tModLoader Mod List
Display Name | Version | Size | Author | Last Updated | tModLoader Version | Downloads | Hot | |
The Playground
Download v0.1 (3.8 KB) |
Nimajita |
The Playground is a pretty cool mod, it does...this. Modify this file with a description of your mod.
Localizer Package |
6 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |
Just A Normal Mod
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Download v1.1.4 (8.8 MB) |
YOLOgamer99166 and P4VkA… |
Huge thanks to P4VkA74 for helping me with this mod.
This mod was made to mess around with other mods. I actually re-made most items from the Example Mod but I think that's ok since I re-sprited them and changed some code. Update 1.1: Removed *questionable stuff*. Update 1.1.1: Fixed (?) the Earth's End because it couldn't mine blocks with a requirement of 0% pickaxe power. Update 1.1.3: -Resprited the Core of Absolute Darkness and Core of Flight. -Buffed the Death Schyte (even more XD). -Minor tweaks to damage on other weapons. -Made more things expensive af -Ex Life Crystal now has a crafting recipe Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.4 | Edit | Delete |
Download v0.7 (8.5 KB) |
SPAWNBOOSTX2 respawns mobs x2 as fast and has a cap of 500 mobs on screen at a time. Stolen from Cmaner's x30 spawn boost mod.
Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.5 | Edit | Delete |
Download v0.1 (12.8 KB) |
Zotoogo/猪猪 |
*Update in spare time, update speed may be slow. 懒癌患者,看心情更新,缓慢更新,每次更新一个或多个物件,会有提示。 Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.3 | Edit | Delete |
Download v0.4.1 (20.6 KB) |
CoolDoods |
Ammo+ is a pretty cool mod, it does...this. Modify this file with a description of your mod.
Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.5 | Edit | Delete |
"BB Clothes Mod"
Download v1.0 (23.1 KB) |
Kamanira |
Ever wanted an outfit that looks like BB from Fate/Extra CCC? Well, here's the outfit for you!
Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.6.2 | Edit | Delete |
Download v0.2.2 (11.5 KB) |
Craibos |
Biome will improve the game in multiple ways, I just don't know how yet.
Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.5 | Edit | Delete |
Nallo's Sushi Mod
Download v0.7 (10.6 KB) |
Nallo |
This MOD adds items related to sushi.
We also add other useful weapons and tools. I decided to rely on the latest technology because I am a Japanese with poor English. The English text of this mod is using 99% Google translation. ============================== We will temporarily suspend updating Mod. I have an idea, but there is no technology. It takes time to acquire skills. Please wait until that time! <0.7> =Added Item -Toro =Minor fixes <0.5> =Added Gun -Anago Gun -Three continuous shots. -Change normal bullets to anago sushi. -Damage increases slightly when using ordinary bullets. <0.4> =Minor fixes. =Changed mod name. =Changed Sushi Sword sprite. <0.3> =Added three Daggers. -Hellstone Dagger -The attack power is better than the stone dagger, but the penetrating power is inferior. -It gives fire damage to hit enemies. -Adamantite Dagger -The power is better than the stone dagger, but the other features are not right now. -There are plans to strengthen later. -Luner Dagger -Power, penetration, critical ... everything is strongest. -If this small weapon causes the world to collapse, I will take the appropriate action. =Changed daggers sprite. ============================== Nallo Localizer Package |
6 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |
Daiyousei's Smooth Animations
Download v2.4 (28.6 KB) |
Daiyousei |
Another player animations mod, inspired by Terraria Overhaul
This mod is configurable(both client and server settings) Mod does the following: -Player looking animation(Head rotates to cursor) -Body tilting when moving -Entity tilting when moving -Smooth item animations -Smooth Camera -Gun recoil and muzzle flashes Known issues: -Items with animations(Vortex beater, Lazer machine gun, etc.) aren't affected by the smooth item animations, due to them being coded as a projectile -Muzzle flashes dont spawn properly for modded items if the item hitbox is bigger or smaller than it's sprite sheet(ex: 90% of the guns in Thorium) If Overhaul is installed, most of the mod's features are automatically disabled, with only the smooth items and enemies being left enabled Some of the animations are server sided so it might break other mods... (Player animations are client sided tho, but the things you change in the settings will only be exclusive to your player so your friends can keep the animations they like) v2.4: -Fixed player head rotating when game is paused (likey caused by an aftermath of the previous optimization updates) -Fixed muzzleflash location for snowball gun -Adjusted staff holding distance to match vanilla style holding v2.3: -Fixed sniper zoom breaking