM AT THE SAME TIME. to not be confused with "Picksword v0.2" by SweetheartJayce. Version History: V1.0: -Added all vanilla pre-hardmode/hardmode ore Pickswords; -Added corruption and crimson ore Pickswords; -Added Cactus Picksword; -Added Enchanted, True Excalibur and Terra Blade based Pickswords (these Pickswords can be crafted back in the used swords). V2.o: -Added Candy cane Picksword -Added Bone Picksword -Added Shroomite Picksword(there's no shroomite sword so use more bars) -Added Spectre Picksword(same as shroomite) -Added Lunar Picksword -Added mod Icon If you find some bugs or want to help with the mod code-sprites join my discord server Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8 | Edit | Delete |
Bilbo Baggins Mod
Download v0.5.1 (39.6 KB) |
Bilbo Baggins |
This mod was made by Bilbo Baggins and has no purpose and is meant for fun :)
This Mod Includes 3 Bows 5 Magical Staffs 4 Spear 1 Pickaxe 2 Materials 1 Accessory 1 Gun 1 Armor set ______ v0.1 Released v0.2 Added Some Items v0.2.1 fixed bug v0.3 Added -3 Bows -1 Arrow v0.3.2 fixed crafting recipes v0.3.4 added new weapons and recipes and fixed stuff v0.4 added som WIP Items v0.5 Added Nights Armor Added Copper Staff v0.5.1 added icon Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |
Shortswords Reworked
Download v1.0 (34.3 KB) |
Nakroxis |
Shortswords Reworked makes the vanilla shortswords work just like they work in 1.4.
Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.5 | Edit | Delete |
Lots of Sword
Download v1.0 (12.4 KB) |
SakizciAdam |
You want pretty swords, download me!
Localizer Package |
6 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.4 | Edit | Delete |
Statues Mod
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Download v0.4 (11.8 KB) |
Alexse164 |
Statues Mod add to game some recipes of statues that can't be crafted.
What's new: Mushroom statue, New Icon. Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.5 | Edit | Delete |
Noob man's mod
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Download v0.6.1 (319.9 KB) |
Noob man |
A bad mod which adds an abundance of stupid items.
Changelog. V 0.1 Released V 0.2 Balance changes Bug fixes Probably added some items V 0.3 Balance changes Bug fixes Might have added some more items V 0.4 Balance changes Bug fixes Some new items V 0.5 More balance changes New boss i guess New items Changed icon V 0.6.1 Icon should work Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8 | Edit | Delete |
Hollow knight vanity
Download v0.1 (100.6 KB) |
JavaJumper |
This mod adds ghost's vanity which can be crafted using silk and bones on loom
By JavaJumper Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.5 | Edit | Delete |
Castled's AI Scrambler
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Download v0.1.2.5 (70.2 KB) |
Castled |
Please use the config menu if you want to change anything, as well as fix some performance issues.
Castled's AI Scrambler contains all of the tools you need to completely distort NPC AI, ranging from randomizing AI Styles, loot box slimes and distorting the AI itself. Some of the things you can do include: Commands: - /rainbowchar, to give your player a super rainbow hue - /reset, to set your player to default presets - /clearhead, /clearbody and /clearleg, in case if you don't want to get Lamia Wraps, etc, and THERE ARE NO LOOPHOLES :wesmart: - /speedrun, :kappa: - /seteye, /setskin, since 1.4 dresser doesn't exist, use these and the color "config" in Player Randomizer config menu to change either eyes or skin to that color. - /resetflag, to reset all vanilla boss downed flags. AI Scramble: Using a completely randomized formula, the AI itself will be completely distorted, resulting in some bizzare experiences. *NOTE: This IS NOT aiStyle change, but rather change to the AI itself. This can lead to events such as overclocked Golem, breakdancing and constant arm shedding. This does not affect a handful of NPC's or AI Styles due to either hardcoding or just using unique code. Use the config menu to disable Town NPC's as well as dangerous AI Styles (that crash the game when scrambled) to be modified. **AI Style Randomization: This does exactly what you think it does: randomize the AI Style of every NPC. Instead of modifying the AI itself, this swaps the AI of an NPC with another style. You can add a delay in the configs for how often you want the AI Style to be randomized, however anything below 5 seconds will cause a lot of issues. This is automatically set to 0, meaning it will only be modified once for the NPC's lifetime. NOTE: This is NOT AI Scramble, but rather changing to the AI STYLE. **This is separate from AI Scramble itself, and is highly unrecommended to be used alongside with. Loot Box Slimes: All slimes which can hold items will become sentient loot boxes, cycling through every LOADED item in the game, thus being able to drop any item in the game, including modded items. *NOTE: This does not need the AI Scrambler config to be on, but it will be modified if it is. Stat Randomizer: Randomize various traits of NPCs, which can lead to some... interesting results, to say the least. Rainbow NPCs: Feeling pride? Turn on this toggle to give every NPC a