when changing its keybind -Fixed muzzleflash setting not properly detecting weapons that use bullet as ammunition -Star weapons now have a muzzleflash v2.2: -Smooth items no longer randomly flips the wrong way when aiming, this is a complete fix and you will never see it happen -Player head no longer flips incorrectly when transitioning aim directions -Player body no longer flips incorrectly when transitioning aim directions v2.1: -Smooth item animations no longer override items with their own animation (Pirhana gun, harpoon, etc.) -Made some optimizations to client and server animation code -Removed some unnecessary float and integer values in the player animation code -Made hand rotation and item rotation more synchronized -Fixed a bug where held items rotate to weird places when head rotation is disabled but smooth items isn't -Fixed held items not properly unloading when turning off show aimable weapons -Made recoil more synchronized with item firing animations -Show aimable items is now true by default v2.0: -Added visual gun recoil(true by default, client sided, same application conditions for muzzle flashes) -Made muzzle flash positioning also calculate item hold out offsets -Super shotgun and rocket jumper from Overhaul no longer have a second muzzle flash if the setting is enabled -Fixed some held item jiterriness -Fixed flintlock pistol and red ryder not spawning muzzle flashes correctly v1.9: -Made muzzle flash position calculation more accurate(Do note that for modded guns, it depends on the sprite size of the weapon) -If overhaul is enabled, vanilla gun flashes are disabled but not for modded ones -Added extra item effects options(doesn't do much as of now and only supports a few items, true by default, server sided) -Muzzle flashes are now true by default v1.8: -Added gun muzzle flash in the settings(false by default, server sided because the flash is a particle and not a player layer). Compatible with modded guns, muzzle flash will apply if your gun is: >using vanilla gun sounds (Since overhaul replaces vanilla gun sounds through code and not through resource packs, to prevent flash stacking when using this with that mod) >using bullets for ammo >.......thats it >Do note that sometimes overhaul does not override the sound code properly causing flash stacking. If this happens, turn the setting off and back on but don't restart the server. v1.7: -Player head rotation no longer gets stuck when on rope and the mouse cursor is behind the player, now it resets the head rotation so it looks less freaky -Fixed player head sometimes rotating too much when using yoyos, now it also resets when the rotation angle goes too far -Fixed player arm aiming animation being jittery when aiming at certain angles -Fixed aimed items being aimed incorrectly when aimed directly up or down -Fixed sniper rifle aim not working v1.6: -Made compatibility improvements -Tweaked aiming animation -Removed unnecessary clamp values from the player aiming animation -Fixed a bug where if overhaul is installed and forced-shown items that are not caused by overhaul to not rotate properly while barrel rolling -Fixed staff code so that it applies to an item as long as it behaves(in terms of use animation) as a staff due to previous versions breaking some modded items(in my case, dynasty fan from Spirit) v1.5: -Fixed guns and bows not being held correctly sometimes v1.4: -Made improvement Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.4 | Edit | Delete |
That 1 Op Weapon
Download v0.4 (14.8 KB) |
DRilliad00 |
That 1 op Weapon is a mod created by 'Drilliad' to have
fun and get items quick and easily later in the game which you need. Random-Recipe: 10 Dirt Blocks 10 Last Prism's Hope u have fun and... good luck getting those Last Prism's... Drilliad Localizer Package |
4 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.7.1 | Edit | Delete |
Extras Mod
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Download v1.3.3 (13.4 KB) |
SputNick |
Extras Mod Gives extra stuff pretty much.
Mod Logs- Version 1.3.3 - Description Fixes. Version 1.3.2 - Fixed Iron Needle Recipe. Version 1.3.1 - Added Version Logs. Version 1.3 - Added New Wings. Version 1.2 - Added New Weapon. Version 1.1 - Bug Fixes. Version 1.0 - First Release. Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |
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Download v0.13 (113 KB) |
Anubeia |
the stock Handgun in your travels through the dungeon, you will find that the lone upgrade; the Phoenix Blaster, can only be sourced and crafted from bars made of Hellstone, meaning you'll need to spend a lot of time in the Underworld... a place that you'd rather not be in. However, if this unrealistically specific circumstance bothers you, help is at hand. With this mod, you gain the ability to upgrade the Handgun into a rather different pistol.