rainbow color effect similar to the Rainbow Slime. *NOTE: This does not need the AI Scrambler config to be on, but it might be modified if it is. Frame Lock: Set a value to prevent any AI modification from occuring if the current frame rate is at or below that level. This is very useful in case if the AI modification is causing machine issues. AI Scramble Hotkey: If granted permission in a server, you can use this hotkey to immediately toggle AI Scramble. There is a config to enable or disable permission for everyone in the server. This hotkey has a six second cooldown, however you can disable this as well in the configs. Changelog: v.0.1 - Release v.0.1.1 - Added mod icon v.0.1.2 - Added NPC Shop Randomizer and Scale config, added Butcher Hotkey and added The Destroyer AI to "Crash Prevention" v. - Player update! - Added four commands that change the player (go to the homepage for more information) - Added a hotkey and an entirely new config menu for randomizing your character's looks, like the "Randomize" button in character creation, however to change hair color and to access exclusive haircuts, you have to get the stylist, and also defeat some other powerful creatures. (Check the Terraria Wiki for more information). - Removed redundant config tooltips - Changed AI Style delay config to an AI Style Lock. v. - Hey Feces Posterior... - Added /speedrun command - The Lootbox Slime config will now cycle through every loaded item, being able to drop any item, including modded ones. v. - The Slime's Revenge! - Added a new config category: The Danger Zone. > Randomize Stat and Pandora's Box Slime config - Updated Randomize Town NPC shop to now also be able to sell any loaded item when enabled - Added configs to now toggle certain areas that the /rainbowchar command will affect. - Added experimental config for Slime Box, however this will be updated in the future as I forgot to update this mod, and learned how to properly use lists - Added a config to toggle the 1.4 skin randomizer v. - Just a test update to see if I can publish existing mods on a new laptop Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.8 | Edit | Delete |
Platinum Coin Portals
Download v1.0 (14 KB) |
Chem |
Adds a variant of the coin portal that gives platinum coins instead of gold coins. They have a 1-in-25 chance of appearing in place of normal coin portals and drop up to 5 platinum coins. Given how rare normal coin portals already are, even if a platinum coin portal appears, you probably won't get a better long-term profit, but at least the short-term profit is there. Either way, hopefully it'll spice up your gameplay just a tad, enjoy!
Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.6.2 | Edit | Delete |
More weapons! <<ALPHA>>
Download v1.4.0.2 (12.6 KB) |
Hardronix |
More Weapons! And ban the glitched ones....
Onyx Blaster MK 1 >> Crafts from vanilla onyx. I did this because of Terraria Overhaul mod bug. BTW it blocks vanilla onyx, but you can disable blocking in the config! to disable blocking: 1. Close terraria 2. Go to Documents\My Games\Terraria\ModLoader\Mod Configs 3. Open HardronixMoreWeapons.json with any text editor 4. change "VanillaOnyxBlock": true to "VanillaOnyxBlock": false 5. Save it and open terraria. Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.6.2 | Edit | Delete |
Magic Time Rock
Download v1.0 (7.5 KB) |
Chikin_Bukit |
It adds a magic rock that lets you change the time from dawn to dusk. You can craft it with 50 stone blocks and 10 fallen stars.
Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.4 | Edit | Delete |
Extra Mage Utilities
Download v1.2 (114 KB) |
oreo |
Extra Mage Utilities is a modification to Terraria that adds extra items, tools, utilities, and more for people playing the "Mage" class.
Credits to: Sin Costan (some magic items (which were edited)), Lynx (teaching me how to make Terraria mods), the creators of ExampleMod (stole and edited some stuff from there), webmilio (stuff),... (credits in progress...) Even though EMU can be played by itself, I highly recommend playing it with another mod for more enjoyment. WARNING: Loading multiple mods with EMU can end up crashing it (only happens if there is a LOT of projectiles and particles floating around, be careful though!) Discord: Changelog: - Added The God of Space - Added a recipe for Solar Aurora (which is still hella broken (broken as in literally broken)) - Added the Universal Crafting Station Next-up (next update): - A recipe for Singularity Point (a literal recipe, the one now is just temporary) - A recipe for the Universal Crafting Station - A recipe for the Mana Heart - The Supreme Prism - Universe Dust - Universal Ingot Next-up (2 updates): - Boss: Sovereign - Boss: jqn??? - 5 NPCs - Magic chest (doesn't actually do anything magical, just a cool chest) - Mana Orb (essentially just another consumable item that increases mana, this goes up to 600 and can be consumed after reaching 200 mana) Turns out over 1.7k people have downloaded my mod, ~500 in the past week. That's nuts. Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.5 | Edit | Delete |
Cryotic Cataclysm
Download v1.2.1.2 (426.1 KB) |
Fro_ZinOvr |
A Medium-Sized Mod That Adds Multiple Things.
THIS MOD ADDS: -Multiple new swords -A somewhat small but completely playable throwing class with a bunch of weapons and a handful of armor that goes up to post-pillarssets -Four new bars -A new crafting station used for obtaining counterpart crafting materials and creating alloys of multiple bars -A new light tool/weapon -New crafting materials -Six new wings, five pre-hardmode (2 per evil) and one post-Moon Lord -A new weak arrow -Three new bows -A new early-game shortsword -A major sword that gets stronger with each important boss you slay (EoC, EoW/BoC, WoF, Mech Bosses, Plantera, Golem, Lunatic Cultist, and Moon Lord) -Multiple different wands that you can craft -Some new furniture -Portable Demon and Crimson Altars -A lot of new flamethrowers, from pre-boss to post-pillars -A new summoner weapon type -Two new sets of tools -Seven new armor sets -New crafting stations -Many direct upgrades to existing weapons -Lunar Cores, which function as throwing fragments -And more! UPDATE LOG: - Released - (Cataclysm I Update): Removed Poles, Added The Cosmic Guard, Added The Chainlock, Added Wands, Added Hellbling Alloys, And Added The Hell Comet Bow - (Chains And Altars Update) Added Micro Altars, Added The Chainplasm, And Changed The Cosmic Guard's Upgrading Crafting Recipe For All Versions Except 0%, Costing The Boss's Basic Loot/Weapon Drops To Upgrade Rather Than Trophies, 75% Is Now Crafted For Free At An Ancient Manipulator - (Flamethrower Update) Added The Fire Spitter, Shadow Spitter, Skullflame, Forest Fire, And The Vortexthrower - (Summoner Changes Update) Added Summoning Portals, Weapons Used By Summoner Class, Added Compact Gel And Gel Tools - (Gel And Hellfire Update) Added Gel Samurai Armor, Buffed The Pixie Summoning Portal, Buffed The Milkyway Weaver Summoning Portal, Summoning Portals Now Cost Mana, Overhauled The Comet Shower Renaming It To Comet Fury, And Added Hellbling Wands - (Seeds And Serpents Update) Nerfed wand mana cost, added Acidthorns, an artificial plant that can be used to create a powerful sword, Added a Seed Table for creating artificial plants, Flamethrowers no longer require illegal gun parts, Added the Serpent Blaster, a direct upgrade to the Phoenix Blaster - (Throwing Overhaul) Nerfed wand mana cost, added Acidthorns, an artificial plant that can be used to create a powerful sword, Added a Seed Table for creating artificial plants, Flamethrowers no longer require illegal gun parts, Added the Serpent Blaster, a direct upgrade to the Phoenix Blaster, Fully-implemented Throwing Class with armor and weapons for the whole game, Added Crimtane Wings, balancing changes, and lots more! - (Boreal Update) Added the Borealfrost Barrage, Onyx Launcher, Cryone Bars, and Acidbolt Bow, Made numerous recipes require Cryone Bars - (Resprites Update) Resprited various items like the Starfate, Hellbling Alloy, all Wands and hardmode throwing weapons, and a few other things, added the Sus Master's Boots (why), reworked Molten Wand into Fiery Spellblade, a melee-functioning Magic Weapon, rebalanced some early-game throwing weapons LINK TO THE DISCORD SERVER: Localizer Package |
2 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.9 | Edit | Delete |
Download v0.1 (9.5 KB) |
SkyrexGrey |
Vuctrum is a mod that it add items for starting the game with more items than the original game
Localizer Package |
6 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |
Random mod
Download v2.0 (3.4 MB) |
Hajime |
You have no idea what you are dealing with.
Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.3 | Edit | Delete |
Fast life and mana usage
Download v0.1 (5.8 KB) |
LolXD87 |
Makes life fruits, mana crystals and life crystals have almost instant use (no reuse tho)
Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.2.2 | Edit | Delete |
poopsword 1: attack of the evil poopsword
Download v0.921 (41.7 KB) |
PugInPajamas |
this is made for my friends and i so don't download it
Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.5 | Edit | Delete |
Abslb's Hook of Discord
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Download v0.2 (96.8 KB) |
Abslb |
Abslb's Hook of Discord is Small mod that introduces many contents of odds:
Summoner critical chance A summoner crits flask Discord hook Discord mount An accessory that locks defence stats An accessory that enhances potion healing An accessory that integrates above two and charm of myths An accessory that integrates the above integrated accessory, ice turtle shell, cross neckalce, and ankh shield Auto money-save item Auto-swing item Omnisence effects item Grab range increasing item A vendor that reduces grinding Woods grab-bag and Vanilla recipe for: Compass, Depth Meter, Radar, Lifeform Analyzer, Tally Counter, Metal Detector, Stopwatch, DPS Meter, Weather Radio, Sextant, Fisherman Pocket Guide, Magic Mirror, Ice Skates, Hermes Boots, Water Walking Boots, Anklet of Wing, Aglet, Lava Charm, Cloud in a Bottle, Blizzard in a Bottle, Sandstorm in a Bottle, Lucky Horseshoe, Shiny Red Balloon, Climbing Claws, Shoe Spikes, Band of Regenration, Band of Starpower, Jungle Rose, Nature's Gift, Obsidian Rose, Celestral Magnet, Magic Quiver, Frog Leg, Jellyfish Necklace, Flipper, Diving Helmet, Sharktooth Necklace, , Frozen Turtle Shell, Paladin's Shield, Magma Stone, Rifle Scope, Tabi, Black Belt, Adhesive Bandage, Armor Polish, Bezoar, Blindfold, Fast Clock, Megaphone, Nazar, Trifold Map, Vitamins, Feral Claw, Guide to Plant Fiber Cordage, Staff of Regrowth, Flower Boots, Cobalt Shield, Murasama, Shadow Key, Living Wood Loom, Sky Mill, Honey Dispenser, Bone Welder, Ice Machine, Hellforge, Alchemy Table, Leather, Book, Tattered Cloth, Slime Staff, Enchanted Sword, Water Bolt, Boomstick, Rod of Discord and Binoculars. 《Abslb的裂位钩》是一个小型模组,加入了一些乱七八糟的东西: 召唤师暴击 召唤师暴击附魔瓶 裂位钩爪 裂位坐骑 锁定防御力的饰品 增强药水回复的饰品 集合以上两个饰品以及神话护身符的饰品 集合上面一个饰品以及冰龟壳、十字项链、十字章护盾的饰品 自动存钱道具 自动挥舞道具 全知效果道具 增加拾取距离道具 减少刷刷刷的小贩 木材摸彩袋 以及制作以下物品的配方: 罗盘、深度计、雷达、生命体分析仪、杀怪计数器、金属探测器、停表、DPS计、天气广播、六分仪、钓鱼人手册、魔镜, 溜冰鞋、赫摩斯鞋、水上步行鞋、疾风脚镯、金属带扣、岩浆护身符, 瓶中云、瓶中暴雪、瓶中沙暴、幸运马掌、闪耀红气球、攀爬爪、鞋钉, 再生手环、星力手环、丛林玫瑰、自然之礼、黑曜石玫瑰、天界磁铁、魔法箭袋, 蛙腿、水母项链、脚蹼、潜水头盔、鲨牙项链、冰龟壳、圣骑士盾、熔岩石、狙击镜、分指厚底袜、黑带, 创可贴、盔甲抛光、牛黄、眼遮、快钟、扩音器、邪眼、三折地图、维生素, 猛爪手套、植物纤维采集入门、再生法杖、花靴、钴盾、村正大刀、暗影钥匙, 生命木织机、天磨、分蜜机、鞣骨机、分冰机、地狱熔炉、炼金桌, 皮革、书、破布片,史莱姆法杖、附魔剑、水弹、三发猎枪, 裂位法杖以及望远镜。 This mod supports English and Chinese. (Why do I need to state this in English?) Please Look Forward to Even More Contents! Thank you! 同时,这个mod支持中英文。 请期待未来更多内容加入!感谢您的游玩……? Changelog 更新日志: v0.1 Initial Commit. 初始发布。 v0.1.1 Linked to Github so it can display an icon. 链接了github,于是它能显示图标了。 v0.2 Fixed the bug in mechanisms of defense locket and its upgrades; introduced item "Call of Cthulhu". 修复了防御力锁盒和其升级品的机制中的bug;引入了新物品,“《克苏鲁的呼唤》”。 Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.6 | Edit | Delete |