Depending on how well this goes, I may release updates sporadically. This could get pretty nuts with how many different variants of a model there'd be if I made a model for every stage in the game, so if you enjoy the prospect of spending time crafting a weapon and having it be virtually useless within a few minutes of gameplay, this may not be the mod for you. In future. If you'd like to see what I've made, feel free to download the mod. The sprites are my own work, but the sounds are not of my own making. They are sourced externally in lieu of anything I can currently create myself using my music software. ------------------------------------------- Check the forum post for more information."> Concise. Definition : A word meaning to explain succinctly; with as few words as possible, whilst retaining the meaning that one intends. (Effectively the opposite to what I am currently doing.) If you obtained the stock Handgun in your travels through the dungeon, you will find that the lone upgrade; the Phoenix Blaster, can only be sourced and crafted from bars made of Hellstone, meaning you'll need to spend a lot of time in the Underworld... a place that you'd rather not be in. However, if this unrealistically specific circumstance bothers you, help is at hand. With this mod, you gain the ability to upgrade the Handgun into a rather different pistol. Depending on how well this goes, I may release updates sporadically. This could get pretty nuts with how many different variants of a model there'd be if I made a model for every stage in the game, so if you enjoy the prospect of spending time crafting a weapon and having it be virtually useless within a few minutes of gameplay, this may not be the mod for you. In future. If you'd like to see what I've made, feel free to download the mod. The sprites are my own work, but the sounds are not of my own making. They are sourced externally in lieu of anything I can currently create myself using my music software. ------------------------------------------- Check the forum post for more information. Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.4 | Edit | Delete |
Dimensional Rifts
Download v0.2 (15.6 KB) |
Ryanlolz1 |
Welcome... umm well the mod is pretty empty
As i progress through my adventure through code this mod will grow to be something amazing So far we have: Rubber Bands and rubber band guns... well it's not much but still For now mostly everything is either made from wood or nothing... i'll make the recipies later Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |
Yabin Mod
Download v0.1 (3.3 KB) |
Alsis World |
Yabin Mod is a pretty cool mod, it does...this. Modify this file with a description of your mod.
Localizer Package |
6 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |
Scuffed Terraria
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Download v1.8.2 (6.2 MB) |
Xuxixo |
Scuffed Terraria is a pretty shit mod.
It really is. Please don't download this. You can't go back. This mod adds 1 npc, the propaganda minister with which you can exchange social credit for weapons. This mod also adds 4 enemies and a variety of completely overpowered weapons. This is my first mod so pls don't expect anything great from it! Patch: 1.6 Added new weapons that can be exchanged with John Xina. Progression based shop. Spent way to long on a summoning weapon. Reworked textures of eternal flame. Contemplated life. 1.7 Added a new summoning weapon Tweaked npc shop and custom currency prices. Made some items purchasable through the social credit store. Balanced damage somewhat. Lost sanity again Mod is actually starting to look pretty good. Sorry for reusing minion ai, i have other stuff to do. Farming downloads, hit 1k yay. 1.8 Fixed some things Yeah Added a new post golem weapon, the "Red Rain" Have fun with it I guess. I lost my mind yet again bringing the people this truly great update. Yours truly, Zhong Xina. 1.8.1 Added another melee weapon. Its name is a reference to a british comedy film from the 1970s, can you guess which one? Actually managed to stay sane whilst making this. This description is starting to get ridiculously long. Planning on adding more npcs. 1.8.2 Added my first boss which totally doesnt have king slime ai. Added a ridiculously powerful stabby weapon. Yeah Localizer Package |
3 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.5 | Edit | Delete |
Draweon's Odd Mod
Download v0.2.0.2 (5.2 KB) |
Draweon |
I have no idea why I made this, its just a bow, really stupidly broken
------ 0.1 What ------ 0.2 Added a yeet bow, dont ask ------ Yeet Bow actually has a projectile speed lmao ------ Yeet Bow now shoots Chlorophyte Bullets because....screw you thats why Localizer Package |
6 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |
The Tennis Mod
Download v0.101 (89.1 KB) |
Lucas |
The Tennis Mod is the official terraria tennis mod created by Lucas.
The Tennis Mod introduces many new tennis items for you to discover. I wouldn't want to spoil the surprise, so download the mod and check it out. Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |
Download v0.9.0 (7.5 KB) |
Miyabi |
Is Terraria too easy for you? Are you craving a challenge? You've come to the right place.
This mod hides all UIs like when you press F11 in the game. You can't see your inventory, health, mana, buffs, your friendly mouse cursor, and all other UIs. Don't worry, you can stop this mode by pressing F11 at any time. This mod uses hotkeys below. Switch Slots (Default : Y) Switches hotbar to each row of the inventory. Swap Vertical (Default : U) Swaps the selected item for the one under it. Swap horizontal (Default : I) Swaps the selected item for the one on the right. If the selected item is on the far right (#0), swaps it for the one on the far left (#1). Loot All (Default : L) Identical to 'Loot All'. Loots all items in a chest while opening it. Craft Random Item (Default : K) Crafts available item randomly. Localizer Package |
6 years ago | tModLoader v0.10.1.5 | Edit | Delete |
Recipe Tweaker 2
Download v0.2 (99.8 KB) |
Jacklz |
***Recipe changes will only take effect after reloading ***Currently does NOT support adding custom recipe groups, existing recipe groups should be fine ***Marked recipes will not stay marked after a reload ***Don't forget to save your recipe changes ***It is recommended to NOT edit the config file outside of the custom UI, as errors can occur ***Click the show help button on the UI to bring up the 'how to use' text in chat How to use: ***Before starting a new recipe, click the N button or click an existing recipe and edit from there ***Use left click in the recipe grid to show recipe ingredients and workstations ***Use middle click in the recipe grid to disable/remove the recipe ***To remove items or workstations from the recipe, use middle click in their respective grids ***Use left click in the item grid to add the item to the ingredient list ***Use right click in the item grid to add the item to the workstation list ***Use middle click in the item grid to set the crafted item of the new recipe ***When you're ready to add your recipe, click the F button ***Use right click in the recipe grid to mark recipes for later use Search for items and recipes using multiple different search criteria: @ = mod search ! = exclude mod search # = tooltip search % = workstation search (for recipes only) $ = sub search - used to find items within expressed search criteria & = marked recipe search (does not need $)"> Recipe Tweaker 2 (nevermind what happened to 1) is a mod that allows you to enable/disable any recipe in your game and also supports adding custom recipes. Don't like a recipe that a mod adds? No problem! Simply set a hotkey in your controls menu to bring up the UI and begin editing Important ***Recipe changes will only take effect after reloading ***Currently does NOT support adding custom recipe groups, existing recipe groups should be fine ***Marked recipes will not stay marked after a reload ***Don't forget to save your recipe changes ***It is recommended to NOT edit the config file outside of the custom UI, as errors can occur ***Click the show help button on the UI to bring up the 'how to use' text in chat How to use: ***Before starting a new recipe, click the N button or click an existing recipe and edit from there ***Use left click in the recipe grid to show recipe ingredients and workstations ***Use middle click in the recipe grid to disable/remove the recipe ***To remove items or workstations from the recipe, use middle click in their respective grids ***Use left click in the item grid to add the item to the ingredient list ***Use right click in the item grid to add the item to the workstation list ***Use middle click in the item grid to set the crafted item of the new recipe ***When you're ready to add your recipe, click the F button ***Use right click in the recipe grid to mark recipes for later use Search for items and recipes using multiple different search criteria: @ = mod search ! = exclude mod search # = tooltip search % = workstation search (for recipes only) $ = sub search - used to find items within expressed search criteria & = marked recipe search (does not need $) Localizer Package |
5 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.4 | Edit | Delete |
Mod Libs - Services - Entity Groups
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Download v1.1.1.2 (101.4 KB) |
hamstar |
Supplies libraries and services for providing a wide variety of named "groups" of types of game entities, based on recognizable characteristics.
Localizer Package |
2 years ago | tModLoader v0.11.8.9 | Edit | Delete |